
  • 网络Cross-border mergers;Transnational Merger;transnational mergers and acquisition
  1. 而随着国际烟草巨头跨国兼并步伐的加快以及室内公共场所全面禁烟运动的展开,山东烟草行业所面临的冲击和压力正与日俱增。

    With international tobacco giant accelerating their pace of cross-border mergers and the commencement of a national anti-smoking campaign , Shandong tobacco industry have to face the increasing shocks and pressures day by day .

  2. 现代营销战略中,品牌以及品牌战略越来越受到企业和学界的重视;特别是全球化浪潮下,出现了越来越多的跨国兼并。

    In modern marketing strategy , brand and brand strategy is receiving increasing attention to business and academia ; Especially under the wave of globalization , there has been an increasing number of cross-border mergers .

  3. 在中国加入WTO之后,国际医药企业巨头凭借雄厚的资金、强大的研究开发实力及纯熟的跨国兼并收购技巧陆续进入中国,国内医药行业面临的国际竞争环境日趋严峻。

    After China join in WTO , the international medical enterprise giants rely on its rich fund , strong research and development strength and skillful transnational M & A skill to enter China successively . International competitive environment that the domestic medical trade faces is becoming more and more severe .

  4. 跨国兼并:颂扬声中的反思

    Transnational merger : some reflections in the sound of Hailing

  5. 90年代发达资本主义国家跨国兼并的新浪潮

    A New Wave of Transnational Annexation in Developed Capitalist Countries in the '90s

  6. 对跨国兼并的反托拉斯控制及国际合作

    Antitrust Control of Multinational Mergers and International Cooperation

  7. 本文从公关技巧这一角度来分析中海油收购案,为将来国内企业跨国兼并运作出谋划策。

    The essay will analyze this case through Public Rela - tions , and give counsel for the annexation by domestic corpo - ration in future .

  8. 存在两种基本交易结构:跨国法定兼并和股票要约收购。

    There are two basic deal structures : merger and tender offer .

  9. 应对跨国投资兼并的策略分析

    Strategic Analysis of Investment Merger of MNCs

  10. 作为拥有数大金融财团或超级银行的西方发达资本主义国家,为国内银行业的跨国经营、兼并与收购提供了大量翔实的案例及丰富借鉴经验。

    The financial consortiums or Super banks in developed countries have provided us with abundant of banking M & A cases and experiences .

  11. 随着石油化工跨国公司的兼并联合,生产要素开始加速向发展中国家流动,因而促进了发展中国家石油化工产业的快速发展。

    As the multinational petrochemical corporations take over or joint together , factors of production begin to accelerate the flow to developing countries , which contributing to the rapid development of petrochemical industry in developing countries .

  12. 矿业全球化主要表现在:矿业投资全球化、跨国矿业公司的兼并、矿产品国际贸易全球化和矿业政策调整的全球化。

    It is reflected in mining investment globalization , merge of transnational mining companies , the globalization of mining products and mining industrial tragedy adjustment in countries all over the world .

  13. 世纪之交国际直接投资领域的一个重要现象,是以跨国公司为主体的跨国兼并与收购的空前发展,跨国并购已经成为跨国公司对外直接投资的主要方式。

    The unprecedented development of transnational merging and annexation mainly by transnational corporations has signified that transnational merging and annexation has become major means for international investment .

  14. 作为国际直接投资的主体,跨国公司也在迅速兴起,并通过跨国经营、兼并等方式,迅速在全球形成了庞大的生产和销售网络,推动了世界产业结构的调整。

    The Multinational Corporations ( MNCs ) have been developed rapidly through transnational business and merger . A network of production and sales all over the world has been formed , and it can promote the adjustment of industrial structure .

  15. 本文对我国跨国企业的发展现状、潜在问题进行了思考,并对跨国兼并的策略做了一定理论分析,提出了些许建议。

    This essay analyses the present situation and latent problems of the Chinese multinational enterprises , and makes some suggestions on the multinational annexation .

  16. 从世界钢铁业跨国并购的现状到世界钢铁业跨国并购的特点出发,得出世界钢铁业并购趋势正向发展中国家转移,中国市场成为跨国钢铁企业兼并重组、进行全球化战略的目的地。

    Concluding that the trend of M & A in the steel industry in the world transfer to developing countries , and the Chinese market has become the destination of the international iron and steel enterprises mergers and acquisitions , the important part of their globalization strategy .