
  • 网络Psychotherapy Techniques
  1. 在心理学的应用问题上,它发展了新的心理治疗技术,扩展了心理学的应用领域;

    As for the application of psychology , it develops new psychotherapy techniques ;

  2. 我们在幼儿园的治疗实践也表明,沙盘游戏治疗是一种易于为儿童所接受的十分有效的心理治疗技术。

    We are practicing in kindergartens , which shows that sandplay is an effective psychotherapeutic technique .

  3. 而移空技术的组织结构、术语表达借鉴了现代的思维心理学和行为、催眠等疗法的心理治疗技术。

    Modern thinking psychology and psychology therapy techniques such as behavioral therapy and hypnosis have some reference for the organization structure and term expression of MET .

  4. 心理学的历史表明,对人性看法的逐渐改变带来了心理咨询与治疗技术的不断发展。

    The history of psychology shows that changeable view of humanity brings on evolution of counseling and psychotherapy .

  5. 心理治疗通过系统脱敏技术或解决深层焦虑的方法来降低恐怖症的症状。

    Psychological treatments may attempt either to reduce the symptoms of the phobia by techniques such as systematic desensitization , or to resolve the underlying anxiety .

  6. 方法:采用整合性临床心理治疗和咨商技术对32例学校恐怖症患者进行规则的心理治疗12次以上,总结患者认知模式和行为应对模式的错误。

    Methods : Integrative psychotherapy and consulting technology were used to treat 32 patients with school phobia regularly more than 12 times . Their cognitive modes and behavioral reply error modes were induced .

  7. 目的:阐述急性期脑卒中患者常用心理防御机制特点以及心理治疗干预技术技巧,增加对脑卒中患者心理干预技术的可操作技巧运用和研究。

    OBJECTIVE : To expound the characteristics of psychological defense mechanism and the skills of psychotherapy intervention , which were used in acute stroke patients , to increase the application and research on psychological intervention in stroke patients .

  8. 积极心理治疗是以积极心理学思想为理论指导的一种心理疗法,它是多种心理治疗的理论与技术的整合模式,积极心理治疗是以积极心理学理论为指导的心理治疗方法。

    Positive psychological treatment is a kind of treatment with the guidance of the theory of positive psychology and it is a kind of pattern of combination of all kinds of theories and technologies .