
  • 网络an open economy;opening economy
  1. 国民经济和社会发展十四五规划和2035年远景目标纲要提出,要建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。

    China aims to basically establish a new system for higher-level open economy in the next five years , according to the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan ( 2021-2025 ) for national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the year 2035 .

  2. 同时,也牵头实施全市开放型经济和WTO事务等工作。

    Meanwhile , it plays the leading role in the work of open economy and WTO affairs .

  3. 中国正在加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。

    Now , China is speeding up efforts to foster a new development paradigm from the world and contribute more to the world with its own development .

  4. 推动建设开放型经济新体制和区域合作构架,让亚太的大门始终向全世界敞开。

    Economies should " work for new economic institutions and regional cooperation architecture that are open , so that the door of the Asia-Pacific will always be open to the entire world .

  5. 我国应以加入WTO为契机,发展开放型经济,实行新的引资战略,加大吸引FDI的力度,提高利用FDI的效益。

    China should seize the opportunity of joining WTO , develop exoteric economy , implement new absorbing FDI stratagem , increase its degree and improve its benefit .

  6. 我国已经加入WTO,发展开放型经济、积极利用外资是我国经济发展战略的重要组成部分。

    Our country has already joined WTO , and it is important components of the economic development strategy of our country to develop open economy and utilize the foreign capitals actively .

  7. 继而运用SWOT分析法对开放型经济条件下我国西部地区第三产业发展所具备的优势、劣势,所面对的机遇与威胁进行详尽的分析,并构建指标评价体系。

    Then the method of SWOT is used in the detailed analysis of the strengths 、 weaknesses 、 opportunities and threats of the western tertiary industry under the open economy and to construct an evaluation index system .

  8. 其中,对外贸易、FDI是中国开放型经济发展模式中起主导作用的要素,二者共同促进了国内外要素的整合,主导了国内经济增长。

    Among them , foreign trade and foreign direct investment are the principle elements which play a leading role , they promote the joint and integration of elements of both at home and abroad , and lead the growth of domestic economy .

  9. 麻省理工学院(mit)已故的查尔斯金德尔伯格(charleskindleberger)认为,开放型经济需要一个霸主,它的职责之一是在危机中充当最后支出国和最后借款国。

    The late Charles Kindleberger of MIT argued that an open economy required a hegemon . One of its roles is to be spender and borrower of last resort in a crisis .

  10. 这种汇率传递效应程度高是符合小型开放型经济体的理论假设和实证的结果,还有也可能与市场定价(PTM)效应有关。

    The high magnitude of the exchange rate pass-through results are consistent with the assumption and experiences of small , open economies , and might also be in part a consequence of low pricing-to-market ( PTM ) effects .

  11. 关于加快安徽开放型经济发展的几点思考

    Some ideas of quickening the development of Anhui 's open economy

  12. 重庆市发展内陆开放型经济模式研究

    The Research on the Model of Inland Open Economy in ChongQing

  13. 关于构建辽宁开放型经济的对策思考

    Thoughts on the Countermeasures for the Construction of Liaoning 's Open Economy

  14. 湖州地区开放型经济发展的对策研究

    Researches on the Growth of Open Economy in Huzhou Region

  15. 开放型经济是与封闭型经济相对立的概念。

    Open economy with a closed economy is opposed to the concept .

  16. 加强区域经济合作,发展西南开放型经济

    Reinforce Regional Cooperation & Develop Open Economy of the Southwest of China

  17. 区域经济合作是促使开放型经济的重要动力。

    Regional cooperation is an important factor to impel the economy open .

  18. 区域经济合作与开放型经济的目标是内在地一致的。

    The targets of regional cooperation and open economy are inwardly consistent .

  19. 论马克思开放型经济发展思想及其现实意义

    On Marx 's Ideology of Open Economy Development and Its Practical Significance

  20. 开放型经济水平不断提高。

    We constantly raised the level of the open economy .

  21. 开放型经济与就业创造&以江苏为案例的分析

    Open Economy and Employment Creation & a case analysis of Jiangsu Province

  22. 经济全球化推动了我国开放型经济的建设。

    Economy globalization is the main external condition to develop open economy .

  23. 南京开放型经济竞争力研究及对策

    Study on the Competitiveness of Nanjing Open - Economics

  24. 开放型经济进入新阶段。

    China has entered a new stage in developing a more open economy .

  25. 现代世界经济是开放型经济。

    The world economy has become openly in modern .

  26. 中国开放型经济及其经济开放度研究

    Study on Open-Economy and Economic Openness Degree in China

  27. 对建立森工企业开放型经济模式的几点浅见

    How to establish open economic mode in forestry enterprise

  28. 常州开放型经济发展的创新体系

    Changzhou open oriented economy development 's innovation system

  29. 区域经济理论与辽宁省开放型经济发展战略研究

    Research On Regional Economic Theory and the Open Economic Development Strategy of Liaoning Province

  30. 试论构建湖北开放型经济的产业结构

    On Industrial Structure of Open-economy in Hubei Province