
xīn zànɡ zhòu tínɡ
  • cardiac arrest
  1. 探讨心脏骤停(Cardiacarrest,CA)持续时间对复苏效果的影响。

    ; to investigate the effect of time of cardiac arrest ( CA ) on the result of resuscitation .

  2. 心脏骤停,又称心源性猝死(SuddenCardiacDeath,SCD),是威胁人类健康的一大杀手。

    Cardiac arrest , also called sudden cardiac death , is a major killer to the human life .

  3. 心脏骤停大鼠复苏后心脑内IL-1β和TNF-α的变化

    Changes of tumor necrosis factor - α, interleukin-1 β in the brain and cardia of cardiac arrest resuscitation rats

  4. 在心脏骤停后3h,用碘125标记的白蛋白和湿重与干重的比例来测定脑水肿。

    Brain edema was measured 3 hours after cardiac arrest using I-125 labelled albumin and wet : dry ratio .

  5. 结论:心脏骤停复苏后的全身性缺血-再灌注病理生理过程可能与血ET、TNF-α含量变化有关。

    Conclusion : Changes of plasma TNF - α and ET levels in rabbits may play an important role in the pathophysiological process of ischemic-reperfusion after cardiac resuscitation .

  6. 在北美心脏骤停是主要死因,而业余人员的CPR反应率很低。

    Random cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in North America and lay responder CPR rates remain low .

  7. 结果电刺激时间为5s的模型组,心脏骤停时间大于3min。

    Results In the model group , the time of sudden cardiac arrest of rabbits continue 3 minute or more .

  8. 目的:探讨头部亚低温对心脏骤停犬超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和脂质过氧化物(LPO)的影响,为临床脑复苏过程中开展亚低温治疗提供依据。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of head mild hypothermia on superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and lipid peroxide ( LPO ) for obtaining the theoretic basis of using mild hypothermia in cerebral resuscitation .

  9. 对旁观者来说最重要的信息在于,心脏骤停并不意味着死亡宣判,如果更多人懂得如何进行CPR和胸外按压,会有更多生命被拯救。

    The main message to bystanders is that cardiac arrest is not necessarily a death sentence , but lives can be saved if more people learn CPR and how to deliver chest compressions .

  10. 药物治疗带来副作用。一些患者发生心律失常的次数非常多,导致一天内ICD需要频繁电击来防止心脏骤停。

    The medications have side effects and the electrical disturbances in some people are so frequent that the ICD must fire multiple corrective shocks each day to prevent sudden cardiac arrest .

  11. 结论在心脏骤停缺血再灌注损伤过程中ET-1、NO水平变化及相关关系可能是一种调节机制,并在病理生理过程中起重要作用。

    Conclusion During ischemia reperfusion lesion of sudden cardiac arrest of rabbits , alteration and relationship of ET-1 and NO in plasma of rabbits can be an regulating mechanism and they can play an important role during pathophysiological duration .

  12. 心脏骤停PR-MODS兔动物模型的建立和生脉注射液干预治疗的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Establishing a Rabbit Model of PR-MODS after Cardiac Arrest and the Intervention Therapy by Shengmai Injection

  13. 迈克尔受到了心脏骤停在今天下午早些时候他Holmby山家和护理人员无法恢复他。

    Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him .

  14. 结论心脏骤停复苏后存在左室收缩功能障碍,导致MABP降低、PCWP增高等血流动力学指标的紊乱。左室收缩功能障碍[左室射血分数(EF)<50%]。

    Conclusion Left ventricular contraction dysfunction occurs in left ventricles after cardiac arrest and resuscitation and this lead to the disorder of indexes of hemodynamics such as the decrease of MABP and the increase of PCWP .

  15. 钳夹法致心脏骤停组血MDA于复苏后30min升高显著(P<001),其他各项检测指标在两种方法致兔心脏骤停复苏后各时相中的含量变化组间对比无明显差异(P>005)。

    MDA in the group by forceps holder method increased remarkably in 30 minutes of post-resuscitation ( P < 0 01 ), other tested indexes in the phasic content changes after resuscitation of sudden cardiac arrest by the two methods were not significantly different ( P > 0 05 ) .

  16. 川芎嗪对心脏骤停鼠脑复苏的作用

    Effects of Ligustrazine on Cerebral Resuscitation after Cardiac Arrest in Rats

  17. 早期针刺对心脏骤停患者脑复苏的影响

    Influence of Early Acupuncture on Cerebral Resuscitation in Cardiac Arrest Patients

  18. 心脏骤停患者心肺复苏程序的探讨

    Discussion on procedure of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in patients with cardiac arrest

  19. 心脏骤停复苏后亚低温治疗的护理进展

    Nursing Development of Therapeutic Mild Hypothermia After Resuscitation of Cardiac Arrest

  20. 13例心脏骤停复苏成功及随访观察

    Successful resuscitation of 13 cases of cardiac arrest and follow-up survey

  21. 任何年龄段的人都有可能遭遇心脏骤停这一致命危险。

    People of any age can suffer sudden deadly heart failure .

  22. 大鼠窒息法心脏骤停后心肌挛缩的发生规律

    Features of ischemic myocardial contracture after asphyxia-induced cardiac arrest in rats

  23. 介绍一种新的兔心脏骤停模型

    Introduction of the New Model of Sudden Cardiac Arrest of Rabbit

  24. 心室颤动和心脏骤停5例,占19.2%;

    Of ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest , proportion 19.2 % ;

  25. 电刺激致兔心脏骤停模型的建立

    Establishment of the model of sudden cardiac arrest by electric stimulation

  26. 支气管镜检查致呼吸心脏骤停1例

    A case report of respiratory and cardiac arrest due to bronchoscopy

  27. 心脏骤停动物模型的动物和实验方法选择

    Selection of experimental animals and methods in the model of cardiac arrest

  28. 浅谈心脏骤停的抢救及护理

    Elementary Introduction of Salvage and Nurse to Heart Sudden Pause

  29. 心脏骤停复苏后红细胞电泳时间的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Red Blood Cell Electrophoresis Time Post-cardiac Arrest

  30. 大剂量肾上腺素静注抢救心脏骤停的体会

    Rescued Heart Sudden Arrest by Intravenous Injected Large Dose Adrenalin