
  1. 中国证券市场制度变迁与创新研究

    Studies on the Institutional Change and Innovation of China Securities Market

  2. 当前我国证券市场制度的缺陷分析

    Analysis on the institutional failure of Chinese securities market

  3. 会计信息披露制度是证券市场制度体系的重要组成部分。

    Accounting information disclosure system is a crucial component of securities market system .

  4. 金融深化与证券市场制度创新

    Financial Deepening and System Innovation of Stock Market

  5. 即使是如胡继之、张育军、佘运九等少数研究证券市场制度演进的现有成果,也大多存在着这样或那样的弊端。

    However , there is little research on the institutional evolution of security market .

  6. 通过对本课题的研究,对于我国证券市场制度设计、宏观调控以及市场参与者盈利模式建立有重要的意义。

    The research has important meaning on the system design , macro-control and the market participators ' profit patterns of Chinese securities market .

  7. 随着我国证券市场制度和破产法律的完善,持续处于财务困境的企业最终走向退市或者破产的风险不断加大。

    As the stock market and the bankruptcy law become more perfect , companies which falls into financial distress is easier to be delisted or bankruptcy .

  8. 具体的措施包括:健全公司治理制度,大力发展企业债券市场、创新证券市场制度、推进银行商业化改革、规范政府行为等。

    Specific measurers go like this : improving corporate governance institution , developing corporate bond market , innovating security market institution , commercializing the bank and standardizing government behavior .

  9. 必须从证券市场制度融资结构的变化对企业和金融中介治理结构影响的高度来发展资本市场;

    They must develop the capital market from the height of the impact of securities market system 's financing structural changes on the structure of enterprise and financial brokerage governance ;

  10. 证券市场制度变革已严重落后于中国经济体制市场化改革的步伐,成为制约国民经济增长潜力发挥的重要因素;

    The reform of stock market 's institution has seriously lagged with the step of Chinese economic system reform , and becomes the key factor which bounds economic potential tapped .

  11. 行为套利空间源于机构投资者的投资行为,而制度套利空间则来源于证券市场制度溢价,本质上是一种制度红利。

    Behavioral arbitrage is caused by investments of institutional investors , while institutional arbitrage is a result of institutional premium in stock market & kind of institutional dividend in essence .

  12. 随着中国证券市场制度的变迁,股权分置改革的进行,中国股市已经步入全流通时代。

    With the changes of China 's security market system and the process of the equity sub-system reform , China 's stock market has entered an era of full circulation .

  13. 完善证券市场制度,深化证券市场改革,提高企业融资效率是一个系统工程,需要多角度、全方位的配套改革与措施。

    It is a kind of system engineering to perfect the system of securities market , to deepen reform of securities market , and to enhance the efficiency of enterprise financing .

  14. 而作为证券市场制度建设的重要部分,退市机制是提高上市公司质量,促进证券市场繁荣的有力保障。

    As an important part of the securities market system construction , Delisting mechanism is the effective protection for improving the quality of listed companies , and promoting of stock market prosperity .

  15. 中国证券市场佣金制度研究&关于中国证券市场的SCP分析框架

    On the Commission System in China 's Securities Market & A Framework of SCP Research on China 's Securities Market

  16. 因此建议加强证券市场的制度完善,尽快建立完善的创业板IPO正常退出机制,加大对投资者价值投资理性教育。

    Therefore suggest to strengthen securities market system consummation , establish perfect gem normal exit mechanism , strengthen the IPO to investors value investment " rational " education .

  17. 论完善我国证券市场税收制度

    On the Perfection of Tax System of China 's Stock Market

  18. 第三,强化证券市场的制度建设。

    Third , strengthen the institutional construction of the securities market .

  19. 我国证券市场税收制度的问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Tax System in Our Stock Market

  20. 证券市场自律制度研究

    The Research on Self - Regulation Institutions of Securities Market

  21. 浅谈我国证券市场法律制度的完善

    On the Perfecting of Law System of Securities Market

  22. 证券市场的制度、行为与效率

    The Institution , Behavior and Efficiency of Security Market

  23. 造成无效率资产重组的原因是证券市场的制度缺陷。

    The cause of inefficient asset rearrangement is the defect of security market system .

  24. 证券市场税收制度研究

    Research on Taxation System in the Security Market

  25. 欧美及亚太主要证券市场监管制度比较

    The Comparison Study on the Regulation System of the Euro-American and Pan-Pacific Stock Markets

  26. 信息披露制度是整个证券市场法律制度的核心,也是保护投资者利益的最主要的制度。

    Information disclosure system is the core of the legal system in the whole security market .

  27. 与此同时,市场信任危机的蔓延正威胁着中国证券市场的制度基础。

    At the same time , overspread of trust crisis now is threatening institutional foundation of stock market .

  28. 我国证券市场在制度设计和市场环境等方面存在的缺陷,使得上市资格成为稀缺资源。

    Limitations in system design and market environment of China 's securities market have led to the scarce qualification of quoted companies .

  29. 我国证券市场的制度缺陷和畸形股权结构为国有资产流失提供了机会;

    The defect system of the security market of our country and deformity stock right structure have facilitated drain of state-owned assets ;

  30. 因此,研究证券市场监管制度对我国证券市场的发展具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , a study of supervision and management regulations in securities market is of great significance for the development of Chinese securities market .