
  • 网络treasury bill market;Treasury Bill;TBMarket
  1. 在短期国库券市场,三个月的国库券支付百分之0.12投资收益率。

    In the Treasury bill market , the three-month T-bill paid a0.12 percent yield .

  2. 持续的买气使国库券市场趋坚,许多股票的股价都上扬了。

    Purchasing data kept the treasury bond market firm , which gave a lift to stock .

  3. 国库券市场是商业银行和其他企业调整其资金,联邦储蓄实施货币政策的市场。

    The market of treasury securities is the place where commercial banks and other corporations adjust their funds , as well as Federal Reserve performs its monetary polices .