
  • 网络Public Courses;Common Courses;General course
  1. 教育技术公共课是培养教师教育技术能力的主渠道。

    The general course of educational technology is the main channel to train teachers'educational technology competence .

  2. 哲学原理公共课网上教学的实践与探索

    Practice of Network-based Teaching of the General Course Philosophy

  3. 高校公共课体育教师Fuzzy综合评估的研究

    Research on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Physical Education Teachers in Colleges and Universities

  4. 介绍计算中心机房建成Novel网应用于计算机公共课上机的实践探索。

    This paper introduces the practice that the Computer Centre has been set up Novell Network using in Computer Common Course .

  5. Novell网络应用于计算机公共课

    Novell network be used in computer common course

  6. 大学英语是一门公共课,具有与专业英语不同的特点,因此CALL给大学英语教学带来的不仅仅是促进作用,同时也带来了一系列的问题。

    Because College English is a foundation course with its own characteristics different from Specialized English , CALL brings about both the promotion on College English teaching and a series of problems as well .

  7. 基于Moodle的高师教育技术公共课协作学习实践研究

    The Practice Study on Collaborative Learning about Common Curriculum of Educational Technology in Normal University Based on Moodle

  8. 《VISUALFOXPRO程序设计》是高等学校非计算机专业的公共课,在培养学生的综合能力、提高学生的信息素养方面有着重要的作用。

    《 Visual FoxPro Programming 》 is a common course of non computer major in higher education institutions , and it is very important in improving the general ability and informational attainment for students .

  9. 通过使用多媒体CAI课件、助学软件、网络课程、Blog、QQ群创设立体化学习环境,对《现代教育技术》公共课教学具有重要意义。

    By way of multimedia CAI courseware , teaching aids software , online course , Blog and QQ groups , three-dimensional study environment can be created , which plays a significant role in common required course Modern Education Technology teaching .

  10. 透析高师教育学公共课迷惘现象

    Deep Thought on Lost Phenomena in Public Pedagogy in Higher Institution

  11. 高师公共课心理学课堂教学的审美化设计

    The Aesthetic Design of Psychological Classroom Teaching at Teachers ' Colleges

  12. 数学公共课研究型教学模式之研究

    On the Research - teaching Model of the Public Mathematics Course

  13. 高师计算机公共课教学改革思路探讨

    On Educational Reform of Non-majoring Computer Studies in Teachers ' Colleges

  14. 计算机公共课实验教学模式的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Experiment Teaching Model in Computer Common Courses

  15. 职业高中公共课系列教材《英语》中存在的问题及研究

    Studies on the Problems in Public English for Vocational Senior Schools

  16. 湖南省普通高校健美操公共课课程现状及发展对策

    The Setting of Common Aerobics Course in Universities of HuNan Province

  17. 《现代教育技术》公共课课程改革与创新实践研究

    The Reform and Innovative Practical Research of Modern Educational Technology Course

  18. 研究生数学公共课教学平台的建设与实践

    The Construction and Practice of Mathematics Public Teaching Platform for Postgraduates

  19. 高等师范院校公共课分层教学的理论研究

    Theoretical Study about Delaminating Education of Public Courses Higher Normal Colleges

  20. 公共课教育学实践教学改革初探

    On the Teaching Reform of the Practical Teaching Public Course Pedagogics

  21. 完善《现代教育技术》公共课的教学评价体系;

    Change the appraisal of the common curriculum of educational technology .

  22. 计算机公共课的教学实践与认识

    Computer as a Common Course : Teaching Practice and Understanding

  23. 高校计算机公共课的教学改革探索

    Exploration of Teaching Reformation of the Computer Public Course in the College

  24. 《现代教育技术》公共课教材建设的缺失及对策研究&对现有部分教材的内容分析

    Study on Defect and Countermeasure of Teaching Material of Modern Educational Technology

  25. 师范生《现代教育技术》公共课研究文献的元分析

    The Meta-analysis of Research Articles on Common Curriculum of Modern Educational Technology

  26. 高师信息技术公共课教学的教育实践取向

    The practice orientation of IT public course teaching in high normal institutes

  27. 关于完善高校语文公共课建设的思考

    Thoughts about Improving the Construction of Chinese Public Course in the College

  28. 高校《现代教育技术》公共课中存在的问题及对策

    The Problem in the Course of Education Technology and its Coping Strategies

  29. 《现代教育技术》公共课立体化学习环境的探索

    Exploration of Three-Dimensional Study Environment in Modern Education Technology Teaching

  30. 试论高校数学公共课教材的构成

    Try the composing of the textbook in public mathematical lesson in University