
  • 网络anatropous;anatropous ovule
  1. ‘大五星’枇杷的胚胎发育解剖观察表明:(1)‘大五星’枇杷胚珠为倒生胚珠,蓼型胚囊和核型胚乳。

    Embryo development of ' Dawuxing ' Results of anatomical structure of ' Dawuxing ' showed that ( 1 ) The ovules belongs to anatropous ovule , polygonum type embryo-sac , nuclear endosperm in ' Dawuxing ' .

  2. 成熟花粉为2-细胞型。(2)牛膝菊子房一室,每室一枚倒生胚珠,具单珠被,薄珠心。

    The mature pollen grain is 2-celled . ( 2 ) The ovary has 1 locule and there is 1 anatropous ovule in each locule .

  3. 子房2室,每室2个倒生胚珠,具单珠被,薄珠心。

    The ovary is 2-loculus with 2 anatropous ovules in each . The ovule is unitegmic and tenuinucellate .

  4. 雌蕊3心皮3室,子房下位,中轴胎座,每室2倒生胚珠,厚珠心,双珠被,内珠被独自形成珠孔。

    Its pistil consists of three carpels , the inferior ovary has three locules and each locule has two ovules which are anatropous on axile placenta . The ovule is bitegminous and crassinucellate .

  5. 2月底,苞片体积不再发生变化,珠鳞膨大端的基部的近轴面分化出2个倒生胚珠。

    At the end of February , the bract attained approximately their full size , and a pair of anatropous ovules were initiated on the adaxial surface at the base of the fertile ovuliferous scale .

  6. 雌配子体发育的特点是:倒生胚珠、基底胎座、厚珠心、双珠被、孢原细胞直接长大成大孢子母细胞、反足细胞退化早,胚珠发育为蓼型。

    The character of macrospore in development were as followed : anatropal ovule , basal placenta , thick nucellar , two integument , megaspore mother cell coming directly from archesporial cell , early degenerating antipodal cell , thedevelopment of the embryo sac being conformed as the polygonum type .

  7. 子房为二心皮一室,多胚珠,侧膜胎座,倒生型胚珠。

    The ovary was bicarpellary syncarpous and unilocular having parietal placentas . Ovules were anatropous .