
  • 网络Morris Chang;M.Chang
  1. 但该公司首席执行官张忠谋(morrischang)表示,如果他早知道今天的需求如此强劲,他当初会“继续踩住油门”,而不是推迟在新竹和其它地区兴建工厂的计划。

    But , says Morris Chang , chief executive , had he known how robust demand would be today , he would have kept his " foot on the accelerator " rather than delaying plans to build factories in Hsinchu and elsewhere .

  2. 台积电董事长兼首席执行官张忠谋(morrischang)表示,他预计市场状况的好转在整个第三季度都将持续,但担心第四季度会较第三季度略有恶化。

    Morris Chang , the TSMC chairman and chief executive who returned to run the company in June , said that he expected the improvement in conditions to last through the third quarter but expressed concern that the fourth might be slightly worse than the third .

  3. 张忠谋表示:最后一定会有第三幕的复苏。

    In the end , there must be a third act : recovery , Mr Chang said .

  4. 按照该公司董事长暨总执行长张忠谋的说法,答案是:还需要多得多的产能。

    The answer , according to Morris Chang , chairman and chief executive , is a lot more still .

  5. 这意味着该公司将大幅扩大产能,因为张忠谋最近曾表示,目前需求超出供应30%。

    This signifies a big increase , given that Mr Chang recently said that demand was outstripping supply by 30 per cent .

  6. 张忠谋将本轮经济衰退比作一出希腊悲剧,第一幕是金融海啸,第二幕是全球经济萧条。

    He likened the economic downturn to a Greek tragedy , with the first act being the financial crisis and the second being the global economic slowdown .

  7. 张忠谋周四表示,芯片业快速增长的时代在2000年已经结束,不过预计代工产业仍将略好于半导体产业的总体表现。

    Mr Chang said on Thursday that the era of rapid growth for the chip industry had ended in 2000 , although the foundry sector is still expected to slightly outperform the overall semiconductor industry .