
chéng xù yuán
  • programmer
程序员[chéng xù yuán]
  1. 迈克找到一份做计算机程序员的富有挑战性的工作。

    Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer

  2. 为了让计算机充分发挥作用,程序员就得像计算机一样思考。

    To make the computer work at full capacity , the programmer has to think like the machine

  3. 如今,秘书的数量已经减少,但电脑程序员和网页设计师却越来越多。

    Today the pool of secretaries has shrunk , but there are ever more computer programmers and web designers .

  4. 然而,我的程序员在我们离开的前一周生病了。

    However , my programmer fell ill the week before we were leaving .

  5. 程序员是赋予机器人"智慧"的人。

    A programmer is the person who gives the robot its " smarts " .

  6. 一些程序员认为,标签可以将复杂的功能分为每个窗格一组简单的功能

    Some programmers use tabs to break complex product capabilities into smaller chunks .

  7. 程序员喜欢向导,因为他们像对待外围设备一样对待用户

    Programmers like wizards because they get to treat users like peripheral devices .

  8. 盘腿坐在那儿,我会发现旁边要不就是一个沉默寡言的瑞典工程师、要么是一个纹身很重的摩托车手、或是一个来自印度金奈的程序员移民,我们的小孩儿就在那儿玩积木、拨浪鼓和手鼓。

    I 'll find myself sitting cross-legged next to a taciturn Swedish engineer , a heavily tattooed4 biker , or another migrant – a computer programmer from Chennai – as our children play with the wooden blocks , rattles5 and drums .

  9. C程序员应当熟悉main声明。

    The main declaration should be familiar to any C programmer .

  10. Java和XML程序员有谁能够抗拒这种诱惑呢?

    How can any Java-and-XML programmer resist an offering like this ?

  11. 一方面,XML定义允许非程序员进行对象定义。

    For one thing , XML definition allows for object definition by non-programmers .

  12. 许多程序员,包括许多经验丰富的Java程序员都可能在这里止步。

    Many programmers , including many experienced Java programmers , will stop here .

  13. 多数程序员可能发现把XML看成一种树结构更方便。

    Most programmers will probably find it comfortable to view XML as a tree structure .

  14. Expect具有系统程序员通常需要的独特能力。

    Expect has unique capabilities systems programmers often need .

  15. 入门极其容易,尤其是对于已经具有C类语言的经验的程序员来说。

    The entry barrier is extremely low , especially for a programmer who has experience with a C-like language .

  16. 掌握WINDOWS的消息处理是掌握WINDOWS操作系统的关键,特别对WINDOWS的程序员更加重要。

    The key to grasp the Windows OS is to understand the Windows Message Handling .

  17. 过多同时进行的项目(程序员必须放下项目A的工作,切换到项目B)。

    Too many simultaneous projects ( programmer has to stop work on project A to switch to project B ) .

  18. 一些XML程序员由于这个原因而完全避开了属性,但我认为太过分了。

    Some XML programmers eschew attributes altogether for this reason , but I think that goes too far .

  19. 自从70年代末期以来,C程序员就一直讨论此类错误,但其影响在2007年仍然很大。

    C programmers have talked about this class of error since the late '70s , but their impact remains large in2007 .

  20. 它是Java程序员针对开放数据库连接(OpenDatabaseConnectivity,ODBC)的替代品。

    It 's the Java programmer 's alternative to Open Database Connectivity ( ODBC ) .

  21. C程序员可能必须编写更复杂的代码,但它们确实先做了这一步!

    The C coders may have to write more complicated code , but they do get all of the new toys first !

  22. 也就是说,他们将连接类的构造器定义成公共的(public),允许程序员定义所需连接信息。

    That is to say , they define the constructors to the connection classes as public , allowing the programmer to define the required connection information .

  23. 此特性让JavaScript程序员可以用Java语言所不能提供的方法来操纵函数。

    This feature lets JavaScript programmers manipulate functions in ways that the Java language can 't.

  24. Ajax程序员可能并不太关心有关重定向的问题,这是由于两方面的原因

    Ajax programmers probably aren 't concerned about redirections for two reasons

  25. 但实际上,XML应用程序的灵活性取决于您,程序员,如何创建它们。

    However , in practice , XML applications are only as flexible as you , the programmer , make them .

  26. 程序员用Python编写应用程序,然后再在AppEngine框架上运行。

    Programmers write their applications using Python and then they run on the App Engine framework .

  27. 该功能在多种情况下有用,因为它使得程序员可以跨多个系统组合XML和关系数据。

    This capability can be useful in various situations because it enables programmers to combine XML and relational data across multiple systems .

  28. 由于资料的欠缺及不完善,许多用户及程序员对如何控制IMAGE字段来存储数据,尚未掌握和了解,在编写实际程序时,常受此困扰。

    A lot of users and programmers often have some trouble with programming because they couldnt grasp and understand how to control the IMAGE field to access the data .

  29. 过去,程序员必须使用本机API来解决此问题。

    In the past , programmers have had to use native APIs to work around the problem .

  30. 这不是一本关于一门特定编程语言的书籍,但却是每个Java语言程序员都应该读的书。

    This isn ? t a book about a particular programming language , but every Java language programmer should read it .