
pín fù fēn huà
  • polarization between the rich and the poor;polarization between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat
贫富分化[pín fù fēn huà]
  1. 北魏时期的贫富分化及其影响探析试谈北魏墓志的等级制度

    The Polarization Between the Rich and the Poor during the Northern Wei Period and Its Influence

  2. 社会成员的生存与发展由于贫富分化的加剧,面临的问题原来越多、越来越严重。

    The survival and development of social members as the polarization between the rich and the poor , is facing the problem more and more serious .

  3. 这些国家都还没有找到办法来解决贫富分化的问题。

    None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth .

  4. 经合组织高级经济学家赫德(RichardHerd)在北京的一场记者会上表示,在过去五年,我们已经看到贫富分化在稳定下来。

    ' We 've already seen , in the last five years , a stabilizing of the disparities , 'said Richard Herd , a senior economist at the OECD , told a press briefing in Beijing .

  5. 公司养老金也是一个大问题,它加剧了美国的贫富分化:药品公司麦克森(McKesson)的CEO才当14年的老大,但退休时将有1.59亿美元的退休金,而美国一般打工族的收入已经30年止步不前。

    Corporate pensions are also a big problem , widening America 's inequality gap : Drug company McKesson 's CEO has been boss for 14 years , but will retire with a $ 159 million pension , while the income of America 's average wage earner has stagnated for 30 years .

  6. 贫富分化的阶层化及其政治挑战进镇农民:从边缘群体走向阶层化

    Peasants in Town : Move Towards Stratifying from the Outlying Group

  7. 导火索是越来越大的贫富分化和家庭生活负担。

    Rising inequality and rising household financial burdens are the triggers .

  8. 社会转型中的贫富分化及治理

    Polarity between Rich and Poor during Society Transforming Period & Its Contral

  9. 信息经济社会中的信息贫富分化及其应对

    Toward Polarization and Alleviation of Information Poverty in Information Society

  10. 论我国贫富分化中的经济理性与道德理性

    On the Economic Rationality and Moral Rationality in the Poor-rich Polarization of China

  11. 跨越差距鸿沟:贫富分化与农民工城市化问题探析

    Bridging Income Gap : A Research on Polarization and Migrant Labor 's Urbanization

  12. 南北经济贫富分化的现状、原因与启示

    The Status , Causes and Lessons of Uneven North-South Development in the Globalization Context

  13. 作为中国的首都,北京城市的贫富分化,可谓有目共睹。

    The polarization of rich and poor in China 's capital city is most visible .

  14. 新自由主义的危害&试论贫富分化问题全球化时代欧、美国家社会贫富分化论析

    The Harm of New Liberalism & Discussion on Differentiation between the Rich and the Poor

  15. 在这些社会问题和社会矛盾中,社会不公正问题和贫富分化成为焦点。

    Among these problems and conflicts , social injustice and the rich-poor polarization became the focuses .

  16. 在此过程中,越来越多的金钱被实际重洗到越来越少的人手中,贫富分化日见加剧。

    In that process , more money is gathered in fewer people , polarization will be aggravated .

  17. 这两部分主要在历史上探寻巴西贫富分化的起始原因。

    These two parts are mainly to seek the starting reasons of the polarization of wealth in Brazil .

  18. 经济增长稳健,银行资金充实;不平等程度有所缩窄,哪怕世界其它地区的贫富分化都在扩大。

    Economic growth is robust and banks are sound . In-equality has fallen , even as it rose elsewhere .

  19. 单位组织自身的状况穴内生性因素雪以及其与社会的联系穴外生性因素雪成为影响城市社会成员贫富分化的重要因素。

    The condition of different Unit organizations and their relation with the society become the dominating factor in wealth polarization .

  20. 有人指出,通过再分配把钱从纳德利的口袋里分给加莱克斯的工人并不能减少社会的贫富分化;

    Some argue that redistributing more cash from the Nardellis to the Galaxians would not just make society less unequal ;

  21. 同时,他们对穷人的境遇要么漠然置之,要么就用各种方式将贫富分化的状况合理化。

    At the same time , the plight of the poor remains ignored , or even rationalized in various ways .

  22. 也就是说,对于贫富分化这类社会问题,大学自身不仅应超越这种分化,还应以自身的力量消弭这种分化。

    So to speak , college should by itself surmount this polarization as well as offset it within its own power .

  23. 直到今年之前,贫富分化的问题压根儿就没有出现在风险清单之上,更遑论高居榜首。

    Until this year the issue of inequality never appeared on the risk list at all , let alone topped it .

  24. 生产资料私人占有导致贫富分化随着社会财富的日益积累而不断扩大。

    The private ownership of led to polarization between rich and poor along with the increasing accumulation of social wealth expanding .

  25. 中俄两国转型时期贫富分化问题比较研究&兼论中国渐进体制转型模式的合理性

    A Comparative Study of Wealth Polarization in China and Russia During Their Transitions & Onthe Rationality of China 's Gradual Transition Model

  26. 三是指出了中国当前社会贫富分化的现实问题和解决这些问题的路径选择,这对政策制定具有重要的理论指导意义。

    Thirdly , indicates the practical issues of Chinese current social polarization and solutions to these problems , which has important theoretical significance .

  27. 该地区其他国家爆发阿拉伯之春运动的关键原因之一是贫富分化,而语言分化正是其反映。

    The bifurcation of wealth , a key part of Arab Spring uprisings elsewhere in the region , is mirrored in the bifurcation of language .

  28. 区域集团化对经济一体化的背离倾向以及全球化中的贫富分化倾向。由于这些变数的存在,世界经济在新世纪初年或许正在进行着路径选择。

    Because of these " variables "," choice of path " is being made in progress in world economy at the beginning of the new century .

  29. 并且,外向型经济增长加剧我国贫富分化,抑制国内需求,不能保持经济长期的高增长率。

    In addition , export-oriented economic growth aggravates the divides between rich and poor , curbs domestic demand and can 't maintain the high economic growth .

  30. 然而,由于中国人口庞大,经济基础较弱,贫富分化严重,所以中国还不是发达国家。

    However , due to its huge population , week economic foundation , development disparity , China could by no means be viewed as a developed country .