
  • 网络Transition Manager;Interim Manager
  1. 企业心理学家、咨询公司catfishsolutions的董事总经理安东菲斯曼(antonfishman)表示,过渡经理往往是五十岁的成熟老练的经理人,习惯于在各种环境下工作。

    According to Anton Fishman , a business psychologist and managing director of catfish solutions , a consultancy , they tend to be grown-up , seasoned managers in their late 40s or 50s , and used to working in a range of environments .

  2. 选择过渡经理或许还好于引进管理顾问。

    An interim might also be a better bet than bringing in the management consultants .

  3. 当心那些过分自信的过渡经理们他们一来就宣称,以前见过很多这种情况,“完全知道该如何应对这样的公司或团队”。

    Beware the cocksure interim who arrives declaring that he has seen it all before , and knows " exactly how to deal with a company / team like this " .

  4. 在西方发达国家,由基本薪水、年度奖金等构成的传统经理报酬机制,逐渐过渡到经理股票期权(ESO)等长期激励方式。

    In the developed countries , the traditional entrepreneur compensation mechanism consisted of basic salary , final-year bonus and so on has transformed into the long-term incentive mechanism such as Executive Stock Option ( ESO ) .

  5. 在六个月剥离期内,辉瑞公司应任命一名过渡期间经理,负责管理拟剥离业务。

    During the six-month period for divesture , Pfizer shall appoint an interim manager in charge of the divested business .

  6. 但是,过渡到如经理、医生、教授等合作性工作方面,却是女性更成功。

    Yet women have more successfully transitioned into collaborative jobs like managers , doctors and professors .

  7. 我是泰德·亨德里克斯过渡期的主管经理

    Ted Hendricks , managing director of the transition .