
  • 网络international trade theory;The Theory of International Trade
  1. 国际贸易理论的新发展与东亚实践

    New Development of International Trade Theory and Practice in East Asia

  2. 国际贸易理论认为比较优势是动态发展的。

    International trade theory indicates comparative advantage is developing dynamically .

  3. 国际贸易理论中最基本的问题是解释贸易模式(tradepatterns)和贸易量(tradevolume)的决定问题。

    The most fundamental issue in international trade theories is to explain the determination of trade patterns and trade volume .

  4. 本论文试图运用国际贸易理论的最新发展成果和分析方法,探讨我国加入WTO后的贸易战略和经济发展问题。

    This dissertation discusses China 's trade strategy and the economic development after Chinese WTO entry in terms of modern international trade theory and means .

  5. 本文首先结合产业理论、国际贸易理论和国际直接投资理论分析这一趋势的理论依据,并总结全球服务业FDI的发展现状及其规模日益扩大的原因;

    At first it analyze the theoretical basis of this trend by the theory of industry development , the theory of international trade and the theory of international investment and its characteristics and practical basis .

  6. DS模型不仅使国际贸易理论发展有了新的基点,而且还使新增长理论(第二代)发展起来。

    DS model serves not simply the new basis for the development of international trade theories , but also facilitates the development of new growth theories ( the second generation ) .

  7. 首先,在理论研究方面,通过对国际贸易理论、外商直接投资理论进行归纳、总结,简要回顾了有关理论,论述了FDI与贸易结构之间的理论联系。

    Based on this , the main content of this article is : First of all , in the theoretical research , this paper sum up the theory of international trade , foreign direct investment , gives a brief review of the relevant theory .

  8. 本文以国际贸易理论、国际投资理论及竞争力理论为基础,FDI的产业国际竞争力效应进行全面的理论和实证分析。

    In my dissertation , on the basis of Theory of International Trade , Theory of International Investment and Theory of Competitiveness , firstly the theoretical origin of FDI and International Competitiveness of Industry will be elaborated , after that , the way of evaluating them .

  9. 比较优势论是传统国际贸易理论的基石。

    Comparative Advantage Rule is the basic theory of international trade .

  10. 旧的国际贸易理论受到新的国际贸易现象的冲击。

    The old theory is under the impact of the new .

  11. 国际贸易理论的验证述评国际贸易理论与森林认证关系初论

    Discussion on the Relationship Between the International Trade Theories and Forest Certification

  12. 国际贸易理论新体系:专业化与分工理论

    A Theory on International Trade Based on Specialization and Division of work

  13. 16世纪中期,国际贸易理论的基础是重商主义观念。

    In 16th century , mercantilism was the foundation of foreign trade .

  14. 制度变革与国际贸易理论的发展

    Innovation of Institution and the Developing of the Theory of International Trade

  15. 本文首先对传统国际贸易理论进行了简要的回顾,并阐述了传统国际贸易理论的局限性,进而引出适应时代发展的战略贸易政策理论。

    The article analyzes the traditional international trade theory briefly .

  16. 论杨小凯教授对国际贸易理论的贡献

    The Contribution of Professor YANG Xiao-kai to International Trade Theory

  17. 最后对主流国际贸易理论进行了评介。

    Thirdly , it gives the mainstream international trade theories .

  18. 国际贸易理论的发展及在我国的适用性问题

    Development of lnt'I Trade Theory and Its Adaptability to China

  19. 国际贸易理论中要素价格均等化条件的扩展

    Extension of Equalization of Factor Prices in World Trade

  20. 新增长理论与国际贸易理论的发展

    New Growth Theory and Development of International Trade Theory

  21. 国际贸易理论中的环境因素

    Analysis of the Environmental Factors of International Trade Theories

  22. 新兴古典国际贸易理论则以专业化分工来解释贸易。

    New Classical theory explains the trade by specialization .

  23. 西方国际贸易理论对我国对外贸易的启示

    On the Enlightenment of Western International Trade Theory Upon China 's Foreign Trade Pattern

  24. 以往的国际贸易理论都强调,贸易结构在促进经济增长方面起着重要作用。

    Existing theories emphasize the role of trade composition in promoting or hurting economic growth .

  25. 跨国经营的理论也从传统的国际贸易理论逐渐发展为以邓宁等为代表的现代跨国公司理论。

    Theories on multinational operations have evolved from traditional international trade theory to modern theories .

  26. 而关于新新贸易理论的研究,又是国际贸易理论界中前沿热点。

    The New-New trade theory is now the new hot spot in explaining international trade .

  27. 因此,对平行进口性质的考察也必须透过国际贸易理论。

    So the nature of parallel importation should also research the theory of international trade .

  28. 主要理论渊源存在于两个,一个是传统的国际贸易理论,二是战略贸易理论。

    The main theory references are the traditional trade theory and the strategic trade theory .

  29. 传统的国际贸易理论和国际直接投资理论是相互背离的,新古典国际贸易模型的框架完全排斥了直接投资的存在,直接投资的存在既无可能,也无必要。

    The conventional international trade theory and the international investment theory are conflicting with each other .

  30. 当代国际贸易理论主要思想与我国对外贸易对策

    The Main Thoughts of Modern International Theories and Our Country 's Countermeasures for the Foreign Trade