
  • 网络Kaesong industrial complex;Kaesong Industrial park
  1. 在开城工业园区(kic),韩国企业雇用朝鲜工人来制造一系列产品,这表明合作能够奏效。

    The Kaesong industrial complex ( KIC ) , where South Korean businesses employ northern workers to make a range of goods , shows that co-operation can work .

  2. 约有800名韩国工人和他们的主管进入了朝韩双方共同经营的开城工业园区。

    About 800 South Korean workers and their supervisors entered the jointly operated Kaesong Industrial Complex .

  3. 朝鲜官方的朝中社(KCNA)报道,平壤方面将驱逐开城工业园区的韩国工人。

    North Korea 's official KCNA news agency reported that Pyongyang would expel South Korean workers from the Kaesong industrial park .

  4. 开城工业园区及其对朝鲜经济改革的影响

    Kaesong Industrial park and impact on North Korean economic reform

  5. 他说,北韩单方面制定有关开城工业园区的政策是错误的。

    He says it is wrong for North Korea to form its Kaesong policy unilaterally .

  6. 开城工业园区有123家韩国工厂,雇佣了53000名朝鲜工人。

    The complex is home to 123 South Korean factories that employed 53000 North Korean workers .

  7. 首尔甚至可以考虑关闭其触礁的“阳光政策”的象征开城工业园区。

    Seoul might even consider closing the Kaesong industrial complex , symbol of its wrecked sunshine policy .

  8. 平壤过去曾经切断这条军方热线,使韩国工人滞留开城工业园区。

    Pyongyang has in the past cut the military hotline , stranding South Korean workers at the complex .

  9. 韩国统一部发言人千海成说,北韩已经准备好讨论开城工业园区。

    South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung says North Korea is ready to talk about the Kaesong Industrial Complex .

  10. 朝鲜还控制着在开城工业园区工作的近1000名韩国人质。

    Pyongyang also has control of nearly 1,000 South Korean hostages working at the Kaesong industrial enclave in the North .

  11. 朝鲜和韩国官员星期四举行会谈,争取解决双方长期以来围绕开城工业园区工人工资问题的分歧。

    North and South Korea officials hold talks Thursday aimed at resolving a protracted wage dispute at a jointly run factory complex .

  12. 在开城工业园区,韩国生产服装和家庭用品的简单制造业公司雇佣了约35000名朝鲜人。

    The Kaesong complex employs more than 35000 North Koreans in simple manufacturing for South Korean companies that make apparel and household goods .

  13. 开城工业园区是南北合作的一个实验场所,它是2004年在北韩和韩国的边境开辟的商业区。

    The Kaesong complex is an experiment in North-South cooperation which opened for business in2004 just inside North Korea 's border with the South .

  14. 周三,一支韩国代表团前往朝鲜开城工业园区。此行目的是通过协商重新开启两国联合开设的工业园区。

    A South Korean delegation headed to the Kaesong industrial complex in North Korea on Wednesday for negotiations on restarting the jointly run facility .

  15. 在会谈中,北韩要求提高在开城工业园区工作的北韩员工的工资以及工业园区内南韩企业的土地使用费。

    During those talks , the North demanded pay raises for workers and land-use fees for the South Korean companies that use the complex .

  16. 北韩向韩国提出提高开城工业园区的租金并增加工人薪水的要求,这个工业园区是南北韩在靠近韩国的北韩境内开办的联合工业设施。

    North Korea has presented South Korea with sharply elevated rent and wage demands for running a joint industrial facility just inside the North Korean border .

  17. 此次重新开放开城工业园区被看作是自朝鲜实施导弹和核试验以来,朝韩关系开始回暖的最重要标志。

    The reopening is seen as the most important sign of warming relations between North and South Korea since the North carried out missile and nuclear tests .

  18. 一个韩国代表团星期四清晨启程前往开城工业园区。该园区位于事态紧张的南北朝分界线上朝鲜一侧。

    A South Korean delegation left early Thursday for the Kaesong Industrial Complex , which lies on the North Korean side of the countries ' tense border .

  19. 韩国表示,朝鲜必须为关闭韩朝共同开发的开城工业园区所产生的后果负全责,开城是一座边境城市。

    South Korea says North Korea must take all responsibilities for the consequences from the closure of the joint industrial park at the border town of Kaesong .

  20. 开城工业园区是2000年具有历史意义的南北韩峰会上取得的主要成果之一,这次峰会使得南北韩双方的经济合作进一步提高。

    The Kaesong industrial zone is one of the main fruits of a historic inter-Korean summit in2000 , which led to enhanced economic cooperation between the two sides .

  21. 韩国代表团团长李相民说,自今年6月以来,这将是负责运营开城工业园区的联合委员会首次举行会谈。

    Lee Sang-min , head of the Seoul delegation , said it will be the first meeting since June for the joint commission in charge of running the complex .

  22. 北韩做出上述表示之前,南北韩就有关双方在北韩联合开办的开城工业园区问题举行了大约两个小时的会谈。

    That word came after about two hours of working level talks Thursday between the two sides concerning the Kaesong Industrial Complex , a joint industrial zone in North Korea .

  23. 平壤屡次禁止原材料供应商进入北韩境内,上个月还宣布终止在开城工业园区的薪酬合同和租约。

    Pyongyang has on several occasions restricted access across the North-South border by suppliers of raw materials , and last month announced the nullification of wage and rent contracts there .

  24. 金泳卓说,韩国方面对北韩说,这名被关押的韩国人是开城工业园区面临的一个关键问题。韩国还表达了他的家人对他的担忧。

    Kim said the South told the North the detainee is the " essential " issue facing the Kaesong complex , and expressed how much his family was worried about him .

  25. 平壤宣布撤回韩朝工业园区内所有朝鲜劳务人员,此后韩方发表了以上声明,开城工业园区内有123家韩国企业,雇佣了约5万3千名朝鲜员工。

    The statement came after Pyongyang declared the pullout of all its workers from the inter-Korean industrial zone which is housing 123 South Korean companies and employing some 53000 North Korean workers .

  26. 朝鲜军方还表示,将撕毁面向朝鲜境内韩国人的安全保证,此言令人担心开城工业园区的韩国工人的安全。

    The North 's military also said it would scrap safety guarantees for South Koreans crossing the border , raising fears about the safety of South Korean workers in the Kaesong industrial enclave .

  27. 但是韩国统一部说,在最后滞留的7名韩国人能离开开城工业园区之前,需要更多的时间解决未支付的税款和工资。

    But the South 's Unification Ministry says more time is needed to resolve issues such as unpaid taxes and wages before the seven remaining South Koreans can leave the Kaesong industrial complex .

  28. 开城工业园区有大约120家韩国工厂,雇用着5万3千多名朝鲜工人。该园区于2004年开始运营,是南北双方为数不多的经济合作项目之一。

    More than 53000 North Korean workers are employed by about 120 South Korean factories in the park , which opened in 2004 and is one of the few areas of North-South economic cooperation .

  29. 这似乎表示,开城工业园区这一韩朝之间最重要的贸易联系,有可能免遭南北双方紧张局势升级的冲击,尽管朝鲜扬言要与韩国断绝一切联系。

    This suggested the most important trade link between the two Koreas , an investment enclave in the North Korean city of Kaesong , could survive rising tensions despite North Korea 's threat to sever ties with Seoul .

  30. 开城联合工业园区难以重启。

    The Kaesong joint industrial park isn 't any closer to reopening .