
  1. 他当前是IPSGlobalServices组织的解决方案营销经理,主要研究MDM解决方案。

    Currently he is a Solutions Marketing Manager for the IPS Global Services organization , specializing in MDM solutions .

  2. 他还负责技术和解决方案营销、公共关系维护和产品管理。

    He is also responsible for technology and solutions marketing , public relations initiatives and product management .

  3. 任何想获得敏捷竞争能力的企业,不论其行业和规模都必须具备四个要素:1.满足顾客的个体需求,进行方案营销。

    Despite its industry and scale , any enterprise that wants to gain the ability of AC must have the following four factors : 1.to meet customers ' individual demand and implement the project distribution ;

  4. 《财富》:今后,你们三个营收来源&招聘解决方案、营销解决方案(广告销售)以及付费订阅,哪个对LinkedIn最重要?

    Fortune : Which of your three revenue streams hiring solutions , marketing solutions ( ad sales ), and premium subscriptions will be most important to the business going forward ?

  5. 方案包括营销的中心、重点、营销方法等内容。

    The program including the marketing customer , marketing object and marketing method .

  6. 案例研究:施耐德电气解决方案式营销策略

    Case Study : Schneider Electric 's Solution Marketing Strategy

  7. 最后对施耐德电气解决方案式营销的实施提出建议。

    Finally , Schneider Electric solutions for the implementation of the type of marketing to make recommendations .

  8. 本文将解决方案式营销在中场产业高科技工业品中的实施过程分为三个部分进行研究。

    This thesis is divided into three parts to research the solution marketing implementation in the high-tech industrial products in the Semi-finished Product Industry .

  9. 在发挥营销功能时,企业需要制订一个营销方案或营销策略,这就是我们所说的营销组合。

    In carrying out the marketing functions , the firm needs to have a marketing program or strategy . This is known as the marketing mix .

  10. 本文通过解读施耐德电气公司这个行业领头羊从产品营销过渡为解决方案式营销的过程,给出方案营销在工业品销售中的借鉴意义。

    In this paper , reading Schneider Electric , a leader in this industry transition from product marketing , solutions-style marketing process , marketing programs are given for reference in the significance of industrial sales .

  11. 该方案按照电力营销管理信息系统各层面逻辑关系,以客户服务层为基础,以用电MIS、调度SCADA、配电GIS等计算机系统为后台支持而设计。

    This scheme is designed according to the logical relationship between different levels of electric power marketing management information system on the basis of customer service level and taking the present computer systems , such as MIS , SCADA , GIS , etc , as supporting terraces .

  12. 卡西欧业务方案部产品营销高级经理盖伊•波克索尔委托YouGov进行了此次调查。他表示,尽管去商业街购物的人数量锐减,但人类毕竟是“社会动物”,还是喜欢在一起消磨时间。

    Guy Boxall , senior product marketing manager at Casio Business Solutions Division , which commissioned the research from YouGov , said that despite the fall in people visiting the high street , humans are " social creatures " who actually like spending time together .

  13. 本文第六章进行了论述并提出了一种建议的决策方案以供营销人员在实践中参考。

    Chapter 6 investigates this problem and presents a prepositional scheme for the marketers to consult in their practices .

  14. 提供房地产开发项目的前期策划,包括市场定位策划、开发策略策划、开发计划策划、规划设计方案策划、营销方案策划等。

    Project Planning : Providing preplanning services of real estate project , including market positioning , development strategy and schedule , construction planning , marketing , etc.

  15. 整体包装解决方案是整合营销理念和供应链管理在包装行业中的应用,也是市场经济全球化竞争的必然;

    Holistic package solution plan is the application of integrative marketing idea and supply-chain management in package industry , and is also the necessity of global competition of market economy .

  16. 本文获得的启示是如果想进军国际市场,手机企业应首先对目的国的文化等影响营销的因素进行全面的研究,针对研究结果设计营销方案、实施营销战略。

    One implication from the current study is that when competing in the international market , mobile phone manufacturers should take cultural elements into consideration when they design and implement the marketing strategies .

  17. 第三,针对客户可能投入预算与系统平台建设成本的差距,提出分步推进的营销策略,并制定了系统平台商务报价方案、具体营销措施等。

    Third , potential customers for budget and system platform construction cost gap , put forward step by step to promote the marketing strategy , and developed a system platform business pricing scheme , specific marketing measures .

  18. 考虑消费者选择偏好不同的基础上,通过从产品的复杂性和购买者决策的复杂性上来说折衷效应,对于产品,主要是从以核心产品为主的营销模式转变为以解决方案为主的营销模式;

    On the basis of different preference , the paper from complex products to decision , shows the compromise effect ; As for the product , it shows the marketing model changes from the core product to solution ;

  19. 我们的服务包括:展览及会议、IDG全球解决方案、整合市场营销服务。

    Our services include : exhibition & conference , IDG global solutions , and integrated marketing service .

  20. 根据解决方案价值制定内部营销的高级管理人员分配方案

    Develop executive elevator pitch for internal marketing on solution value

  21. 方案将对原有营销体系的客户、合同、产品、销售流程、市场数据等进行整合,形成高效的IT系统。

    The original customer , contract , product , sales process , market data will be integrated into the new system .

  22. 方案中确立了营销目标、目标市场,提出了针对目标市场的营销组合战略。

    Have establish the marketing goal , goal market in the scheme , has proposed making strategy up to the marketing of the goal market .

  23. 再就营销组织结构、营销人力资源管理、营销费用预算、方案实施步骤、营销绩效评价和控制进行了概述;

    The author gave an overview of marketing organization structure , marketing HR management , the marketing budget , and the evaluation and control of marketing achievement .

  24. 再次,基于上述方案,实现了营销管理、客户管理、服务管理、客户分析、系统管理等五大功能应用。

    Again , with the proposed scheme , the five functional applications are achieved including marketing management , customer management , service management , customer analysis and system management .

  25. 之后,为保障企业战略的实施,本文强调了执行力的重要性,并给出了相关调整方案和研发、营销、人力资源等的策略和规划。

    For the protection of the implementation of corporate strategy , the Paper emphasizes the importance of execution , and gives adjustment programs and R & D , marketing , human resources strategy and planning .

  26. 全文的核心部分,针对案例公司的整合营销方案设计,从营销战略、营销组合、营销组织、营销流程4个方面提出整合方案,并为保证方案的有效实施提出保障性意见。

    Put forward integration solutions for the case company marketing strategy , marketing tools , marketing organization , marketing process 4 respects , and put forward views to ensure the effective implementation of security scheme .

  27. 第五部分针对上述问题提出了管理咨询公司的营销组合方案选择、个性营销模式和竞合博弈营销模式。

    Aiming at above problems , the fifth section works out the methods of sales promotion combination for management consulting companies and puts forward the characteristic marketing model and game theory marketing model for competitive and cooperation .

  28. 因此,结合电力商品的特点和具体细分市场的情况,进行电力市场营销的理论研究,提出营销方案,并进行营销效果的评价,不仅是当前理论研究的重点,也具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Carrying on the marketing theoretical research , putting forward the marketing project , evaluating the marketing effectiveness according to the characteristics of electricity commodity and subdividing electricity market are the emphases of the theoretical research and have very important practical significance .

  29. 对于处于中场产业中的高科技工业品企业来说,营销的重点已从以产品为导向转向以为客户提供解决方案为导向,因此开展解决方案式营销是企业营销的发展趋势。

    For the high-tech industrial products enterprises in the Semi-finished Product Industry , the key of marketing has changed from product-oriented to providing customers solutions-oriented . So carrying out solution marketing is the trend in the near future .