
  1. 有些选民担心,即使奥巴马当选或许对美国的软实力有益,他可能不太懂得使用硬实力(hardpower)。

    Some voters worry that even though Mr Obama might be good for us soft power , he might not understand hard power .

  2. 这说明随着地区经济发展,当FDI和外包达到一定水平时,只有制度红利能进一步促进其发展,而像人口红利和基础设施等硬实力的作用已经变得十分微弱。

    This shows that with the regional economic development , FDI and outsourcing have reached a certain level , only " bonus system " works , and the role of " hard power " like the " demographic dividend " and infrastructure has become very weak .

  3. 其中绝大多数孩子都是凭“硬实力”得到录取的,因为他们有着优异的SAT考试成绩以及满是各种荣誉的个人简历。

    Most of these kids have " earned " their places , in the sense of having high-performing SAT tests and curriculum vitae packed with accolades .

  4. 首先,增强硬实力。

    First , we should enhance " hard power " .

  5. 用软实力驾驭硬实力&打造一流车间管理的实践该校有实力雄厚的一队。

    Practice on Top-ranking Workshop Management The school has a strong side .

  6. 国家的综合国力包括了硬实力和软实力。

    Comprehensive National Power includes Hard Power and Soft Power .

  7. 你必须在硬实力和软实力之间找到平衡,他建议道。

    You have to balance hard and soft power , he advised .

  8. 软实力与硬实力:一个新的分析框架

    Soft power and hard power : a new analysis framework

  9. 文化软实力与硬实力既紧密联系,又互相区别。

    The cultural soft power and hard power are closely connected and differ .

  10. 发展经济为郑州区域性中心城市建设增加硬实力。

    And III. Developing economy to intensify hard strength for construction of Zhengzhou regional central city .

  11. 就硬实力而言,新闻国际甚至未能果断处理内部麻烦。

    As for hard power , News International has not even handled its internal troubles decisively .

  12. 文化安全问题在全球呈现不同的面貌,各国文化安全问题总是与自身的科技经济的硬实力有关。

    Culture security is various in different countries and is always relevant to national force power .

  13. 无助科技硬实力相对于文化力来说,两者是相辅相成又缺一不可。

    Helpless technology hard power relative to the cultural strength speaking , both are complementary and inseparable .

  14. 企业发展的进程,就是硬实力积累与软实力扩展的进程。

    The procedure of enterprise development is the process of hard power accumulation and soft power expansion .

  15. 不同于历史上大国依靠硬实力、尤其是军事实力的扩张崛起之路中国要走一条和平崛起之路,就必须努力提升自己的软实力。

    If we choose the peaceful rise , we must work hard to promote our own soft strength .

  16. 战斗力的构成可以简单分为硬实力和软实力两个部分。

    The battle effectiveness can simply be divided into " hard power " and " soft power " .

  17. 软实力高校图书馆发展的动力之源用软实力驾驭硬实力打造一流车间管理的实践

    Soft Strength : The Source of the Driving Force for Universities Library 's Development Practice on Top-ranking Workshop Management

  18. 航运软实力是航运业的核心竞争力,它能产生比硬实力更大的影响。

    Shipping soft power is the core competitiveness of shipping industry , and its influences are more than hard power .

  19. 国际角色定位、软实力及硬实力三者之间的关系,如同金字塔型。

    There is a metaphor of Pyramid among the relation of localization of international-role , soft power and hard power .

  20. 城市竞争理念也由单一的硬实力竞争变为硬实力和软实力的综合竞争。

    The urban concept of competition by a single hard power competition into a hard power and soft power competition .

  21. 这一战略的实质,是把软实力与硬实力结合起来,维护美国一超独霸的所谓世界领导地位。

    The essence of this strategy is to combine soft and hard power to maintain U.S. " world leadership " .

  22. 相对于政治经济的硬实力来说,文化被认为是一种软实力。

    Relative to the political and economic " hard power ", culture is considered to be a " soft power " .

  23. 一个规模巨大的经济体将会有更多的钱投入硬实力最基本的形式:军事。

    A huge economy will have more money to spend on the most basic form of hard power : the military .

  24. 麦凯恩宣称,要更有效地利用美国的硬实力,与此相结合的是与美国盟友更加紧密的联系。

    Mr McCain speaks of using America 's hard power more effectively , combining it with stronger engagement with US allies .

  25. 它是相对于硬实力而言的,和硬实力同等重要,并不是所有的文化都是软实力。

    It is relative to hard power , is equally important to it , meanwhile , not all cultures are soft power .

  26. 城市对体育赛事的制约因素有:政府、城市硬实力和城市软实力。

    The constraints of the city of the sports events : the city government , the urban hard power and urban soft power .

  27. 穷兵黩武的军事态度可能招致邻国的联合对抗,这对中国的硬实力和软实力都是一种削弱。

    Too aggressive a Chinese military posture could produce a countervailing coalition among its neighbors that would weaken both its hard and soft power .

  28. 这种策略相当于中国政府最近的外交政策决策——放弃硬实力投射、转向软实力游说——在商业上的映射。

    It is the commercial equivalent of the Chinese government 's recent foreign policy decision to discard hard-power projection in favour of soft-power persuasion .

  29. 陕商文化作为硬实力,作为国民经济的重要产业部门,可以增加陕西省生产总值,拉动社会经济增长。

    Shaanxi business culture as a hard power , as an important economic sectors , increase the GDP of Shaanxi Province , stimulating economic growth .

  30. 在欧洲,美国的软实力一直因为布什政府不受约束、且低效率地动用其硬实力而遭到严重损害。

    In Europe , the US 's soft power has seriously suffered from the unrestrained and inefficient use of hard power by the Bush administration .