
  • 网络hardwood cutting
  1. 本方法提高四倍体刺槐K4无性系的硬枝扦插成活率达90.6%,而且比常规嫩枝扦插缩短了生根时间。

    The survival rate of hardwood cutting of tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K4 was increased to 89.4 % and its rooting time was shorter than the normal softwood cutting by using this method . 5 .

  2. 本研究以四倍体刺槐K4无性系等为试验材料,对其硬枝扦插和嫩枝扦插技术进行优化试验,尤其采用越冬沙藏催根法和埋枝黄化催芽法进行扦插研究。

    But it is difficult to root , especially in cutting propagation . The objectives of the present study were to optimize techniques of hardwood cutting and softwood cutting for tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clones . Hardwood cutting after overwintering sand storage root promoting and wood-burying etiolation root promoting were used .

  3. 悬铃木硬枝扦插年龄效应及对-αNAA处理的响应

    The Age-Effects of Hardwood-Cutting of Platanus orientalis and Its Rooting Response to α - NAA

  4. 采用IBA、NAA、ABT生根粉均能显著提高硬枝扦插和嫩枝扦插成活率,对根插则无明显影响;

    It could significantly improve survival rate of hardwood cuttage and softwood cuttage by using IBA , NAA and ABT , but it was not significant effect in root cuttage .

  5. 3)半硬枝扦插,NAA100×10~(-6)处理60min后插于细沙基质中。

    3 ) semihard - wood cutting : treated with 100 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) NAA for 1 hour + being in fine sand medium .

  6. 通过正交试验,筛选出三套扦插因素与水平的较佳组合:1)硬枝扦插,1月10日扦插采用NAA(奈乙酸)100×10~(-6)浸24h使用基部条;

    By means of orthogonal test , three combinations more suitable between cutting factor and horizon were screened . 1 ) hard-wood cutting . cutting on January 10 + soaked in 100 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) NAA for 24 hours + using basal cutting ;

  7. 2)硬枝扦插,用16℃的水浸15d,然后再用0.3%KMnO4(高锰酸钾)浸30min;

    2 ) hard-wood cutting : soaked in water for 15 days + soaked in 0.3 % KMnO_4 for 30 minutes + being in water whose temperature is 16 ℃ for water temperament ( cold water );

  8. 结果表明:葡萄硬枝扦插成活率的高低不仅与种株及种条的选择、种条的质量、ABT的处理浓度、扦插技术等因素有关,而且还与扦插后的管理有密切关系。

    The result suggests : the survival rate of grapes ' hardwood cuttage is not only connected with the choice of branch and plant , the quality of branch , the conducted density of ABT , and the technique of cuttage , but also the management after cuttage .

  9. 梅花硬枝扦插繁殖与贮藏养分的关系

    Relations between propagation by hardwood cuttings of mume and nutrient reserves

  10. 中国沙棘雌株硬枝扦插育苗试验研究

    Study on Hardwood Cutting of Female Seedling for Chinese Sea buckthorn

  11. 葡萄砧木硬枝扦插生根与成苗特性的研究

    Characteristics of Hard-twig Cutting Rooting and Seedling of Grapevine Rootstocks

  12. 不同的生长调节剂对黑加仑硬枝扦插的影响

    The Effect of Different Growth Regulator on Hardwood Cutting of Black Gallon

  13. 花椒半硬枝扦插育苗试验。

    Experiment on half-hardwood cutting seedling in Zanthoxylum bungeanum maxim .

  14. 青海云杉硬枝扦插繁殖研究

    Research on Hardy Branch Cutting Cultivation of Qinghai Spruce

  15. 丽江云杉硬枝扦插繁殖技术与生根特性研究

    Study on technology and rooting capability of harwood cutting propagation of Picea likiangensis

  16. 不同生长素对蔷薇硬枝扦插生根的影响

    Effects of Different Treatments on Hardwood-Cutting Rooting of Rose

  17. 石榴硬枝扦插技术

    Techniques for Cuttage of Punica granatum by Stiff Branches

  18. 影响木槿硬枝扦插若干生理指标的研究

    Study on the Effects of Some Physiological Indexes on Hibiscus Syriacus Woody Cutting

  19. 两种野生花灌木硬枝扦插繁殖试验

    Studies on Hardwood Cutting of Two Wild Shrubs

  20. 紫叶小檗硬枝扦插技术的研究

    Study on the hardwood cutting technique of barberry

  21. 无花果夏季硬枝扦插试验

    Experiment on Hardwood Cutting of Fig in Summer

  22. 结果表明,绿枝扦插的生根率显著好于硬枝扦插。

    The result shows that the rooting rate of greenwood is higher than hardwood .

  23. 沈阳地区桑树硬枝扦插的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Mulberry Cuttage in Shenyang

  24. 美国黑莓的硬枝扦插技术

    Technique for hardwood cutting of Allegany BlackBerry

  25. 本试验对影响葡萄硬枝扦插苗成活和生长有关因素进行了研究。

    This test studies these factors which affect survival rate and growing of grapes ' hardwood cuttage .

  26. 不同因子对新疆野生沙棘硬枝扦插影响的试验研究

    Experimental study of hard pieces of cutting influence of wild sea buckthorn of Xinjiang of different factors

  27. 试验结果表明:南川绣线菊属皮部生根型易生根灌木,可采用硬枝扦插育苗技术进行繁殖。

    Therefore , Spiraea rosthornii is easy to generate roots from phloem and reproduce by hardwood cutting .

  28. 三种外源生长素对伞房决明一年生硬枝扦插生根的效应

    Effect of Three Kinds of Exogenous Auxins in Rooting of Cutting Propagation from One Year Hard Twigs of Cassia corymbosa

  29. 不同种类生根剂对葡萄品种北冰红硬枝扦插生根成苗效果的研究

    Seedling Effect on Rooting of a New Grape Variety " Beibinghong " via Hard Branch Cutting with Different Rooting Agent

  30. 休眠期硬枝扦插的生根率最高,3月萌芽期的扦插成活率最低。

    Rooting percent of dormant hard cuttage branch is the highest and survival rate of bud breaking cuttage branch is lowest .