
ɡuó jiā zhàn lüè
  • national strategy
  1. 保护黄河是事关中华民族伟大复兴和永续发展的千秋大计,是重大国家战略。

    The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation . It is a major national strategy .

  2. 实施企业走出去战略是中国的一个国家战略,是中国适应经济全球化发展的新形势,考虑到加入WTO后企业所面临的国际竞争与挑战而采取的一个重要举措。

    To adapting to the economic globalization and integration , especially the international competition and challenges , China takes the ' Going abroad ' strategy as an important national strategy .

  3. 中国商飞承载着民族的梦想和人民的信任,为实现“翱翔天际”的世纪梦想和国家战略而奋斗。

    In order to realize the century dream of flying in the sky and the strategy of the nation , COMAC bears the nation 's dream and people 's trust .

  4. 强化国家战略科技力量,推进国家实验室建设,完善科技项目和创新基地布局。

    The building of national laboratories will continue , and the layout of science and technology programs and innovation centers will be improved .

  5. 移动通信技术标准化的国家战略与企业战略

    The national strategies and enterprise strategies in standardization for mobile telecommunication

  6. 试析影响国家战略情报分析的因素

    Preliminary Analysis for the Factors of Influence on National Strategic Intelligence Analysis

  7. 其意义在于为国家战略决策的制定提供依据和参考。

    The purpose is to provide basis and reference for the national strategies .

  8. 国家战略能力与世界和平

    National Strategic Ability and the Peace of the Word

  9. 从国家战略的高度认识中医药的复兴

    Reviewing the Revival of Chinese Medicine from the National Strategic Point of View

  10. 全球化、国家战略与中国地区差距

    Globalization , National Strategies and Regional Difference of China

  11. 国家战略和方案发展司

    Country Strategy and Programme Development Division

  12. 我国政府已经把物联网列入六大战略性新兴产业,标志着物联网产业已经提升至国家战略层面。

    Internet of things has been upgraded to the national strategic industry level by our government .

  13. 金融创新的国家战略

    State Strategy for Financial Innovation

  14. 其战略制定模式与具体措施,可被借鉴来制定我国软件人力资源开发的国家战略。

    It reveals something for us to frame Chinese national strategy on the development of software human resource .

  15. 外交战略从属于国家战略并根据国家战略的变化而变化。

    Diplomatic strategy is subordinated to national strategy and changes on the basis of change of national strategy .

  16. 在这一背景下,本文尝试探讨长江三角洲港口布局对这一国家战略的呼应。

    Under this background , the paper tries to study Yangtze River delta port layout to serve the national strategy .

  17. 作为国家战略发展的重心之一,轨道运输提出了高速化和重载化的发展方向。

    As the focus of the development of national strategies , railway transportation shows its high-speed and heavy-load rail development direction .

  18. 在对俄联邦北极地区国家战略进行介绍的基础上,根据其北极战略进一步分析了俄罗斯实施北极战略的相关实践,及其北极战略实施的一些制约因素。

    Based on the Russian Arctic strategy , further analysis is about the practices and constraints of the Arctic strategy implementation .

  19. 随着广西北部湾经济区上升为国家战略和中国-东盟自贸区正式建立,南宁市房地产市场发展迅猛。

    With the rise of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone for national strategy , Nanning real estate market is developing rapidly .

  20. 上海市发展第三方物流具有很多优势,例如:区位优势、地理优势、国家战略优势等等。

    There are many advantages of Shanghai to develop TPL , such as Geographical advantage , national strategy advantage and so on .

  21. 铝作为国家战略重要储备资源之一,在国民经济建设中占有十分重要的地位。

    Electrolytic aluminum as national strategy for one of the significant resources stocks occupies extremely important position in the national economic construction .

  22. 种质资源是国家战略资源,是生产力的基础资源,是遗传育种的基本材料,是生物工程科技创新的核心材料。

    Germplasm resources are the strategic resource of the nation , the basic resources of productivity and the essential material for genetic breeding .

  23. 随着循环经济成为国家战略,我国循环经济理论与实践已经处于需要深化研究的阶段。

    As circular economy has become the national strategy , it is necessary to deepen our study on the theory and practice of circular economy .

  24. 本文还就阿拉伯复兴主义、领导人、宗教和国家战略的不同因素对叙、伊外交政策的影响进行研究。

    This essay also studies the influence of different factors on the foreign policies of Syria and Iraq : Arab Socialism , leaders , religions and strategies .

  25. 高等教育要与经济社会发展和国家战略需要紧密结合,提高教育质量和创新能力。

    Higher education should better meet the needs of economic and social development and China 's strategic requirements , and improve its quality and capacity for making innovations .

  26. 学科是高校教育的体现形式,是国家战略人才培养的摇篮,是科学技术研究的基地。

    Discipline is the embodiment form of higher education , the cradle of the national strategy for personnel training and the base of the science and technology research .

  27. 目前国与国之间的竞争,已前移至基础研究的竞争,因此基础研究已成为国家战略资源的重要组成部分。

    Nowadays , the competition between different countries has been transferred to basic research . So the basic research has become an important part of national strategic resource .

  28. 急性放射病的分度和治疗&介绍美国国家战略储备辐射工作组关于急性放射病治疗的建议之二

    Degree and therapy of acute radiation syndromes & Introduction of a suggestion on acute radiation sickness therapy made by strategic national stockpile radiation working group of USA. Part 2

  29. 随着中原经济区上升为国家战略,河南省作为工农业大省,面临新的发展阶段。

    With the Economic Region of Central China promoted to the national strategy , henan , as a great industrial and agricultural province , entered a new developmental cycle .

  30. 利用地下储气库可优化天然气的供气系统,调节用气不均衡,保证事故应急和国家战略储备。

    Utilizing underground natural gas storage can optimize the system of gas supply , adjust non-equilibrium of gas usage and ensure meeting an emergency and nationally strategic natural gas storage .