
  • 网络Divestment Strategy
  1. 这并不是说要放弃战略要冲,只要认为有利,战略要冲还是应该用阵地战来保卫的。

    This does not mean the abandonment of vital strategic points , which can be defended in positional warfare as long as profitable .

  2. 因此应放弃多元化发展战略,逐步聚焦主业。

    So give up diversification development strategy , and gradually focused main industry .

  3. 诺基亚可以放弃其自有软件战略,转而把手机挂靠在android平台上,成为一家单纯的硬件企业。

    Nokia could abandon its proprietary strategy , hitch its cart to Android , and become a simple hardware company .

  4. 上个月末发布的经过重新设计的ChromeOS表明谷歌有点想要放弃那种奇特的战略。

    The new redesign of Chrome OS , released late last month , represents something of a retreat from that dramatic strategy .

  5. 越南劳动党最终不得不放弃和平的斗争战略,掀起抗美救国战争。

    Finally , Vietnamese Labour Party had to give up the peace struggle strategy and resisted America ′ s agression to save its homeland .

  6. 中国国务院在一份措辞含糊的声明中宣布了上述决定,此后业界就一直在猜测这项冻结政策会实施多久,以及中国会不会放弃长期核电发展战略。

    That decision , announced by the State Council in a vague statement , has kept the nuclear industry guessing about how long the freeze will last and whether Beijing could abandon its long-term nuclear strategy .