
xīn lǐ zhàn
  • psychological warfare;psywar
心理战[xīn lǐ zhàn]
  1. 清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)日本问题专家刘江永说,日本在打心理战和舆论战。

    Liu Jiangyong , a Japan expert at Tsinghua University , said Japan was engaging in psychological warfare and public opinion warfare .

  2. Westbrook曾在越南作为心理战专家为CIA工作过,并且是韩国情报机构和哥伦比亚的LonNol政权的顾问。

    Westbrook worked for the CIA in Vietnam as a psychological warfare expert , and as an advisor to the Korean equivalent of the CIA and for the Lon Nol regime in Cambodia .

  3. 与此同时,心理战似乎还可能继续。

    In the meantime the war of nerves seems likely to continue

  4. 根据心理战战法特点,建立了心理战战法模糊DEA评估模型。

    According to the characteristics of psychological operations methods , a corresponding fuzzy DEA model is set up .

  5. 当顾客们正痴迷于苹果的新产品,热议着谷歌平板电脑和亚马逊Kindle阅读器哪个更好时,或许我们是时候该退一步好好想想了:“我们真的需要这些最新的电子产品吗?”新一轮的心理战

    As consumers obsess over Apple 's newly released products and debate whether the Google tablet is better than the new Amazon Kindle , it might be time to take a step back and ask : " Do we really need the latest upgrades ? " New psychology

  6. 去年8月,随着法国的银行明显受到债务危机的威胁,法国企业联盟(Medef)负责人劳伦斯派瑞索(LaurenceParisot)宣称:一直以来,都存在一种旨在破坏欧元区稳定的心理战和图谋。

    Last August , as it became clear that French banks were threatened by the debt crisis , Laurence Parisot , the head of the French business federation , claimed : There has been a kind of psychological warfare and an attempt to destabilise the euro area .

  7. 第一次世界大战中的传单心理战述评

    On Psychological Warfare through Distribution of Leaflets in World War ⅰ

  8. 论伊拉克战争对未来心理战的影响

    The Impact of The Iraq War on Psychological War in Future

  9. 同时,英国人向阿士兵展开心理战。

    Meanwhile the British fought psychological warfare against the Argentine soldiers .

  10. 论反恐怖特种作战中的战术心理战

    On Battle of Tactical Psychology in an Anti-terrorism Specific Battle

  11. 在目前我国侦查讯问中,心理战的观念和理论尚未成形。

    The idea and theory of psychological fight has not been formed .

  12. 黄队,你们负责心理战。

    Gold team , you guys are responsible for the mental warfare .

  13. 导弹武器打心理战的目标选择探要

    Research on Target Selection of Exerting Missile Weapons on Psywar

  14. 暗示法与侦查心理战

    The Way of Suggestion and the War of Investigative Psychology

  15. 现代心理战对高校国防教育工作的思考

    The Consideration of Modern Psychological Warfare and National Defence Education

  16. 论战略心理战与实施

    Study on the Theory and Implementing of Stratagem Psychological Warfare

  17. 你怎么会不了解他们的小诡计,心理战

    How could you not recognize the mind games , the scams ,

  18. 心理战:未来战争的制胜法宝

    Psychological Warfare : a Magic Weapon in the Future

  19. 心理战与警察战术心理战刍议

    A Tentative Talk on Psychological Warfare and the Psychological Warfare of Police Tactics

  20. 心理战信息损伤的概念与研究

    Concept and Research of Information Trauma on Psychological Warfare

  21. 有人将这看作是父亲与儿子之间的心理战。

    Some looked at it as a psychological battle between father and son .

  22. 威慑心理战战法优选研究

    Research on the Optimal Choice of the Tactics for the Deterrent Psychological Operations

  23. 博弈制胜与竞赛中的心理战

    To Win by Gaming and Psywar in Competition

  24. 他是个天才,心理战大师,超级傀儡玩家。

    He is a genius . A mind games expert . A master puppeteer .

  25. 简论警察诱捕战斗中的战术心理战

    A Brief Discussion on Psychological War of Tactics in Entrapment Combat of the Police

  26. 心理战作用机理及其攻击效应定量分析模型探讨

    Discussing on the Mechanism of Psychological Warfare and Quantitative Analysis Model of Attack Effectiveness

  27. 决定了买房子,许多想都没想过的压力也随之而来。买房子不仅是个体力活,更是场斗智斗勇的心理战。

    Buying a house brings with it a lot of unwanted stress and pressure .

  28. 这很显然是一个心理战。

    This is very obviously a psychological warfare .

  29. 现代信息技术在心理战中的运用&对伊拉克战争进行分析

    The Use of Modern Information Technology in Psychological Warfare & Analysis on the Iraq War

  30. 心理战。用于影响友方、中立方和敌方的心理。

    Psychological warfare , used to influence the minds of friends , neutrals and foes .