
dào shǔ
  • count backwards;reciprocal


dào shù
  • reciprocal
倒数 [dào shǔ]
  • [count backwards] 从后向前数( shǔ)

  • 倒数第一名(最后一名)

  • [reciprocal] 与其数相乘得一的数

  • 4/3是3/4的倒数

倒数[dào shǔ]
倒数[dào shù]
  1. 这么久我都可以倒数回去了。

    I could count backwards in this time .

  2. 单位叶面积含N率以倒数第2展开叶最高,衰老叶片只有正常叶片的1/3左右。

    The N content per unit leaf area was the highest in the second leaf count backwards , and that of decrepit leaf was about the 1 / 3 of the normal leaf .

  3. 这匹马在比赛中跑了个倒数第二。

    The horse came next to last in the race .

  4. 我赛跑得了倒数第二名。

    I came last but one in the race .

  5. 我在赛跑中得了倒数第二。

    I came second last in the race .

  6. 她得了倒数第二。

    She finished second to last .

  7. 英国队位列倒数第二。

    The British team finished last but one .

  8. 我住在这条胡同里倒数第二家。

    I live in the last house but one in this lane .

  9. 控制站的人员已经开始倒数秒数了。

    The people at control have already begun to count down .

  10. 生存的概率是生殖力的倒数。

    The probability of survival is the reciprocal of fecundity .

  11. 1939年,罗斯福总统将感恩节的正式日期改为十一月的倒数第二个星期四而不是最后一个星期四。

    In 1939 , President Roosevelt changed the official date of Thanksgiving to the second-to-last Thursday in November instead of the last .

  12. 倒数第二行代码显示WebServices是如何处理操作调用的。

    The second to the last line reveals how the web service processes operation invocations .

  13. 倒数第二个图标(中心有一个点的图标)代表Home窗口。

    The second-to-last icon ( the icon with a single dot in the center ) represents the Home window .

  14. 倒数第二次冰消期西太平洋边缘海地区δ~(13)C值快速负偏事件及其成因

    Rapid carbon - isotope negative excursion events during the penultimate deglaciation in Western Pacific marginal sea areas and their origins

  15. 倒数第三张图是错的吧?难道不应该是-√x嘛?

    The third to last panel is an imaginary number . Shouldn 't it be-SQRT ( x )?

  16. 第一次发生在140KaBP的倒数第二次冰期,各地广泛发育冰楔;

    The first one , in which ice wedges extensively developed , was the penultimate glaciation 140 ka BP .

  17. 利用CdS倒数特性的测光系统

    Exposure-Measuring System using the Reciprocal Property of Photoconductor CdS

  18. 熵损失下逆高斯分布参数倒数的Bayes估计

    The Bayes Estimation of Inverse Gaussian Distribution Parameter Reciprocal under Entropy Loss Function

  19. 基于ADSL系统RS纠错码的乘法器及倒数器的设计

    Design of Multiplier and Inverses of Multiplier for Reed-Solomon coding in ADSL System

  20. 研究讨论了倒数ROM表的构造方法。

    The reciprocal ROM structure is also mentioned by this thesis .

  21. 基于动态Voronoi图的距离倒数加权法的改进研究

    Improvement Research on Inverse Distance Weighting Method Based on Dynamic Voronoi Diagram

  22. 在概率聚类算法中,类条件概率密度函数定义为样本X到该类聚类中心之间距离的倒数。

    In the algorithm , the class conditional probability density function was defined as the reciprocal of the distance between sample X and the cluster center .

  23. 基于对Logistic旋回的研究,推导提出了一种利用累积产量的倒数关系预测可采储量的新模型。

    Based on study on Logistic cycle , a new model of predicting recoverable reserve by reciprocal relation of cumulative production is derived .

  24. Pr∶YIG晶体倒数Faraday转动随波长变化研究

    Theoretical Investigation for the Reciprocal Faraday Rotation Versus Wavelength in Pr ∶ YIG Crystal

  25. 倒数第二位叶片超微弱发光与CAT、POD、AP酶活成正相关;与蛋白含量成负相关。

    Last but one blade has positive correlation with CAT , POD and AP activity , and has negative correlation with protein level .

  26. 2,4-二氧四氢喋啶合酶(LS)是催化核黄素生物合成途径中倒数第二步的酶,是核黄素合成的关键酶之一。

    And Lumazine synthase which catalyzes the penultimate step of riboflavin biosynthesis is one of key enzymes of riboflavin biosynthesis .

  27. 在几个维护检查之后,倒数第二个步骤是调用模块的exit函数(模块内部自带)。

    After a few more housekeeping checks , the penultimate step is to call the module 's exit function ( provided within the module itself ) .

  28. 采用模拟退火技术进行模型求解,且巧妙地将退火温度T的倒数作为Lagrange乘子,以改善增广目标函数的收敛性。

    The simulated annealing technique is used , and 1 / T is regraded as the Lagrange multiplier to improve convergence .

  29. 研究表明,DIN中的理想吞吐量与结构规模的倒数成正比。

    The research shows that ideal throughput is inversely proportional to the fabric scale .

  30. 用双倒数作图法确定Pb(NO3)2对该酶的抑制类型。

    The inhibition type of Pb ( NO_3 ) _2 on PLAP was determined by using the double reciprocal plot .