
  • 网络Cross-border Trade;Cross Border Trade;Trading across borders
  1. 货币兑换成本仍是跨境贸易的最大障碍之一。

    Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade

  2. 花旗集团(citigroup)驻新加坡经济学家chuahakbin表示,依斯干达拟议进行的改革“增加了新加坡的机遇和经济空间”,有可能扭转跨境贸易和投资下降的局面。

    Chua Hak bin , an economist at Citigroup in Singapore , says the proposed reform for Iskandar " enlarges the opportunities and economic space for Singapore " and could reverse a decline in cross-border trade and investment .

  3. NAFTA谈判的成功以及北美自由贸易区的建立,极大地促进了三国间的跨境贸易和相互投资。

    The success of negotiation on NAFTA and the establishment of North American Free Trade Area have greatly promoted the trade and investment among these three countries .

  4. 今年年初,eBay负责区域扩张和跨境贸易的副总裁温迪?琼斯向《财富》杂志(Fortune)表示:我们从一开始这么做的时候就明白,这只是为重返中国市场迈开的一小步。

    When we did that , we knew it was a small step back into the market , Wendy Jones , eBay VP of geographic expansion and cross border trade , told Fortune earlier this year .

  5. 试点以来,辽宁省跨境贸易人民币结算业务平稳增长。

    Liaoning 's RMB settlements grow steadily since the work began .

  6. 人民币互换协议和跨境贸易结算加速了人民币国际化进程。

    RMB Swap and trade settlement accelerated the process of RMB internationalization .

  7. 第三部分是关于银行服务跨境贸易的监管问题。

    Part HI : Regulating Cross - Border Trade in Banking Services .

  8. 关于跨境贸易人民币结算试点对外汇管理政策影响的研究

    Research on the effects of pilot cross-border RMB settlement on foreign exchange regulation

  9. 毕竟,跨境贸易曾经是阿里巴巴集团的专长。

    Cross-border trade , after all , used to be its own speciality .

  10. 汇丰还是第一家在全球六大洲完成跨境贸易人民币结算服务的国际性银行;

    It was the first international bank to offer cross-border RMB settlement services in6 continents .

  11. 医疗服务跨境贸易中许可证专利权和技术标准问题

    The problem on Licence , Patent and Technical Standard of Multinational Trade in Hospital Service

  12. 毋庸置疑,繁荣会促进共享,跨境贸易也会使所有的成员国生活更富裕。

    Clearly , prosperity made sharing easier and cross-border trade made all participants better off .

  13. 而五年前,中国跨境贸易总额中只有1%是用人民币支付的。

    That compares with just 1 % of China 's total cross-border trade five years ago .

  14. 此前涉及跨境贸易的经济活动已开始转向各国经济体内部,尤其是中国。

    Activity that previously involved cross-border trade has been brought within national economies , notably China .

  15. 以此来说明我国虽然发展跨境贸易人民币结算进程中存在不少问题,但是前景更是非常广阔。

    Despite many problems , the prospect of RMB settlement in cross-border trade is very promising .

  16. 双方还互换了此前已经签署的跨境贸易人民币结算账户协议文本。

    The two banks also exchanged copies of agreements on settle accounts in China 's Yuan .

  17. 人民币在边境贸易、跨境贸易和货币互换等方面已见成效。

    The effective of RMB has first appeared in border trade , cross-border trade and currency exchange etc.

  18. 此外,以网上银行为支付平台的全球电子商务的发展已经成为推动银行服务跨境贸易的新基点。

    Electronic commerce involving a cross-border payment of banking can also promote cross-border trade in banking services .

  19. 对中国企业而言,用本币进行跨境贸易结算的吸引力显而易见。

    F or Chinese companies , the attractions of settling cross-border trade in their own currency are clear .

  20. 希望本文的研究能为商业银行跨境贸易人民币结算操作风险管理提供借鉴。

    This study can hope to the RMB cross-border trade settlement operational risk management to provide a reference .

  21. 或许最具有意义的发展,是人民币跨境贸易结算试点于去年7月份正式实施。

    Perhaps the most significant development was a Renminbi trade settlement pilot scheme that came into operation last July .

  22. 陈德霖说,有资格开展跨境贸易结算的内地企业最近已经增长到6.7万家。

    Mr Chan said the number of mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement had recently been increased to 67,000 .

  23. 中国银行周一宣布已于当日清晨完成首笔跨境贸易人民币结算业务。

    The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning .

  24. 中国已经允许扩大人民币在跨境贸易中的使用,以减少对美元的依赖。

    China has been allowing greater use of its currency for cross-border transactions to reduce its reliance on the dollar .

  25. 同时,2009年到2010年的投资潮集中在基础设施和房地产上,二者都不可以跨境贸易。

    The investment boom in 2009-10 was also concentrated in infrastructure and property . Neither can be traded across borders .

  26. 真正在从事跨境贸易的企业中工作的人,几乎不会在意来自匹兹堡的空洞誓言。

    Few people who actually work in companies trading across borders will pay heed to the empty pieties emanating from Pittsburgh .

  27. 金融危机对恒生指数样本公司交易性外汇需求的影响&兼论人民币跨境贸易结算试点

    The influence of the financial crisis to the sample-companies of the Hang Seng Index & the discussion of RMB Settlement Pilot

  28. 对中国这样的大型经济体而言,在与其他经济体开展跨境贸易与投资时,还不得不承担第三国货币汇率波动的风险,这无疑是非常尴尬的。

    It is very awkward that China have to bear the third currency exchange rate fluctuation in international trade and investment .

  29. 据处理跨境贸易交易的五家银行的消息人士透露,中国企业都兴致勃勃,不愿放过这些机会。

    According to sources at five banks that process international trade deals , Chinese companies have jumped on these opportunities with gusto .

  30. 对冲人民币敞口的困难,此前一直被列为提高跨境贸易人民币结算比例的一大障碍。

    Difficulties in hedging renminbi exposure have been cited as a major barrier to increased cross-border trade settlement in the Chinese currency .