
  1. 文章第二部分为我国商业方法发明可专利性的审查分析。

    Part 2 of this paper is the analysis to patentability examination of business method inventions .

  2. 控制害虫、保藏食物以及包装、贮藏和推销农产品的新方法发明了。

    New ways have been found for controlling harmful insects , for preserving food , for packaging , storing and marketing farm products .

  3. 在原告的专利发明为方法发明的情况下,依据利用侵害该专利权的方法加工、制造的制品名称特定被告方法。

    When the patented invention of plaintiff is a creation of method , the confirmation on the methods accused can be showed as those of the name of product made base on the methods accused .

  4. 首先通过梳理商业方法发明专利申请的审查意见通知书,得到我国专利审查员处理商业方法发明可专利性的四种审查方式。

    Firstly , by sorting through the examination opinion notices of business method inventions , four kinds of examination model used by China patent examiners to determine the patentability of business method inventions have been obtained .

  5. 欧盟的审查标准则过于严格,非但没有达到预期的控制效果,反而使专利权人获得了不合理的垄断力量,也忽视了商业方法发明的本质目的。

    On the contrary , the standard of censorship in EU is too strict to achieve anticipative effect . The patentees , however , get unreasonable monopolized power and ignore the substantial goal of commercial invention .

  6. 以一种有杆泵机械采油工艺参数确定方法发明专利技术为基础,以提高油田抽油机井机采系统效率为目标,成功研制了能量最低机采参数优化设计软件。

    Based on the patent of an method of choosing production parameters for sucker Rod pumping system ' , an optimum design software is developed , which can be used to design production parameters for lowest power consumption and improve the efficiency of sucker rod pumping system .

  7. 直到商业方法软件发明专利在美国专利与商标局(USPTO)被大量授予,国内外理论界才开始对美国的软件发明专利的审查标准提出批评。

    Until the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ) endorse a great deal of business method related software patents , criticisms for the nonobviousness examination standard of software patent of America was put forward by the domestic and international theoretical circle .

  8. 这种方法的发明所表现的远见卓识和渊博知识,给人以十分良好的印象。

    The foresight and coverage shown by the inventor of the process are most commendable .

  9. 这种源自国外的方法给发明者提供了奖章,现金奖励和其它激励机制。

    This approach , originated abroad , offered inventors medals , cash prizes and other incentives .

  10. 问题是,关于商业方法的发明是否能够申请专利。

    The question was whether a business method is enough of an invention to receive a patent .

  11. 陪同拉是一个纵向截面来看一个例子,它是一个湿立式磨磨用实践的方法本发明。

    The accompanying drawing is a longitudinal sectional view of an example of a wet vertical abrasion mill used to practice the method of the present invention .

  12. 本文用典型的数量经济分析方法研究技术发明的效益。

    By use of a econometric model this paper analyses the benefit of technical innovations .

  13. 在研究减少放大器失真方法时他发明了负反馈放大器。

    While working on a means of reducing amplifier distortion , he devised the negative feedback amplifier .

  14. 植物杀虫剂苦皮藤油及其制造方法获得国家发明专利。

    The Celastrus angulatus oil that is insecticide extracted from plant and its manufacturing method have obtained national patent .

  15. 《战国策》高注在注释内容、体例、方式、方法、术语发明运用等方面,具有很高的学术价值、文献价值和历史价值。

    Zhan Guo Ce annotated by Gao bears high value in scholastics s documentation and history from its annotated contents ^ stylistic layout > mode - , methodology and terminological application .

  16. 按照本发明的方法、按发明的装置(1)和按发明的供气系统的特征在于,所有输入到流动床室(3)里的空气都通过吸条机构(14)排出。

    The whole air flowed into the flowing bed space ( 3 ) in the method , the apparatus ( 1 ) and the pneumatic system is discharged by a sucking rod-forming device ( 14 ) .

  17. Varani和Voorhees是有关皮肤老化治疗方法授权专利的发明者。

    Fisher , Kang , Varani and Voorhees are named inventors on an issued patent application concerning methods for treating skin aging .

  18. 采矿方法研究与创造发明

    Research and creation ( or invention ) of mining method

  19. 本方法已获得国家发明专利。

    The fabrication method is patent protected now .

  20. 通过同一方法重复不同的发明。

    Repeat the process with several different inventions .

  21. 直到19世纪末,人工培育珍珠的方法才在日本发明。

    It wasn 't until the end of the 19th century that a technique for culturing pearls was invented in Japan .

  22. 文章提出的方法已获国家发明专利权,并将在未来的采气工程中发挥作用。

    The method proposed in the article has obtained the state patent and will play big role for gas recovering in the future .

  23. 目前,很多的汉语分词方法都已经被发明出来,但无论使用哪一种分词方法,都会碰到分词歧义现象。

    Nowadays , a great many Chinese word segmentation methods are developed , but no matter which method is used , segmentation ambiguity can not be avoided .

  24. 不久,单纯吸食鸦片的方法在中国被发明了,在极短的时间内,中国便取代东南亚成为印度鸦片最大的国外市场。

    Shortly after this , the smoking method of pure opium was invented in China . Because of this , China replaced South-eastern Asia and become the largest opium market soon .

  25. 想想筑墙的方法:,在发明起重机之前,一面提前造好的的墙,由人力推起。

    Think of the way walls get put up : a prefabricated wall before the invention of the crane and the pulley has to be pushed up by a bunch of people .

  26. 在比较语境下研究中国美学话语,由于存在着中西两种话语本质的相异,西方话语只能转换为其所蕴涵的方法,以便于发明中国问题。

    As for the study of Chinese aesthetic discourse in the comparative context , Western discourse can be studied only as an approach for studying the Chinese issues because Western discourse and Chinese discourse are different in nature .

  27. 结合实际高边坡预应力锚索加固工程提出边坡变形机制分析方法及边坡稳定性分析方法,并基于发明专利压力分散型锚索的内锚固承载体进行预应力锚索的设计,同时对预应力锚索施工过程进行探讨研究。

    Proposing analytical and slope stability analysis methods according to the actual high-slope prestressed anchor reinforcement engineering Resigning prestressed anchor based on the patent " inner pressure dispersion-type anchor anchor carrier ", while exploring and researching the construction process of prestressed anchor at the same time .