
  1. 金融危机没有让中国偏离轨道,上海市金融服务办公室(Shanghai'sFinancialServicesOffice)主任方星海表示,他也是上海市场现代化项目的主要设计师之一。

    The financial crisis has not knocked China off track , says Fang Xinghai , head of Shanghai 's Financial Services Office and an important architect of Shanghai 's market modernisation programme .

  2. 或者,高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根大通(JPMorganChase)的首席执行官可能会和中国证监会副主席方星海碰头。

    Or the chief executives of Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase could wind up huddling with Fang Xinghai , the vice chairman of the China securities regulatory commission .

  3. 但方星海表示,监管批准是“很有可能的结果”。

    But Mr Fang said this was " the likely outcome " .

  4. 但方星海表示,中国不会因为恐惧就停止进一步的改革,相反可能会加快改革步伐。

    But far from being scared off further reforms , China might , paradoxically , step up the pace , Mr Fang said .

  5. 方星海曾担任上海证交所副总裁,目前主管上海作为金融中心的发展工作。

    A former deputy head of the Shanghai stock exchange , Mr Fang is the Shanghai official charged with developing the city as a financial centre .

  6. 方星海表示,两个市场之间的新交易机制,需要有特殊的托管安排,使投资者可以在两个市场均设立交易账户。

    Mr Fang said the new trading mechanism between the two markets would require special custodian arrangements that would allow investors to open trading accounts on both markets .

  7. 方星海承认,一些政府官员对此次危机的反应是建议采取更为谨慎的态度,因此无法预测推行上述改革的时间表。

    Mr Fang acknowledged that some government officials have reacted to the crisis by recommending greater caution , and the timetable for introducing reforms was impossible to predict .

  8. 方星海补充道,虽然伦敦历经数百年时间才成为全球金融中心,但中国可能得益于较晚实行市场资本主义。

    Mr Fang added that , though it took hundreds of years for " London to become London " , China might benefit from its late entry to the world of market capitalism .

  9. 目前主管上海作为国际金融中心发展工作的市政府官员方星海表示,上述举措将有助于防范内地市场出现泡沫,同时促进公司治理标准的提高。

    Fang Xinghai , the city government official charged with making Shanghai into an international financial centre , said the measure would help avoid bubbles in the mainland market and would promote higher standards of corporate governance .

  10. 中国股市的剧烈波动极大地影响着美国的市场,而美国的大投行会想听听方星海为2016年谋划的策略。

    The sharp swings in China 's stock market are having an outsize effect on markets in the United States , and the big American investment banks will want to hear what Mr. Fang 's strategy is for 2016 .