
kuà guó gōng sī
  • transnational corporations;multinational corporation;transnational Company;corporations beyond the limits of their nations;supranational corporation
跨国公司 [kuà guó gōng sī]
  • [transnational Company] 也称多国公司、国际公司。为垄断组织输出资本和对外经济扩张的一种组织形式,五十年代后在世界范围内发展起来

跨国公司[kuà guó gōng sī]
  1. 随着我国加入WTO,大量的跨国公司进入我国,跨国公司内部贸易已越来越受到人们的关注。

    With our country 's joining the WTO , a lot of transnational corporations enter into China .

  2. 在研究FDI上,不得不提及跨国公司。

    When studying FDI transnational corporations are inevitable .

  3. 在大规模生产的时代,跨国公司往往实行集权化经营。

    In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations

  4. 管理跨国公司要有头脑。

    It takes brains to run a multinational corporation .

  5. 在巴西,跨国公司阿迪达斯自2012年开始实施一项名为“可持续足迹”的鞋子回收项目。

    In Brazil , the multinational corporation Adidas has been running a shoe-recycling program called " Sustainable Footprint " since 2012 .

  6. 巨大的跨国公司[企业]互相争夺国际市场。

    Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world markets .

  7. MM半导体材料部作为一家著名跨国公司的事业部,在中国面临内部变革的压力、外部经营环境变化而带来新的机遇和挑战,因此公司需要重新规划和调整其中国市场营销战略。

    MM Semi Material Division belongs to one famous multi-national company . marketing & sales strategy ;

  8. RD投入、人力资源开发与跨国公司RD投资来自省际数据的实证分析

    R D Input , Human Resource Development and TNCs ' R D Investment An Empirical Analysis Based on Panel Data

  9. 跨国公司在华RD的影响因素分析一种双头垄断市场下的模型分析

    The analysis on influencing factor of MNC 's R D in China an analysis on model of mutual monopolization 's market

  10. 跨国公司RD特点研究

    The Characteristics of RD in a Multinational Corporation

  11. 加入WTO后,技术转移要求的取消、跨国公司的独资化趋势使跨国公司对技术转移的控制更为牢固。

    After China joined WTO , abolishment of compulsory technology transfer and tendency of independence of MNCs make MNCs keep a firm hand on technology transfer .

  12. 跨国公司进入东道国具有多种市场进入模式,在大多数研究文献中,对于FDI这种市场进入模式是不加区分的,也就是不区分新设投资和跨国并购。

    The MNCs can enter the foreign market by many modes , but most of the existing ar-ticles do not differentiate them .

  13. 加入WTO使我国汽车工业进入与跨国公司合作、竞争的新阶段,外国公司,国民待遇,国内市场,国际竞争。

    Entering WTO let us enter upon a new phase to cooperate and compete with multi-nationals featuring foreign companies but national treatment and domestic market but international competition .

  14. 东道国ESP系统与跨国公司OIL系统矛盾运动的结果决定国际直接投资地域结构的基本特征;

    The result of contradictory moving , the system of host countries ' ESP and investor 's OIL make up the basic characteristics of FDI region structure .

  15. 20世纪90年代中期开始,全球的外国直接投资(FDI)流入规模陡然剧增,跨国公司进入了全新的全球化经营时代。

    Since the mid-1990s , the inflows of FDI expanded suddenly throughout the world , leading multinational corporations into the new era of global management .

  16. 有关FDI的研究大多侧重于讨论跨国公司与东道国之间的关系。

    Most international negotiations on foreign direct investment ( FDI ) focus on issues involving the paired relationship between transnational corporations ( TNCs ) and host countries .

  17. WTO框架下,跨国公司正在全球范围内进行新一轮战略资源重组,这为我国引进优质的外国资本提供了千载难逢的机遇。

    Under the frame of WTO , multinationals are acting on new-round strategical resource recombination in the global world , which offers an unwonted chance for us to import high-quality foreign capital .

  18. 基于web的设计文化研究目前在探索的研究阶段,不少跨国公司面对全球化和多文化交流的双重碰撞下,也开始正视不同文化对产品的影响。

    The study of the internet product design across culture is still in a stage of exploration , however , many multinational companies have faced the dual impact of globalization and multi cultural exchanges while design product for different countries .

  19. 许多跨国公司以直接建立海外RD分支机构、建立RD战略联盟、并购东道国当地同行业竞争者等方式将部分RD活动从母国转移到海外子公司或分公司。

    Many MNCs transfer part of R D resource to their subsidiaries abroad by building R D embranchment abroad , setting up R D strategic alliances or merging the corporations of amphitryon in the same industry .

  20. 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TransPacificPartnership,简称TPP)奥巴马剩余的经济议程的基石将赋予在北美、南美和亚洲经营的跨国公司以广泛的权力。

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership a cornerstone of Obama 's remaining economic agenda would grant broad powers to multinational companies operating in North America , South America and Asia .

  21. RD国际化的目的是利用国外的科技资源和降低风险、充分满足东道国市场的需求以及建立跨国公司自己的RD网络以加强垄断优势等。

    The purpose is to utilize foreign technological resources and decentralize risks , to more perfectly meet local market requirements , to establish its own international R & D network and therefore to strengthen its monopoly advantage .

  22. 如同经济全球化一样,跨国公司的RD本地化同样是一把双刃剑。技术能力成长对企业技术创新的双刃影响

    Comparing the economic globalization , the localization of RD is a double-edged sword as well . Technological capability : The double-edged sword for technological innovation in firms

  23. 自中国加入WTO以来,我国本土企业面临着跨国公司的激烈竞争,走出国门、走向世界成为其生存发展的必经之路。

    Since China joined the WTO . Chinese enterprises are facing the fierce competition with transnational corporations . Go out of the country and to the world market is the only way which must be passed for its survival and development .

  24. 在跨国公司扩大对华RD投资的背景下,我国制造业企业与他们发展跨国RD战略联盟是提高企业RD能力的有效途径之一。

    While transnational corporations have been increasing RD investments in China , it may be an effective way for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to develop transnational RD strategic alliances for improving their RD abilities .

  25. FDI的主体即发达国家的跨国公司,作为全球80%以上先进技术的主要拥有者,其技术转移虽然具有较强的内部化特征,却不能完全内在化技术溢出。

    The main technology provider , namely , MNCs from the advanced countries , which owning more than 80 % of advanced technology throughout the whole world , prefer to transferring technology within their own corporate system , nevertheless technology spillovers .

  26. 本文旨在:第一,证明跨国公司现实竞争中对于VI或者ED的偏好决不是偶然,而是经过理性博弈后的一种均衡。

    This essay works on the following two questions : first , it is by no meansaccidental for the multinational corporations to have special preference on VI or ED ; it 's equilibrium through rational gaming .

  27. 20世纪70年代以来,国际政治经济学(IPE)关于跨国公司和相互依赖的研究反映出世界经济和国际政治大变革的现实。

    The International Political Economics ( IPE ), which born in 1970 's , has provided many insight observations and theories on the issue of MNCs and interdependence .

  28. 第五章建立了对接跨国公司R&D资源转移的N-C-P分析框架,提出基于国家创新体系,从五个层面实现内向对接;发展技术获取型对外直接投资,实现外向对接的双向(内外向)对接思想。

    Chapter 5 builds a N-C-P model for analyzing jointing with TNC R & D resources . This part also puts forward the theory of an inward five layers jointing system based on NIS and an outward jointing way by Technology Sourcing FDI .

  29. 面对竞争,跨国公司碰到一个共同的难题&跨文化管理。

    Facing competition , multinational corporations encounter a common problem-cross-cultural management .

  30. 跨国公司在华品牌战略及其启示

    The Brand Strategies of Transnational Corporations in China and Their Inspirations