
jì dé lì yì jí tuán
  • vested interests
  1. 既得利益集团在反对这项计划。

    Vested interests are opposing the plan .

  2. 已有的既得利益集团将在短期赢得政治斗争。

    Established vested interests will win the short-term political battle .

  3. 与其它大公司一样,微软也有既有文化和既得利益集团,特别是负责Office和Windows等赚大钱产品的部门。

    Like other large companies , Microsoft has an established culture and entrenched interests , notably the product groups in charge of big money-spinners such as Office and Windows .

  4. 作品中的主角,H大的校长何季洲,是当代文学史具有典型意义的人物,他是当今国情下既得利益集团的代表。

    The protagonist in the novel , He Jizhou , president of H University , is a typical character in the history of modern Chinese literature , for he is the representative of the vested interest group under the current national conditions .

  5. 政策的创立取决于既得利益集团。

    Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy .

  6. 消除既得利益集团影响是思想解放的最大障碍

    Vested Interest Group is the Biggest Obstacle to Mind Emancipation

  7. 真正的改革会给普京周围的既得利益集团带来威胁。

    Real reform threatens vested interests around Mr Putin .

  8. 既得利益集团的形成条件探析

    Analyse on Conditions of Formation of Vested Interest Groups

  9. 既得利益集团成宏观调控障碍

    Vested interests , an obstacle to macro-control

  10. 公平视角下防范党内既得利益集团形成的政治学思考

    Politics Reflection on Fair about Being on Guard to Form Vested Interests within The Party

  11. 拟议中的碳排放控制措施遭到石油业中强大的既得利益集团的反对。

    Pro-posed controls on carbon emissions were opposed by powerful vested interests in the oil business .

  12. 初始条件不理想。目前我国粮食流通正处在新旧体制交替的转轨时期,粮食合作社的发育有待冲破多种制约,传统计划经济时期形成的既得利益集团对粮食合作社的发展有一定的压力。

    The vested interest groups formed under the traditional planned economy system create barriers to the development of grain cooperatives .

  13. 维克斯对这种看法感到愤怒是可以理解的,因为他正在坚决抵抗来自既得利益集团的不可接受的压力。

    Sir John is understandably angry at this suggestion , as he stood up to unacceptable pressure from vested interests .

  14. 而且还从厘金导致地方既得利益集团的形成入手,揭示中央和地方对厘金的重视以及无法裁撤厘金的现实阻力。

    Furthermore , to disclose the emphasize on Likin of central and local government and practical obstruction to cut it .

  15. 研究人员和立法人士均表示,为了践行(包容性增长)这一理念,就需要限制既得利益集团,并促成各项法律的有效实施。

    To implement the concept will require restricting vested interest groups and effective law enforcement , researchers and legislators said .

  16. 经济学家多年来一直青睐的一个构想是教育券制度,但它遭到既得利益集团的强烈反对。

    One idea that economists have been enamoured with for years is school vouchers but there is strong resistance from entrenched interests .

  17. 威廉姆斯表示,在中国,失衡状况正在反弹,强大的既得利益集团可能会阻挠快速改革的努力。

    Mr Williams says that in China , imbalances are rebounding and powerful vested interests are likely to frustrate efforts at rapid reform .

  18. 制定一项法令禁止抽烟是不可能的,因为拥有烟草公司的既得利益集团很有势力。

    It would be impossible to make a law forbidding smoking , because of the powerful vested interests who owned the tobacco companies .

  19. 而其结果也将深具新意:在这里,任何新奇但可能有争议的想法都可以尝试,而不受既得利益集团的持续干涉。

    The result is a skunk works : a place where novel and possibly controversial ideas can be tested without constant interference from institutional vested interests .

  20. 重点应当是对垄断部门和既得利益集团进行罗斯福式的打击,不管它们是中国的国有企业还是华尔街的大银行。

    The priority should be a Rooseveltian attack on monopolies and vested interests , be they state-owned enterprises in China or big banks on Wall Street .

  21. 这些特殊利益群体,学者们概括为既得利益集团、特殊利益集团、利益集团和分利集团等几种概念。

    Scholars summarize them as several concepts , such as the concept of vested interest groups 、 special interest groups 、 interest groups and profit sharing groups .

  22. 即便他是,但在一个领导权由集体分享、既得利益集团固化的时代,他有能力践行他的信念吗?

    And , even if he is , in an age of collective leadership and ossified vested interests , will he be able to act on his convictions ?

  23. 中国今天的经济地位为自己提供了机会之窗。但是窗户很快会闭合,因为特定的改革政策获益者正在发展成为既得利益集团,他们可不愿意丧失已经获得的益处。

    But that window will close fast , because beneficiaries of specific reform policies have morphed into vested interests , which are fighting hard to protect what they have .

  24. 但由于来自既得利益集团的阻力,从国有企业和富裕地区拿出更多资金为外来务工人员提供福利的提案均没了下文。

    But proposals to tap state-owned firms and rich regions for additional cash to pay for the benefits have gone nowhere because of resistance from those benefiting from the status quo .

  25. 谢赫哈马德招致了既得利益集团的批评。由于卡塔尔日益暴露在外界面前,将国际社会的审视目光引向其内部运作,卡塔尔政府正出台改革措施,而这些改革威胁到了那些既得利益。

    Sheikh Hamad is a lightning rod for criticism from vested interests threatened by reforms the government is introducing as its increasing exposure turns the glare of international scrutiny on to its inner workings .

  26. 近10年来,中国一直在辩论实施燃油税,过去3年里的争论尤其激烈,环境和能源安全担忧与多个强大的既得利益集团之间各执一词。

    China has been debating the introduction of a fuel tax for nearly a decade and the discussion has been particularly intense over the past three years , pitting environmental and energy security concerns against several powerful vested interests .

  27. 基于缺乏一个坚强的领导核心、旧制度的强大惯性和既得利益集团对改革的阻碍等,小泉内阁的结构改革前景并不乐观。

    Judging from the lack of strong core leadership , the powerful inertia of the existing system and the hindrance of the interest groups to the reforms , we are not optimistic about the prospect of the structural reforms in Japan .

  28. 实践中由于各种因素的干扰,如既得利益集团的游说,政治程序中的选票机制,导致存款保险的目标偏离到对所有银行和存款人的保护,构建出一个激励错置的体系来。

    In practice , due to many unwanted factors , such as interests group lobbying , voting effects , the purpose of deposit insurance deviates to a universal protection on all banks and depositors , which inevitably creates a fault stimulating system .

  29. 一个国家越富,要想实现快速增长就越难。而领导人在位的时间越长,就越容易丧失改革的劲头,或成为既得利益集团的傀儡。

    As a nation becomes richer , it becomes harder for it to grow rapidly . And the longer leaders stay in power , the more likely they are to run out of reform ideas , or to fall prey to vested interests .

  30. 政治家对竞选献金极度依赖,而且他们发现竞选献金大多来自金融界等既得利益集团,特别是能源行业,在这种情况下,就会出现血淋淋的奇迹:什么事情都可以做。

    And when they depend so much on campaign contributions , and they find the campaign contributions come so much from the vested interests , the financial world , but more particularly the energy world , it 's a bloody miracle anything gets done .