
  • 网络Policy Management;Hoshin Kanri;TQM
  1. 医院的方针管理模型英

    Policy Management Model in a Hospital

  2. 为了提高企业竞争力,F公司采用了年度方针目标管理的管理模式。

    To improve competition ability , the company used the year policy target management .

  3. 第一章,F公司基本情况。介绍F公司的基本情况,对公司的年度方针目标管理进行调查分析,找出其中存在的问题,并提出F公司绩效管理体系设计的必要性。

    In the first part , the paper gives the performance management situation of the F Company , including the basic company situation , the year policy target management and the defaults of this management .

  4. 随着与日产合资合作的深入,公司成功导入了QCD、TPM、KYT、5S、方针目标管理等先进管理工具和管理理念。

    With the joint venture with Nissans in-depth , the company successfully into the QCD , TPM , KYT , 5S , policy object .

  5. 试论方针目标管理的理论基础和基本概念

    On the Theoretical Bases and Basic Concepts of Management by Objectives

  6. 浅议方针目标管理与安全生产

    Discussion on the Policy Target Management and the Safe Production

  7. 浅谈医疗器械企业质量方针目标管理

    Discussion on Objective Management of Quality Policy of the Medical Device Company

  8. 在深化企业改革中推行方针目标管理

    Carry on Policy-Target Management in Deepening Enterprise Reform

  9. 邮政质量方针目标管理

    Policy and Goal Management of Posts Quality

  10. 对方针目标和方针目标管理的基本概念从理论上进行了探索和阐述。

    And then the basic concepts of objectives and management by objectives are approached and illustrated .

  11. 铁路运输生产安全系统的分析方法主要有两种:即以安全为目的的方针目标管理和以系统动力学为基础的铁路运输安全系统动力学方法。

    There are two main methods about railway transportation production safety systems analysis . 1.Safe productive objective management .

  12. 本文论述了“方针目标管理”在我厂设备现代化管理中的应用.取得的成果及今后的展望。

    The application , achievements and future of " Policy-Aim Project " in the modern management of facilities are described .

  13. 汽车营地的管理和运营方面,包括汽车营地的项目运营的战略方针、管理组织结构、俱乐部式营销模式、特许连锁加盟商业经营模式、产业关联及国际组织等。

    This part is about the management . It contains the strategic guideline , management structure , club-sell-mode , catenation-business-mode , industry conjunction and international organization of car camping .

  14. 以同煤集团王坪煤矿为例,阐述了方针目标管理对煤矿安全生产的重要作用。

    Taking Wangping Coal Mine of Datong Coal Industry Group Company as the example , this paper expounds the important action of the policy target management in the safe production of the coal mine .

  15. 计划、协调生产是预算管理的最初职能,后来发展成为现在的具有控制、激励、评价等多种功能的一种综合贯彻企业方针的管理机制,处于企业内部控制的核心地位。

    From the initial plan , coordinate production , to develop into both the current control , motivation , evaluation and other functions of an integrated strategic approach to implement the enterprise management mechanism , which at the core of enterprise internal control location .

  16. ISO9000系列标准中的三个主要概念&质量方针、质量管理、质量体系

    Three Major Concepts in ISO9000 Standards & Quality Policy , Quality Management and Quality System

  17. 公司质量方针:用心管理,精心制造,诚心服务。

    Company quality policy : Attentively manages , careful manufacture , sincere service .

  18. 根据全国制订的折扣方针,有效管理和贯彻分公司的折扣政策。

    Effective implementation of station discounting policies in line with country discount authority guidelines .

  19. 质量方针&质量管理的方向

    Quality Policy-the Way to Quality Control

  20. 永创的质量方针:科学管理、质量第一、信誉第一、顾客至上。

    The policy of Crever : scientific management , quality first , reputation first , customer god .

  21. 最后,公司规划部实施战略策划、信用方针和行政管理。

    And then finally , the Corporate Planning Division includes strategic planning , and credit policy and administration .

  22. 质量方针:科学管理、精心制造、产品优质、诚挚服务。

    QUALITY POLICY : Science management , make with meticulous care , product superior quality , Sincere service .

  23. 我们要全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,依法管理宗教事务。

    We will fully implement the Party 's basic policies on religious work , and manage religious affairs in accordance with the law .

  24. 从我军建设战略方针、军队管理、抑制腐败和军队审计工作的现实发展等方面分析了军队开展绩效审计的必要性;

    It analyzes the necessities in the policy and strategy of the army building , army management , restricting corruption and the development of the army audit .

  25. 本文用系统工程和结构优化的观点,从冶金行业生产、建设和科研整体进步的角度。论述了炼铁生产工序的行业发展方针、经营管理方针和工艺技术方针。

    This paper discusses the policies of development of production , management and technology of ironmaking from the point of view of system engineering and structure optimization considering the whole progresses in iron and steel industry , construction and research .

  26. 全面贯彻落实质量方针,持续完善管理体系并保持管理体系运行的有效性。

    Completely carry out quality policy , continuously perfect management system and keep its validity of performance .

  27. 质量方针:加强质量管理;坚持诚信服务。不断持续改进;增强顾客满意。

    Quality Policy : strengthen quality management ; stick to sincere service continue to improve ; enhance customer satisfaction .

  28. 董事长,总裁,董事会成员确定总体方针。高层运行管理者确保对法律的遵守。

    President , chief executive officer , board of directors establish overall direction . Senior operating manager assure regulatory compliance .

  29. 而人才战略方针在企业战略管理中起到了统领和灵魂的作用。绩效评价和薪酬体系作为企业战略管理的重要组成部分,它对人才的吸引和集聚作用是巨大的。

    As the important parts of stratagem management , performance evaluation and compensation system have great functions to attract and catch talent .

  30. 环境方针是否经过最高管理者批准?是否已授权专人监督与实施这一方针?

    Has the environmental policy been approved by top management and has someone been identified and given the authority to oversee and implement the policy ?