
  • 网络programmed management
  1. 隧洞工程施工中工程变更的程序化管理

    Programmed management for change in project during construction of tunnel

  2. 护士长对实施程序化管理的认识与实践

    Realization and practice of head nurses toward carrying out of programmed management

  3. 结合目前造船业HSE管理的应用现状,笔者认为LNG船舶监造项目HSE管理应着重突出以人为本的理念,并严格执行程序化管理,体现可持续发展的理念。

    Combined with the current status of shipbuilding HSE management application , I believe that the LNG Ship construction supervision project HSE management should be to highlight the people-oriented , and implement program management strictly , reflecting the concept of sustainable development .

  4. 急性心肌梗死静脉溶栓程序化管理

    Procedural nursing management of intravenous thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction

  5. 手术排程优化及其计算机程序化管理初探

    Study on Surgery Scheduling Optimization and Computer Program Management in Operating Room

  6. 数控/自动化特种工艺质量控制程序化管理

    Procedural management of CNC / automatic special process quality control

  7. 程序化管理;应激和脱发引入应激管理加强工会维权工作

    Introduce to Stress Management and Strengthen Trade Union Work of Safeguarding Their Rights

  8. 急诊救护程序化管理在抢救颅脑损伤病人中的应用

    The application of emergency rescue program management in saving patients with craniocerebral injury

  9. 江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站程序化管理体系的创建与应用

    Creation and Application of Programmed Management System for Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station

  10. 坚持程序化管理严格过程化控制努力实现与国际管理惯例接轨

    Adhering to Procedural Management and Implementing Strictly Process Control to Realize Connecting International Managerial Practice

  11. 水电厂设备检修安装程序化管理的实践与思考

    Practice and Thought of Device Examine and Repair & Installing Program Managing at Hydroelectric Plant

  12. 企业程序化管理研究

    Research on the Processing Management of Enterprises

  13. 程序化管理作为一项基础性管理,在企业管理中发挥着六个方面的重要作用;

    The Processing Management as a basic management plays six important roles in business administration .

  14. 目的摸索成批危重烧伤病人护理程序化管理模式。

    Objective To explore the mode of programmable management in rescuing severe burn patients in groups .

  15. 医院感染管理的程序化管理

    Processing management of hospital infection management

  16. 在全封闭的流程中,做到生产、加工以及开发、研制程序化管理。

    Research and development and technological process production in the closed process are under programmed management .

  17. 急救程序化管理对提高创伤救治成功率的调查与分析

    A survey and analysis of the emergency procedure management in increasing the lifesaving rate of trauma emergency

  18. 程序化管理运作的具体运行程序包括确定前提条件、设计运行程序图及其对运行图的运作说明。

    The processing management is composed of ensuring the condition , designing the operation diagrams and exploring the diagrams .

  19. 本文提出要使合同管理更好地为企业管理服务,一是深化“三把关、三统一”制度,实现合同管理的程序化管理;

    The first is to deepen " three holding the pass , three unite " system and realize the procedure management of contract ;

  20. 结合工程建设实践对公路建设项目的质量监督工作进行了详细分析论述,并提出了质量监督工作的程序化管理思路。

    Based on the practice discussion is made on the quality supervising task during the highway construction projects , and provided the concept of programmed management .

  21. 结论急救程序化管理,能够为抢救病人提供准确、及时、有效的现代急救护理,是急诊医学发展的趋势。

    Conclusion Emergency procedure management can offer the sufferers an accurate , timely and effective modern first aid nursing and it is a trend of emergency medicine .

  22. 本主要通过分析业主在工程建设中遇到的问题,要求业主在工程建设中进行全过程控制,建立项目管理制度及程序化管理的方法。

    The article is through analyzing problems by owners in construction process , demands the owners must have whole process controlling and establishs programmer regulation and procedural management .

  23. 方法制定护理程序化管理方案,包括:急诊程序化管理、休克期程序化管理、感染期程序化管理和管理评价机制。

    Method The programmable management project was established , which including emergency programmable management , shock stage programmable management , infection stage programmable management , and evaluation system of management .

  24. 结论:医院应注重加强职业医师培训、建立病案归档信息发布制度和奖惩机制、实现病案归档程序化管理。

    Conclusion : The training of professional physicians as well as the release of pigeonhole information and rewards and punishment of the medical records should be stressed so as to realize the formulizing management of pigeonhole of medical records .

  25. 本系统遵照自身实际情况以仓库帐目为中心,对仓库帐目进行程序化管理,另外对与本系统有关的的人事管理,权限管理,客户管理,以及数据统计报表的内容也进行了一定的实现。

    In the light of actual conditions , the system centers in store bill management , programs the management of store bill , and also related with the system of personnel management , rights management , customer management , and data content statistics report , which must be achieved partly .

  26. 方法根据AMI诊疗过程各时期对护理工作的不同要求,制定一套程序化护理管理模式。

    Method A suit of procedural nursing pattern was programmed according to the different demands on nursing in proceeding of intravenous thrombolysis .

  27. 程序化护理管理的实施

    Implementing of procedural nursing management

  28. 为使工程建设监理纳入规范化和程序化的管理,通过工程建设监理实践,我们归纳出了监理工作中的几点具体作法,可供从事工程建设监理方面的有关人员参考。

    Through engineering construction supervision practice to bring engineering construction supervision into administration of standardization and routinization , we sum up a few conclusions in construction supervision , which can be refered to the rela - tive persons in construction supervision .

  29. 经典的(或者说程序化)TPM管理被程序化定义为针对事务性资源(比如数据库)的操作序列的事务。

    Classic ( or procedural ) TPMs manage transactions defined procedurally as sequences of operations on transactional resources ( such as databases ) .

  30. 制度化程序化工程变更管理的应用与实践

    The application & practice of management in systematic procedural project changes