
  • 网络federalism;market-preserving federalism;Dual Federalism;Chinese federalism
  1. 20世纪20年代初,中国经历了一场联邦主义的尝试。

    In early 20th century ,, China has experienced a federalism attempt .

  2. 第一、二章提供了公共供应和财政联邦主义的理论分析。

    The first two chapters provided the theories of public provision and fiscal federalism .

  3. 在政治上取得权势的是杰斐逊派,在文学上保守的联邦主义者似乎人才辈出。

    While politically the Jeffersonians won power , in letters the conservative Federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented .

  4. 虽然一直以来总是充斥着强烈的联邦主义元素,但1945年后的欧洲一体化进程是从舒曼计划(SchumanPlan)正式开始的。该计划旨在整合德国和法国的煤炭和钢铁工业,以避免两国爆发战争。

    Although there was always a strong federalist element in the background , the post-1945 European movement began in earnest with the Schuman Plan , designed to integrate German and French coal and steel industries so that war between the two countries would be impossible .

  5. 论基督教圣约观对美国联邦主义宪政的影响

    The Impact of the Covenant of Christianity on American Federal Constitution

  6. 在欧洲的联邦主义者看来,美国历史已经证明,没有财政联盟的支持,货币联盟不可能独立存在。

    To European federalists , America demonstrates that monetary union cannot survive without fiscal union .

  7. 本文的目的在于扩展这一领域的既有理论,从而将公共供应问题整合到财政联邦主义的框架之中,并为后续的经验研究和公共决策厘清思路。

    It is designed to clear the way for further empirical studies and public decision-makings .

  8. 而只要存在中央与地方分权的财政联邦主义,就具备发行地方政府债券的前提。

    So far as fiscal federalism is concerned , there exists precondition for local government bonds .

  9. 试论规模困境与联邦主义

    Discussion on Size Dilemma and Unionism

  10. 欧洲联邦主义行动中心

    European Centre for Federalist Action

  11. 因此本文的创新点之一是研究联邦主义在一个具体的州&加州的实践情况。

    Hence , one of the creative of this article is research the federalism in aspecific place-California .

  12. 联邦主义与欧洲一体化

    Federalism and European Integration

  13. 欧洲联邦主义者联盟

    European Union of Federalists

  14. 新联邦主义更是通过里根强制实行州政府和地方政府扩张政策达到了高潮。

    The new federalism advanced by President Reagan mandated a greatly expanded role for state and local governments .

  15. 外交大臣向反联邦主义的议员们保证说,他不会同意任何限制英国主权的事。

    The foreign secretary assured Anti-Federalist MPs that he would not agree to anything which limited British sovereignty .

  16. 财政联邦主义理论是公共财政领域研究的前沿和热点问题。

    The theory of fiscal federalism is the front and hot issues in the field of public finance .

  17. 本文认为,中国财政体制改革的目标应该是正式的财政联邦主义。

    Therefore , it concluded that this reform is supposed to aim at formal fiscal federalism instead of re-centralization .

  18. 民族国家形成和发展的历程中,地方主义和联邦主义形成了一种新型互动关系:地方主义的新发展,使民族国家构建有了新的制度形式;

    In the historical development course of national states , there exists the interactive relation between localism and federalism .

  19. 财政联邦主义是处理中央与地方政府之间财政关系的一种制度设计。

    Fiscal federalism is a kind of institutional design to cope with the relations between the central and local governments .

  20. 美国革命后,文学领域里也发生过联邦主义者和杰斐逊派之争。

    In the years that followed the American revolution , the controversy between Federalists and Jeffersonians had its parallel in literature .

  21. 在当代美国的新联邦主义背景下,州际协定已经成为了实现州际合作和解决州际争端的最为重要的机制。

    Interstate compacts are the most significant instrument of cooperation and problem resolution between states in the American federal system today .

  22. 地方主义、联邦主义与新国家构建中的制度选择&考察1910年代中国政治的一个视角

    Localism , Federalism , and Institutional Selection in the New National Structure & A Perspective of Examining Chinese Politics in the 1910s

  23. 关于中央与地方的事权划分.经济学的主要理论是财政联邦主义理论。

    About the decentralization of authorities between central and local governments , the main theory of economics is the theory of fiscal federalism .

  24. 这一过程中,在机构、制度建设上,欧洲联邦主义人士的积极推动都起到了积极作用。

    In the integration process , the institutional constitution and the active work of the European federalists were all playing a very important role .

  25. 因此,德国和法国一起被称为欧洲一体化的发动机和火车头,而德国更被称为是联邦主义的支持者。

    Therefore , Germany and France are looked as the engine of European integration , and Germany is also looked as the advocator of federalism .

  26. 传统的财政联邦主义理论是关于公共部门职能合理分配和不同层次政府间财源合理分配的理论。

    The traditional theory of fiscal federalism is mainly about the reasonable distribution of public-section functions and revenue resources among different levels of the governments .

  27. 他们坚决主张摒弃民族国家的形式,在联邦主义的原则下实现战后欧洲的重建。

    They insisted that the European Rebuilding after WW ⅱ should be based on the principle of federalism instead of the political form of nation-state .

  28. 相反,罗姆尼坚持一贯(虽说有点愚蠢)的联邦主义立场,认为医改应当在全国范围内推行。

    Instead , Mr Romney takes the coherent ( if somewhat silly ) Federalist position that healthcare reform ought to take place at the state level .

  29. 可是,当段祺瑞强力推行专制主义中央集权和穷兵黩武的武力统一政策时,联邦主义又开始抬头。

    Later Duan Qirui imposed on people his policy of the centralization of state power and uniting the country by means of force , federalism campaign restored again .

  30. 宗教圣约观、社会契约论、限权理论和主权可分论成为美国联邦主义的思想来源。

    Religious concept of covenant , social contract theory , the theory of limiting power of government and sovereignty can be divided are the theory sources of American federalism .