
  • 网络right to give away
  1. 英国政府不想签字放弃权其对该岛的控制权。

    The British government is not about to sign away its control of the island .

  2. 他可能会放弃控制权。

    He may yield control

  3. 具有RT优先级的调度线程可以一直执行直至阻塞,通过让步自愿放弃控制权,或被具有更高RT优先级的线程抢占。

    A dispatched thread with an RT priority is allowed to execute until it blocks , voluntarily relinquishes control by yielding , or is preempted by a thread with a higher RT priority .

  4. 有报道称,中国承诺放弃否决权。

    There are reports that China has forsworn its veto power .

  5. 有没有必要放弃控制权?

    Is it necessity to forget the right of control ?

  6. 环境行政处罚的停止执行与放弃执行权

    Stopping Execution and Abandoning Execution Right in Environmental Administrative Punishment

  7. 放弃控制权承认了你没有增加工资的权力的可信。

    Relinquishing control allows you to credibly claim that you cannot increase wages .

  8. 第三部分主要论及平行诉讼问题中的放弃管辖权规则。

    The third part mainly elaborates the abandon jurisdiction rule of the parallel proceedings .

  9. 为简单的生活琐事寻求帮助,意味着最好还是放弃控制权。

    Seeking help with these mundane chores of living means surrendering control as well .

  10. 公民可以支配自己的生命权,但是公民不能转让生命权,也不能因生命权而受益,公民可以决定享有生命权或放弃生命权。

    Citizens can budget their right of life , but can 't transfer or benefit from it .

  11. 公民具有的决定自己在身患绝症、肉体经受极端痛苦的临终状态下,或者植物状态下放弃生命权的权利称为求死权。

    The right that citizens budget their right of life can be called as right to die .

  12. 2放弃继承权人的债权人不能将继承权人放弃继承权的行为作为撤销权的标的。

    The offsprings of the person who abandoned the right of succession may exercise the right of subrogating succession .

  13. 企业所有者通常无意放弃控制权,常常也不急需现金。

    Business owners generally have no desire to cede control and often are in no immediate need for cash .

  14. 因为现在对你来说放弃控制权很难,因此这才是你该做的是。

    Because giving up control is so hard for you now , therefore it 's the exact thing you should do !

  15. 但是如果他们愿意,他们也可以放弃著作权保护,正如许多人提供免费音乐下载一样。

    But if they want , they can waive copyright protection as many have done by offering free downloads of music .

  16. 放弃继承权是对继承既得权予以放弃的意思表示,兼具身份行为和财产行为的性质。

    Abandonment of heirdom is to abandon the acquired right , which has the characters of both status act and property act .

  17. 放弃继承权,必须由适当的主体在必要的期限内以适当的方式行使,才能产生限定继承的法律效力。

    To abandon the heirdom , the inheritor should do it within a certain period , only which can have judicial effect .

  18. 它为黑石增添了一个拥有10%股权的长期战略投资者,而这个投资者已放弃投票权,更不用说董事会代表权了。

    It added a long-term strategic investor that has forgone voting rights let alone Board representation for its 10 per cent stake .

  19. 因此,国家控制权是优化上市公司资本结构的关键之一,不放弃控制权的国有股减持是没有意义的。

    Thus , the abolishment of the government 's controlling right is one of the keys to optimizing capital structure of listed companies .

  20. 具有撤销权的当事人知道撤销事由后明确表示或者以自己的行为放弃撤销权。

    ( ii ) Upon becoming aware of the cause for cancellation , it waives the cancellation right by express statement or by conduct .

  21. 对许多第二代企业主而言,放弃控制权的想法拥有充分的商业理由,而不仅仅是父母的健康问题。

    For many second-generation owners , the idea of relinquishing control is a matter of good business sense rather than issues of parental health .

  22. 据NVAR估计,多达四分之一的人为了躲避这样的陷阱自己选择放弃赎回权。

    NVAR reckons that as many as a quarter of those who suffer foreclosure do so by choice , to escape such a trap .

  23. 受益人依法丧失受益权或者放弃受益权,没有其他受益人的。

    The beneficiaries lose the right to the insurance benefit according to law or forfeit the right to benefit and there are no other beneficiaries .

  24. 此举也使中信金控得以实现股东结构多元化,同时无需迫使创始人及最大股东辜氏家族放弃控制权。

    It also allows Chinatrust to diversify its shareholder structure without forcing the Koo family , the founders and biggest shareholders , to cede control .

  25. 对于敌军说来,反攻是我军强迫它放弃主动权,同时即给以被动地位的努力。

    In relation to the enemy , our counter-offensive represents our effort to make him relinquish the initiative and put him in a passive position .

  26. 现在有个机会让你联系放弃控制权,因为几天之后你又能重新获取控制权。

    This is an opportunity for you to practice letting go of control , for you can always tighten the reins again in a few days .

  27. 格陵兰矿业项目总经理约翰迈尔博士说,丹麦放弃矿权给了格陵兰一个依靠自然资源开发创造未来的机会。

    Greenland Minerals projects general manager Dr John Mair said the Danes'surrender of all mineral rights presented an opportunity for Greenland to build a future based on natural resource development .

  28. 沉默权问题在学术界己不再是新鲜的讨论话题,但是对被告人选择放弃沉默权后的说谎行为处理方式的探讨却十分稀少。

    Right to silence is no longer fresh discussion in academia , but discussion on regulation on defendants ' lies after they chose to give up the right to silence is very scarce .

  29. 到了1969年,也就是我父亲出生的那年,瓦利放弃统治权,我们变成了巴基斯坦西北边疆的一个省。几年前,这个省改名为开伯尔-普什图省。

    In 1969 , the year my father was born , the wali gave up power and we became part of Pakistan 's North-West Frontier Province , which a few years ago changed its name to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa .

  30. 如果你有想要放弃领导权的表现——比如,和狗们商量事情,或者承认狗群以外的那一方是正确的——那么这一切只能让你受到攻击,最终退位。

    If you show signs of wanting to give up your leadership - for example by consulting the pack or acknowledging that maybe non-pack members have a point - then you 're just asking to be attacked or dethroned .