
  1. 同时根据资产专用性投资DEA的尝试性测评,其对高技术含量高附加值产品有显著作用。

    Through DEA tentative evaluation of the asset-specific investments , in high-tech high value-added products it has a distinct role .

  2. 该方案使RH系统达到了设计要求,完全满足了冶炼以IF钢为代表的诸多高技术含量的超低碳钢。

    It is the achievement that RH system can reach design goal , appease to smelt high-technology grade steel such as IF and ultra low carbon steel competently .

  3. 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)是丙烯酰胺均聚物和各种共聚物的统称,作为一种高技术含量、高附加值的重要化工产品,已广泛应用到工农业生产的各个领域并渗透到人们的日常生活中。

    Polyacrylamide ( PAM ) is a general term for acrylamide homopolymers and copolymers . As an important product of chemical industry with high-tech and high accessional values , polyacrylamide has been widely applied to different fields of industry and agriculture , and even to people 's daily life .

  4. 可见,该装置是一个高技术含量的机电一体化系统。

    It is thus clear that the device is a high technical electromechanical system .

  5. 己二酸是一个高技术含量、高附加值的化工产品。

    Adipic acid is a kind of chemicals with high technology content and added value .

  6. 工业木匠建造高技术含量的发电厂、实验楼、精炼厂以及其他的专业建筑。

    Industrial carpenters build high-tech electronic plants , laboratories , refineries , and other specialized structures .

  7. 二是提高抗艾滋病药物等高技术含量、高附加值商品的出口退税率。

    Export tax rebate rate on high-tech and high value-added products such as anti-AIDS drug is raised .

  8. 电子政务作为一种以高技术含量为特点的行政管理方法理所当然地具备了其行政伦理学意义。

    E-government as a kind of high-tech methods for the administration certainly has significance of administrative ethics .

  9. 公司不断吸纳国外同类产品的先进经验,研制高技术含量产品。

    We are absorbing the advanced experiences of the same kind products abroad , and developing high-tech products .

  10. 移动网络建设工程是一个高技术含量、涉及专业众多的复杂工程。

    Mobile network construction project is a complex project with high-tech and contains a lot of professional domains .

  11. 凯撒的保镖们都配备有高技术含量的霰弹拳套以增强他们的格斗能力。

    The personal guards of Caesar themselves are equipped with high tech ballistic fists to complement their martial prowess .

  12. 含有高技术含量及附加值的咨询服务类、金融衍生工具交易方面的中间业务发展不足,涵盖面小。

    Contains high-tech and value-added consulting services , financial derivatives transactions in the middle of business development and lack of coverage .

  13. 该项目的建成填补了我国电子行业所需高技术含量橡胶配件的空白。

    The blank will be filled in producing high quality rubber part for the electronics industry while the plant were finished .

  14. 市场从来都不利于散户资金,无论信息是涌动在公开喊价的交易池中,还是高技术含量的交易系统内。

    Markets have always been skewed against retail money , whether information sloshes around an open-outcry pit or a high-tech algorithm .

  15. 但是像介入导管这种高技术含量、高附加值的产品,我国只能依靠进口来满足需要。

    However , the catheter for interventional treatment with high-tech and high value-added , we rely on imports to meet the needs .

  16. 高技术含量的特种蜡、调配蜡等专用石蜡产品开发滞后,既不能满足相关行业需求,也影响经济效益的提高。

    The development of special wax , mixed wax is backward , neither meeting the industrial requirements nor enhancing the economic benefits .

  17. 随着高技术含量的增加,在完善功能的同时注重提升产品的美学价值。

    With the high-tech increasing , people should pay attention in enhancing the aesthetic value of the product as well as improving functions .

  18. 尽管它在原剧的前提下加上了足以胜任壮观的大屏幕电子游戏感官刺激的高技术含量。

    Instead it s a high-tech hybrid of the original premise with enough sensory overload to qualify as a spectacular big-screen video game .

  19. 公司经过多年的研究和实验,现已成功开发出以工业维修和维护为主的高技术含量系列产品。

    After many years of research and experimentation , we have been successfully developed industrial service and maintenance of series high technology products .

  20. 综合办公平台建设是现代化办公的需要,是一项高技术含量的系统工程。

    The development of Integrated office terrace is a demand of modern office work , is a system engineering of high technique content .

  21. 城市公交要实现现代化、网络化,城市客车要向高档、高技术含量和智能化方向发展。

    It must be modernized and networked . City bus should follow the trend of being more convenient , hi-tech intensive and intelligent .

  22. 进口中高技术含量产品所占的比重越大,一国通过进口获得的国际技术扩散越多。

    In import , the proportion of the high-tech products is larger , the international technology diffusion of a country obtained will be more .

  23. 挖泥船是一种高技术含量船型,定位桩是挖泥船上的重要结构件。

    Dredger is a kind of high science and technology ship , and spud is the major structural part and throwaway unit in the dredger .

  24. 公司始终把开发生产高技术含量、高品质和高附加值产品作为品牌战略定位。

    The company has always regarded the development of high-tech manufacturing , high quality and high value-added products as the strategic positioning of the brand .

  25. 随着经济全球化趋势的口益加深,为提高国际竞争力,各国家和地区都高度重视具有高技术含量、高附加价值的产业。

    With the deepening of economic globalization , various countries and regions have attached great importance to high-tech industries with high technology and added value .

  26. 这可以在传统的应用程序开发中完成,不过它是高技术含量的工作,并且很难纳入跨领域的信息。

    This can be done in traditional application development , but it is a highly technical job and it is not easy to incorporate cross-domain information .

  27. 从昔日的纸质媒介,到今天高技术含量、日新月异的电子媒介背景下,社会的兴奋中心已轰轰烈烈地发生了转移。

    Since the paper medium of former days , the social exciting center has already transferred under the electro-medium background which is high-technological and new nowadays .

  28. 公司秉承“持续改善精益求精”的方针,以其自身优势致力于研发高技术含量、高附加值的新产品,以满足国内电子行业的日益发展。

    Otherwise , company wherewith its own advantage devotes to research and develop new products with high-tech , high-value added for the needs of domestic electronics industry development .

  29. 而企业界为了抢占市场先机,纷纷向高校寻求人才支持与高技术含量的科研成果。

    With the purposes of a preferential market-taken , the industrial sector grabs the opportunity to find its needed support both talents and high-tech research results form the university .

  30. 钢水炉外精炼是高技术含量新产品的质量保证基础,是现代炼钢生产流程与产品高质量水平的标志。

    The second refining is the basic of advanced technology producted quality steel , and it is sign of modern iron and steel process and high production quality steel .