
pín qióng
  • poverty;poor;impoverished;privation;want;needy;penury
贫穷 [pín qióng]
  • [poor;needy;impoverished] 缺乏物质财产的状态;家境穷,没有什么钱财

  • 贫穷的一家

贫穷[pín qióng]
  1. 我们儿时的生活虽然贫穷却过得很愉快。

    We led a poor but happy enough existence as children .

  2. 你知不知道贫穷意味着什么?

    Do you have any idea what it means to be poor ?

  3. 他们向往一个没有贫穷和疾病的平等社会。

    They envision an equal society , free from poverty and disease .

  4. 它是世界上的贫穷国家之一。

    It 's among the poorer countries of the world .

  5. 在理想的世界里将没有贫穷和疾病。

    In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease .

  6. 他们向往一个没有贫穷和疾病的平等社会。

    They envision an equal society , free of poverty and disease .

  7. 贫穷的地理环境与选票的地理分布是相联系的。

    The geography of poverty and the geography of voting are connected .

  8. 贫穷的郊区在传统上构成了支持该党的牢固基础。

    The poor suburbs traditionally formed the bedrock of the party 's support .

  9. 表面的繁华掩盖了这座城市的肮脏和贫穷。

    Squalor and poverty lay behind the city 's glittering fa ç ade .

  10. 贫穷是她的小说中惯有的主题。

    Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels .

  11. 他们经受了围困、饥饿和贫穷。

    They had withstood siege , hunger and deprivation .

  12. 失业是贫穷的主要原因。

    Unemployment was the chief cause of poverty .

  13. 贫穷不是耻辱。

    There is no disgrace in being poor .

  14. 他在贫穷中度过余生。

    He ended his days in poverty .

  15. 只因为贫穷就使得这群儿童成为警方眼中的罪犯。

    The mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police .

  16. 她现在可能成功了,但她尝过贫穷的滋味。

    She may be successful now , but she has known what it is like to be poor .

  17. 某些最贫穷的人却住在这个国家一些最富有的地区,这似乎很矛盾。

    It is paradoxical that some of the poorest people live in some of the richest areas of the country .

  18. 邓恩先生贫穷的托词只是部分成立。

    Mr Dunn 's pleas of poverty are only partly justified .

  19. 繁荣的西部和贫穷的东部之间的差距仍然存在。

    The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains .

  20. 采用传统的方法,贫穷的农民基本上能自给自足。

    Using traditional methods poor farmers can be virtually self-sufficient .

  21. 我们贫穷但从不装腔作势。

    We 're poor and we never put on airs .

  22. 他出生在一个地位相当低下的贫穷家庭。

    He came from a fairly humble , poor background .

  23. 尽管他家境一般,但也并不贫穷。

    Though his background was modest , it was in no sense deprived .

  24. 其他贫穷国家将目光投向国外,加强与经济强国的联系。

    Other poor countries looked outward , strengthening their ties to the economic superpowers

  25. 我坦率地问他,人在如此贫穷的环境中如何还能生存。

    I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty .

  26. 对最贫穷和最没有特权的人们犯下了大量罪行。

    Tremendous wrongs were being perpetrated on the poorest and least privileged human beings

  27. 贫穷问题已较过去有所缓解。

    Poverty is less of a problem now than it used to be .

  28. 这些城市正逐渐变为极度贫穷之人的聚居地。

    The towns are on the way to becoming agglomerations of desperately poor people

  29. 他们拒绝采取措施解决引发犯罪的真正问题:贫穷。

    They refuse to do anything about the real cause of crime : poverty

  30. 很多贫穷家庭正经历严重的困难。

    Many poor households are experiencing real hardship .