
  1. 关于我国石油化工等行业联合改组的思考

    The thought about the Union and restructure of petrochemical industries in our country

  2. 在政策内容上,要贯穿于企业的创办、发展、再投资、科技开发、联合改组各个环节上,运用差别税率,规定起征点等来促进扩大就业规模。

    About the policy content , we can practice different tax rate and tax point during the process of creating , development , reinvestment , technological studies , association and reorganization of companies to promote employment . 4 .

  3. 同时,要按照打破垄断、鼓励竞争的原则,通过联合、兼并、改组,形成技术水平高、有竞争能力的企业集团。

    In addition , following the principle of breaking up monopolies and encouraging competition , we should work to form technologically advanced , competitive enterprise groups through association , merger and reorganization .