
ɡōnɡ pínɡ xìnɡ
  • fairness;equity;justification
  1. 那个决定引起人们对国务卿的权力及其做法的公平性的质疑。

    That decision raised questions about the secretary of state 's powers and the fairness of his procedure .

  2. 挂号电子邮件协议需要具备保密性、不可否认性及公平性

    There are some goals of Certified E-mail Protocol : confidentiality non-repudiation and fairness .

  3. P2P网络中保证瓶颈带宽公平性的路由队列管理

    Router Queuing Management Mechanism with Fair Bottleneck Bandwidth in P2P Network

  4. 无线局域网中TCP公平性问题研究综述

    Survey on TCP Fairness in Wireless Local Network

  5. TCP流带宽公平性研究

    Study on bandwidth fairness of TCP flows

  6. 一种改善TCP公平性的算法

    Improved fairness algorithm for multiple TCP connections

  7. 基于库所指标分解的Petri网活性与公平性分析

    Analysis of Liveness and Fairness of Petri Net Decomposed on the Index of Places

  8. 基于公平性的多用户OFDM系统自适应功率分配松弛算法

    Relaxation Algorithms for Adaptive Power Allocation in Multiuser OFDM Systems with Proportional Fairness Requirement

  9. 应用于WLAN的自适应令牌型公平性保障多址接入协议

    A new multiple access protocol for WLAN based on adaptive token passing

  10. Petri网的局部公平性

    Local - fairness for Petri nets

  11. 一种提高多速率WLAN公平性的MAC协议

    Improvement on Fairness in Multi - rate WLAN

  12. 通过修改参数,TCP-D可以同时进行TCP吞吐率、稳定性和公平性的改进。

    This new algorithm can improve the throughput , stability and fairness of TCP simultaneously by amending parameters .

  13. 高速TCP算法的最新进展及MIMD算法的公平性分析

    Development of High Speed TCP Algorithm and Fairness Analysis of MIMD Algorithm

  14. DS域中一种补偿CIR体现公平性的流量控制方法

    An CIR-compensate assured forwarding flow control method with fairness in DS domain

  15. 并对SET支付系统进行了设计和模拟实现,从结果来看SET协议的公平性、非否认性、隐私性等安全性能得到了加强。

    And the SET payment protocol was designed to perform a simulation , the outcomes show that the security properties of SET , like fair , non-repudiation , privacy , etc. , have been strengthened .

  16. 为解决具有不同接入带宽用户在共享链路上的公平性问题,提出了一种多门限随机早期检测(RED)队列方法。

    To solve the problem that subscribers with different bandwidths obtain fair bandwidth in shared uplink , a method called multi-thresholds Random Early Detection ( RED ) queue was proposed .

  17. 中国少数民族考生与外国考生HSK成绩的公平性分析

    DIF Detection and Analysis in HSK Scores of Minority Examinees and Foreign Ones

  18. 方法:采用描述统计法分析卫生人力总体情况,运用GiniStyle模型系统分析卫生人力配置公平性。

    Methods : Analyze general situation of health human resource with describing Stat. Analyze the equity of health human resource allocation with Gini-Style model .

  19. 中国企业MBO的博弈抉择&从公平性、风险性和效率性角度的分析

    The Choices of MBO in China 's Enterprises & Analysis from the Angle of Fairness , Risks and Efficiency

  20. 本算法在资源分配的同时考虑用户物理信道状态信息以及反映公平性和QoS需求的其他层参数。

    The algorithm allocates the resource taking into account both the physical channel state information and parameters of other layers reflecting the system fairness and QoS requirements .

  21. 仿真表明,改进后的分组调度算法能够较好的满足不同业务类型的QoS要求,并提高对尽力而为(BE)业务的公平性。

    The simulation results showed that the advanced hierarchical scheduling algorithm could satisfy the QoS need of different type services and improve the fairness for BE service .

  22. 实验结果表明,FASTTCP在快速收敛和吞吐率方面性能优越,而BIC在RTT公平性和TCP友好性方面更为突出。

    The experimental results show that FAST TCP has good performances in fast recovery and throughput and BIC behaviors better in RTT fairness and TCP friendly .

  23. 本文在简单介绍带有时间的Petri网后,提出了一种新的哲学家用餐问题的算法,这个算法解决了公平性,无死锁性。

    After a brief introduction to the Timed Petri Net , a new algorithm for the Dining Philosophers Problem is presented which is fair to diners and free of deadlock .

  24. 结论在公平性方面,CSFQ算法和FRED算法明显优于非公平性的RED算法,而CSFQ算法的性能更佳。

    It is better than FRED algorithm , and the latter better than RED algorithm .

  25. CTT与IRT下的合格分数确立方法&测验公平性中的一个技术问题

    The Method of Identifying the Passing Score under CTT and IRT & One Issue Concerning Fairness of Examination

  26. 相对于静态带宽分配算法而言,一套设计良好的动态带宽分配算法可以在保证业务公平性的前提下保证全业务的QoS并提高系统的带宽利用率。

    Compared to static bandwidth assignment algorithm , a set of well-designed dynamic bandwidth assignment algorithm can ensure full service QoS and increase the system bandwidth utilization under the premise of service fairness .

  27. P2P分布式特点极大地提高了系统的可扩展性,但也带来许多挑战性问题,如节点动态性管理,数据调度机制,公平性和安全问题等。

    Although the decentralized feature of P2P greatly improve system scalability , it also brings about some challenging problems , such as peer dynamics , data scheduling mechanism , fairness and security issues .

  28. 预测反馈控制满足了拥塞控制的效率性和公平性的要求,克服了AIMD算法的上述缺点。

    Forecast feedback control meets the requirement of fairness and efficiency and overcome the disadvantage as above .

  29. 仿真表明:由于新方法综合考虑了排队延迟和丢包率等因素,因此能够保持多条并行的LSP的流量分配的公平性。

    The simulation result shows that : By considering both the queuing delay and loss rate , the fairness of the new method is guaranteed .

  30. 为了解决区分服务(DiffServ)中带宽分配的公平性问题,利用内部带宽评估机制提出了一种新的TCP友好标记算法。

    In order to solve the unfairness problems of bandwidth allocation in DiffServ ( differentiated services ), a new TCP-friendly marker was proposed and realized by building an inherent bandwidth estimation mechanism .