
  • 网络national capitalism
  1. 中国民族资本主义发展历程述论

    Comment On The Development Course Of Chinese National Capitalism

  2. 为求民族资本主义独立发展的河南绅商

    Henan Gentle Merchants for Independent Development of National Capitalism

  3. 中国民族资本主义企业的社会主义改造经历了不同的阶段。

    Socialist transformation of Chinese national capitalist enterprises had different stages .

  4. 买办与中国民族资本主义的发展

    Comprador Class and Development of National Capitalist in China

  5. 从19世纪六七十年代开始,中国逐渐出现民族资本主义企业。

    Since 1860s and 1870s , the national capitalist business emerged gradually in China .

  6. 私有产权的社会基础:历史的启示&以对民族资本主义企业的社会主义改造为例

    The Social Basis of Private Property Right : A Study of Socialism Transformation of Capitalism Enterprises

  7. 这在很大程度上也反映出了那个时代中国民族资本主义发展的状况。

    The subject largely revealed the situation of the development of Chinese national capitalism in that era .

  8. 从民族资本主义发展看近代中国社会主要矛盾

    A look at the Chinese Major Social Contradiction in the Modern Times from the Development of National Capitalism

  9. 在经济上,他强调发展农业,劝工、劝商,发展民族资本主义经济。

    In economy , he recommended to develop agriculture , industry and commerce , national capitalism as well .

  10. 此外,还靠一个民族资本主义所有制,一个小生产者所有制即小资产阶级所有制。

    They also depended on national capitalist ownership and on ownership by small producers , that is , petty-bourgeois ownership .

  11. 如何正确认识和对待中国的民族资本主义,是中国革命过程中面临的一个重要课题。

    How to correctly understand and treat Chinese national capitalism is a severely important task in the course of Chinese revolution .

  12. 社会主义革命是革后两张皮:民族资本主义所有制和小生产者所有制。

    The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .

  13. 中国的民族资本主义企业产生相对较晚,并且是一出生就在夹缝之中生存,因此发展就更为艰难。

    The national capitalism of China was born relatively late , and the condition for its birth and development was very terrible .

  14. 到了同世纪末年和二十世纪初年,到了四十年前,中国民族资本主义便开始了初步的发展。

    About forty years ago , at the turn of the century , China 's national capitalism took its first steps forward .

  15. 随着民族资本主义工商业的发展,近代中国职业教育应运而生。

    With the development of national capitalism in China , modern vocational and technical education with distinct Chinese characteristics came into being accordingly .

  16. 民族资本主义经济的发展是职业教育产生的根本原因,反过来,职业教育的产生、发展,又对资本主义经济的发展起到了促进作用。

    National capitalistic development was the root of vocational education , conversely , the emergence and development of vocational education promoted capitalistic economic growth .

  17. 民族资本主义工商业实行公私合营了,基本上变成社会主义的了。

    National capitalist industry and Commerce have been transformed into joint state-private enterprises and have by and large become socialist enterprises , though not entirely .

  18. 其原因在于帝国主义的侵略造成民族资本主义发展的微弱和农村经济的破产;

    The reason lay in the bankrupt of the rural economy and the feebleness of national capitalistic development because of the invasion of the western developed countries ;

  19. 本文从国家与产权之间的关系这一视角出发,对20世纪50年代民族资本主义的社会主义改造问题进行了分析。

    The article tries to make a historical analysis of socialism transformation of capitalism enterprises based on a perspective of relationship between the state and property right .

  20. 中国民族资本主义企业产生的条件主要是商品市场、劳动力市场的形成和外国资本主义的刺激。

    The conditions for it to appear were the formation of outlets for goods and the market for labor forces and the stimulation of the foreign capitalism .

  21. 第四张皮,是民族资本主义所有制。第五张皮,是小生产所有制,就是农民和手工业者的个体所有制。

    National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .

  22. 文章主要结合建国初期的历史实际,全面地研究当时党对民族资本主义工业实行的政策,系统地总结这方面的历史经验。

    By thoroughly analysis of history facts in national economic recovering phase , the paper studies the policy to domestic capitalism industry and summarizes the historical experience systemically .

  23. 在长达一个多世纪里,票商建立全国汇兑网,服务工商钱户,为民族资本主义发展提供便利;

    They set up a national network of exchange shops and provided services for industry and commerce , which brought a great convenience for the development of national capitalism .

  24. 国民革命的根本目的就是为了反对帝国主义和封建主义,解放生产力,为民族资本主义工业的发展开辟道路。

    The fundamental purpose of the national revolution is opposed against imperialism and feudalism so as to liberate productivity and find the way for the development of national capitalism industry .

  25. 近代实业家张謇在其“实业救国”的历程中,充分认识金融现代化的巨大功效,痛感近代中国金融体制极度落后,大力倡导金融现代化,以适应和推动中国民族资本主义发展。

    He keenly felt the lag of financial system to the most in modern China , utmostiy advocating financial modernization in order to adapt and promote the development of nationality capitalism .

  26. 又因为帝国主义的侵略,民族资本主义的发展,封建经济逐渐崩溃,中国一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会。

    Because of the imperialism invasion , the development of national capitalism , and the collapse of feudal economy , China were reduced to the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step .

  27. 晚清时期,随着西方保险业的传入、近代保险思想在华的传播和民族资本主义工商业的迅猛发展,中国的民族保险业应运而生。

    National insurance in China took birth with the introduction of western insurance , the spreading of the idea of insurance in China and the prosperity of the national industry and commerce .

  28. 日本对沦陷区工矿业的掠夺,造成了中国工矿业的畸形发展,使中国民族资本主义陷入了绝境,也截断了中国工业化的进程。

    Japanese plundering of mining industry in the occupied regions deformed China 's economic development , reduced China 's national capitalism into an impasse , and held back the proceeding of China 's industrialization .

  29. 民族资本主义有了某些发展,并在中国政治的、文化的生活中起了颇大的作用;

    National capitalism has developed to a certain extent and has played a considerable part in China 's political and cultural life , but it has not become the principal pattern in China 's social economy ;

  30. 这是山西近代工业中资金比较雄厚、相对成规模的第一个民族资本主义煤矿企业,也是山西煤炭工业史上进入机械与半机械化采煤的开始。

    This is modern industrial capital in Shanxi Province is abundant , relative to the size of the first national capitalism in coal mine enterprises , Shanxi coal industry to the mechanical and half mechanization mining start .