
zhènɡ quàn shì chǎnɡ
  • securities;securities market;bourse;stock market
  1. 那家公司的股票在场外证券市场交易。

    Its shares are traded on the Unlisted Securities Market .

  2. 三家中国公司发行美国存托凭证(ADR)并在纽交所上市已经接近或超过二十年,一直遵守美国证券市场规则和监管要求,受到全球投资者的普遍认可。

    Having issued American Depositary Receipts ( ADRs ) and been listed on the NYSE for nearly or over two decades , the three Chinese firms have complied with the rules and regulations of the US securities market , and are widely acknowledged by investors worldwide , the spokesperson said .

  3. 证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。

    The Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change .

  4. 许多人都在小量地向证券市场投资。

    Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market .

  5. 重点关注的是证券市场。

    Attention is fixed on the stock market

  6. 在证券市场上我们的石油股票价值已降到最低标准。

    The value of our oil shares on the stock market has now bottomed out .

  7. 从国际经验看加入WTO后中国证券市场的开放

    China Stock Market 's Opening after Its Entering to WTO from the View of International Experiences

  8. 加入WTO对中国证券市场国际化无疑是机遇与挑战并存。

    Entering into WTO we have both opportunities and challenges for the internationalization of China 's securities market .

  9. VaR方法在中国证券市场风险研究中的应用

    Application Research of VaR in China 's Securities Market Risk Analysis

  10. 我国证券市场CPA审计质量研究

    The Study on the Audit Quality of CPA in Our Securities Market

  11. 基于PSO的证券市场GARCH模型实证研究

    Empirical study on stock through GARCH based on PSO algorithm

  12. 因此,本文主要是对VaR风险价值法这一新型风险管理工具如何在我国证券市场中得到有效应用进行一些探讨。

    So this paper is about that how to apply VaR method as a new risk management efficiently in our country .

  13. 关于中国证券市场实施QFII制度的冷思考

    On Implementing QFII System in Chinese Security Market

  14. 中国证券市场开放与QFII制度

    Chinese Securities Market Opening and QFII System

  15. 加入WTO,实现证券市场国际化,对我国证券业的生存与发展将产生重大的影响,对证券市场监管也提出了更高的要求。

    Entering WTO and realizing the internationalization of the stock market will have great influence on the existence and development of China 's securities market , and set higher demands on the stock market supervision .

  16. 第二章为证券市场国际化概述,主要内容包括证券市场国际化定义与内涵、WTO对证券市场国际化的要求、证券市场国际化理论发展以及证券市场国际化可能产生的正负面效应。

    Chapter two present a general introduction of the internationalization of securities markets , such as the definitions and contents , the requirement of WTO , the theoretical development , and the positive & negative effect to economic development .

  17. 其中,第二节利用SPSS软件对我国证券市场选取的95只股票,按其价格行为进行聚类分析,得出了一种全新的股票分类方法&按股票的价格行为分类。

    Especially , by the use of SPSS , section two analyzes 95 stocks selected in domestic stock market and concludes a new stock classification method ? he classification on price behavior .

  18. 本文围绕Markowitz投资组合理论以及投资组合绩效评价模型在中国证券市场(以上海股票市场为例)的应用而展开。

    The main content of this paper is about the application of Markowitz portfolio theory and its performance evaluation models in Chinese security market .

  19. 第二章分析了资本市场在风险投资中的重要作用,介绍了现代OTC证券市场的基本情况,进而阐明了现代OTC市场与风险投资业的内在联系;

    The second chapter analyses the role of capital market in venture capital sector , the basic knowledge of modem OTC market and the inner relationship between the modem OTC market and the venture capital .

  20. 随着TCL集团换股上市和武钢股份增发成功,在当前证券市场上,整体上市已经成为一个市场关注的焦点。

    With the share-for-share listing of TCL Corporation and successful share 's Second issuing of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation ( Wugang in short ), in the securities market ," overall listing " has been a focus .

  21. 目前对QDII制度以及相关的证券市场开放问题侧重于经济学层面的研究,而从法学角度对这一制度的深入研究很少。

    At present , all research in respective of QDII system and the matter of relevant securities market open places special emphasis on the economical level , however , the detailed research concerned in the legal level is poor .

  22. 与此同时,代表了银行间同业拆借市场资金成本的同业拆借利率CHIBOR与证券市场价格波动强烈的相关性逐渐凸现。

    Meanwhile , the correlativity between China interbank offered rates ( CHIBOR ), which represents the cost of interbank offered capital , and the securities price fluctuation is emerging .

  23. 文章利用深圳证券市场的股价指数信息,建立股票收益的GARCH模型,并对该模型的参数、阶数进行估计,分析了股票收益的变化趋势。

    In this paper , a GARCH model of stock yield is set up based on the information of the share index in Shenzhen Securities Business . Based on the estimate of the parameters and orders in this GARCH model , the changing trend of stock yield is analyzed .

  24. 接着利用Probit回归模型首次对这种方法在中国证券市场上的适用性进行检验,并且验证新思路确定的中国新股发行市场承销商托市收益率取值的正确性。

    Later on , using the Probit regression model , the writer tests the applicability of the research method referred to in the stock market of China and the validity of stabilization return value for China 's underwriters acquired by the use of the new thinking for the first time .

  25. 第二,增强证券市场的流动性和连续性。

    Second , it can enhanced stock market liquidity and continuity .

  26. 我国证券市场自愿性审计机构变更研究

    The Study on the Initiative Auditor Changes of Chinese Listed Companies

  27. 我国证券市场股价运动非线性特征检验

    Test of Nonlinear Configuration of Stock Price Behavior in Chinese Market

  28. 利用证券市场推行富民政策;

    Carry out the policy of enriching people through stock market ;

  29. 完全信息条件下证券市场中参与主体的博弈分析

    Game Analysis among Actors in Stock Market under Complete Information Conditions

  30. 巴菲特投资理念,德隆,中国证券市场。

    Buffett investment philosophy , Delong , Chinese securities market .