
  • 网络process flexibility
  1. 第四章和第五章考虑了需求特征对制造系统和供应链过程柔性的影响。

    Chapters 4 and 5 consider the impacts of demand characteristics on process flexibility of manufacturing systems and supply chains , respectively .

  2. 第二章和第三章考虑了产品结构约束对制造系统中过程柔性的影响,提出考虑产品结构约束的过程柔性改善规则。

    Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the impact of BOM constraints on process flexibility in manufacturing systems , and propose methods for measuring and improving process flexibility under BOM constraints .

  3. 企业过程柔性的概念框架

    Conceptual Framework of the Flexibility of Business Process

  4. 支持过程柔性的质量管理系统研究与实现

    Research and implementation of quality system with process-flexibility

  5. 基于提出的过程柔性测度,本章还提出了通过增加一条链来改善一般制造系统的过程柔性的指导规则。

    Based on the measurement , guidelines for improving flexibility by adding a single link are proposed .

  6. 其中,第二章提出了一种考虑产品结构约束的制造系统过程柔性测度方法。

    In Chapter 2 , an effective measurement method is proposed for process flexibility of manufacturing systems .

  7. 该供应链过程柔性测度值与供应链所处的需求分布有关。

    A new flexibility measure for supply chains is developed which is relevant to the demand distribution that it is in .

  8. 燃油喷射系统的柔性控制是现代柴油机发展的必然趋势,电子控制的燃油喷射系统是实现燃油喷射过程柔性控制的有效手段。

    The flexible control of fuel injection systems is the inexorable trend in modern diesel engines and the effective means to achieve it is electronic control .

  9. 该测度方法为分析过程柔性的结构特性和提出柔性改善的指导规则提供了基础。第三章对两个层次的过程柔性分别分析了其结构特性,并提出了柔性改善的指导规则。

    In Chapter 3 , structural properties and the guidelines for improving process flexibility on the two levels are investigated based on the measurement method developed in Chapter 2 .

  10. 其中,第四章研究了需求特征对制造系统过程柔性的影响,并提出考虑需求特征(包括需求变异性和需求之间的相关性)的过程柔性测度方法。

    In Chapter 4 , the impacts of demand characteristics on process flexibility of manufacturing systems are analyzed , and a flexibility measurement method considering demand variations and demand correlations is developed .

  11. 将工作流技术同信贷管理业务紧密结合,较好地解决了信贷管理中的过程柔性定义、事务管理、安全性验证等制约信贷系统实施中的关键问题。

    I has combined the workflow technology with the business of credit , which successfully solve the flexible definition , affair management and safety validating in the process of credit such as the key problem .

  12. 在产品结构约束下,具有多条装配线的制造系统的过程柔性应分为两个层次:装配线层次和系统层次。

    For the manufacturing system that consists of multiple assembly lines , process flexibility under BOM constraints is differentiated into two hierarchical and highly interrelated levels : the assembly line level and the system level .

  13. 第三到五章在前两章的基础上分别从基于信息技术的组织结构柔性、人员柔性和组织过程柔性三个方面展开讨论。

    From the third chapter to the fifth , I launch the discussion in three aspects which are the organizational structure flexibility , the personnel flexibility and the organization process flexibility based on the information technology .

  14. 在本文的第五章,本人对第三方物流公司A企业的物流过程柔性进行了分析和评价,结合A企业的实际情况,得出了A企业的物流过程柔性现状。

    In the fifth chapter , I use the logistics process flexibility to evaluate a Third-party logistics enterprise , combined with the actual situation of the A enterprise , evaluate the logistics process flexibility of this enterprise .

  15. 两个层次的过程柔性分别解释为面临内部或外部环境变化时生产能力在不同零部件/产品之间可转移程度的大小。对于每个层次的过程柔性,本章提出了测度方法。

    By interpreting process flexibility as the ability to shift capacity among different parts or product types in face of external and / or internal changes , approaches for measuring process flexibility on the two levels are proposed .

  16. 由于工作流过程柔性实现的复杂性,本文只对其进行简单实现,提出了活动池和子流程相结合的工作流过程柔性设计方案,并以此实现了工作流过程的柔性。

    Due to the complexity of workflow process flexibility achievement , we only get simple realization of it , put forward the design of the flexibility of workflow process combined activity pool with sub-process , and to achieve the flexibility of workflow process .

  17. 电力系统动态过程的柔性自校正仿真方法

    Power System Dynamic Simulation with Flexible Self-adjustment Method

  18. 面向制造和装配的设计是充分考虑制造过程产能柔性的设计方法。

    Design for manufacturing and assembling is a comprehensive design method to consider capacity flexibility of manufacturing process adequately .

  19. 指出了化工过程系统柔性分析在建模优化和数学求解上存在的问题及今后的研究展望。

    The problem in setting up model and mathematical resolving and the prospect in flexibility analysis research of chemical process systems were pointed out .

  20. 本文基于宏观信息熵方法对企业过程的柔性度和有序度进行了分析,根据分析结果,本文提出了一种支技动态稳定的企业过程优化概念模型。

    According to the outcome of analysis above , a conceptual model of optimizing business processes is proposed which supports to construct dynamic stable business processes .

  21. 该方法具有提取多评价结论共性信息、削弱极端评价结论影响及对集结过程进行柔性控制等特点。

    The method has advantages of picking up common information from multi-evaluation , weakening the impact due to extreme evaluation conclusions and controlling flexibly the aggregation process .

  22. 综述了国内外关于复杂产品协同开发及柔性资源的研究现状,展望了面向复杂产品协同开发过程的柔性资源调度的研究方向。

    Study of the collaborative complex product development and flexible resource management is summarized . A research issue is put forward which is the flexible resource scheduling for collaborative complex product development .

  23. 介绍了柔性、柔性指数以及柔性分析的方法。阐述了国内外化工过程系统柔性分析的研究状况,对柔性分析的几种算法进行了比较。

    The flexibility and the flexibility index , the methods of flexibility analysis , the progress in flexibility analysis of chemical process system , classification and analysis of flexibility analysis algorithms were introduced .

  24. 间歇过程由于柔性操作的特点,有助于企业适应市场竞争的需要,及时调整产业结构,不断推出新产品,提高产品质量,因此被广泛应用于化工、食品和医药等生产行业。

    Batch process has flexible characteristic . It is beneficial to the enterprise satisfying the demand of market competition , adjusting the production structure , announcing new products , and improving product quantity .

  25. 提出采用成组技术并结合现代CAD/CAM等先进制造技术,实现焊装夹具结构柔性化,即柔性焊装夹具,有利于实现覆盖件焊装过程的柔性化。

    Using the grouping technology combined with advanced modern CAD / CAM manufacturing technology to realize the flexibility for welding assembling fixture structure , i.e. , the flexible welding assembling fixture is put forward in this paper .

  26. 柔性杆应用于杆-锥式对接碰撞过程属于柔性多体动力学问题,其中还涉及到比较复杂的碰撞瞬态动力学研究,因此具有较大的研究难度。

    The application of flexible rod to space probe-cone docking impact process belongs to flexible multi-body dynamics problem . In addition , it includes study of impact transient dynamics . Therefore , it is a great difficult problem .

  27. 该文从柔性评价、柔性指数计算、固定柔性设计以及优化柔性设计等4个方面对化工过程系统柔性分析方法做了介绍和推导。

    Four aspects of flexibility analysis in chemical processing systems are introduced in this paper , flexibility evaluation , calculation of flexibility index , design for a fixed degree of flexibility , and design for an optimal degree of flexibility .

  28. 用APDL参数化语言构建了一个基于ANSYS的三维焊接过程虚拟分析柔性软件平台。

    With the parametric language APDL , a flexible software platform based on ANSYS is developed for the virtual analysis of 3D welding process .

  29. 根据进行仿真的数控代码,在计算机屏幕上三维动态显示机床、工件及刀具轨迹,以运动轨迹方式来直观显示零件的加工过程。作为柔性生产线(FTL)快速设计CAD/CAPP/CAM系统的一个功能模块。

    According to NC codes , it can display track of machine tool and cutting tool in the computer screen dynamically , which can display machining process of parts in way of motion path as one function module on me CAD / CAPP / CAM rapid design system for FTL .

  30. 产品开发中过程控制的柔性对象建模

    Flexible Object Modeling for Procedure Control in Product Development