
  1. 高连奎表示,旅行能够提升你在许多方面的能力。

    According to Gao , traveling can improve your skills in various areas .

  2. 对此,现年24岁的高连奎(音译)表示赞同。2011年,刚刚从深圳大学毕业的他便旅行去了尼泊尔。

    Gao Liankui , 24 , who traveled to Nepal after graduating from Shenzhen University in 2011 , agrees .

  3. 通过做预算、定路线、规划活动、安排住宿,高连奎觉得自己变得更有条理也更高效了。

    By working out a budget and a route , planning activities , and arranging accommodation , Gao feels he has become more organized and efficient .