
  • 网络Huishan;hyesan
  1. 而白山市长白县与朝鲜第三大城市惠山市水平距离不足50米,朝鲜无移动通信网络,并且要求我国CDMA信号不能在其境内使用。

    While white mayor white county and North Huishan the third largest city of the horizontal distance of less than 50 meters , North Korea without a mobile communication network , and asked our country CDMA signals cannot be in the territory of use .

  2. 无锡惠山新城规划设计理念的思考

    Thought on Planning & Design Concept of Wuxi Huishan New City

  3. 惠山泥人有粗货、细货之分。

    Huishan clay figurines include fine and coarse figurines .

  4. 惠山泥人的传统创作观念在中国当代雕塑中的应用

    Application of the Traditional Design Concept of Huishan Clay Figurine on Chinese Contemporary Sculpture

  5. 无锡惠山国家森林公园林相现状分析

    Analysis of the present situation of forest form of Wuxi Huishan National Forest Park

  6. 山顶电视塔钢构架安装&无锡市惠山第二电视塔的吊装施工

    Erection of TV Tower Steel Frame on Hill Top & Hoisting Operation of Wuxi No.2.TV Tower

  7. 论手风琴组曲《惠山泥人印象》的释与奏

    By Accordion Suite " Hui Clay Figurine Impression " " Releases " and " Plays "

  8. 惠山泥人在彩塑发展中形成了独自鲜明的艺术风格及特征。

    HuiShan clay dolls have been developed a special artistic style and characteristic in the history of painted sculpture .

  9. 所以,现在的惠山有九龙十三泉。

    That is why there are found today on Mount Hui what is known as the Nine Dragon Thirteen Springs .

  10. 惠山泥人造型丰满、简练,夸大头部,着重刻画表情。

    Huishan clay figurines are short in stature , full with big heads , and their facial expressions are vividly depicted .

  11. 历史地段功能更新中苑、院、坊空间形态研究&以无锡惠山古街规划为例

    Study of Spatial Forms in the Function Renovation of Historical Districts : A Case Study of Huishan Historical District , Wuxi

  12. 传承与再生&无锡惠山古祠堂群的保护和更新研究

    Inheritance and Regeneration & A Research of the Protection and Renewing of Ancient Ancestral Temple Group in Huishan Mountain of Wuxi

  13. 这一时期,惠山有作坊、店铺四十多家,专业匠师三十多人。

    At that time , there were over 40 clay figurine workshops and stores in Huishan employing some 30 professional craft workers .

  14. 惠山泥人,是一种植根于民间、取材于民间又为群众所喜闻乐见的传统民间工艺,品类众多,样式繁杂。

    As a type of traditional folk art , Huishan clay figurine comes from among the people and is very popular as well .

  15. 其中最著名的是天津的“泥人张”和无锡的惠山泥人。

    The most famous were the Clay Figurine Zhang made in Tianjin and the Huishan clay figurines made in Wuxi , Jiangsu Province .

  16. 2005~2007年无锡市惠山区某密集散村蔬菜地残存钉螺控制效果观察

    Survey on the Control Effect of Remnant Oncomelania Snails in Vegetable Field of a Densely Powder Village in Huishan District from 2005 to 2007

  17. 天津泥人、河南泥人、惠山泥人各具奇趣,观众可以从片中详细了解到中国泥人这种民间艺术多姿多彩的独特魅力。

    Tianjin clay figurines , Henan clay figurines , and Huishan clay figurines have different features which vividly show you the uniqueness of Chinese clay figurines .

  18. 无锡惠山泥塑,中国一绝,举世无双,欢迎选购。

    Unequaled in this world , the Huishan clay sculpture of Wuxi city is an unique product of China . You are welcome to make your choice .

  19. 本公司位于太湖明珠无锡,地处国家级高新技术开发区惠山经济开发区工业园。

    The company is located in national high-tech development zone industrial park of Huishan Development Zone in Wuxi , a city known as the pearl of Taihu Lake .

  20. 据考证:惠山的二泉之水在唐代确实往京城运送过。

    According to historical documents , it is true that in the Tang Dynasty there was the practice of sending water to the capital from the Second Spring .

  21. 本文从惠山泥人的起源和发展,惠山泥人的造型和用色等方面对惠山泥人的艺术特征和文化背景进行了初步的探讨。

    In this article , the author discussing artistic style and cultural background of HuiShan clay dolls from the following aspects : origin and development , shape and colour etc.

  22. 清同治到光绪年间,出现大量戏剧为题材的戏文泥人,这也是惠山泥人历史上最昌盛的时期。

    From Emperor Tongzhi 's to Guangxu 's reign in the Qing Dynasty , more opera figurines were produced and the Huishan clay figurine production reached the height of its development .

  23. 从明末张岱《陶庵梦忆》的记载开始,江苏省无锡市的惠山泥人至少已有400年的历史;清朝以后,泥人的生产和销售达到了鼎盛时期。

    Huishan clay figurines in Wuxi , Jiangsu Province boast a history of400 years at least , which date back to Ming dynasty and reached the peak during the Qing Dynasty .

  24. 本文从惠山泥人与昆曲这两种艺术门类的社会生态关系入手,意在探讨戏文对于泥塑创作和欣赏的社会学因素。

    This paper aims at discussing the creation and appreciation of the clay sculpture from the perspective of sociology with the help of the social ecological environment of the two folk arts .

  25. 惠山泥人又可分两类:一类“泥要货”供儿童玩耍、“大阿福”是最典型的作品。

    The mountain clay doll can divide two again : A type of " the mire want goods " is provided for child to play ," great blessing " is the most typical work .

  26. 对惠山祠堂群建筑艺术进行分析、归纳和提炼。

    According to variety of historical information , architectural information , as well as art and design information ; analyze , summarize , and refine the architectural art at the Huishan Ancestral Hall Group .

  27. 首先,本文通过对当地地理自然环境、历史文化的分析与认识,探讨惠山祠堂群形成原因,以及空间布局特色。

    First , through the analysis and understanding of the natural environment , historical culture , explore the causes of the Ancestral Hall Group formation , as well as the characteristics of the spatial distribution .

  28. 水箱情况很好,可是您大概缺少&夸特的机油.惠山泥人造型丰满、简练,夸大头部,着重刻画表情。

    The water 's fine , but you 're about a quart low on oil . Huishan clay figurines are short in stature , full with big heads , and their facial expressions are vividly depicted .

  29. 无锡惠山彩塑,以独特的艺术造型、鲜明的江南民间色彩和浓郁的乡土民俗韵味而闻名于世,在我国工艺美术史上具有重要地位。

    Wuxi Huishan clay figurines , well-known for its unique artistic style , vivid folk colors of Jiangnan and full-bodied flavor of rural life , plays an important role in arts & crafts history of China .

  30. 惠山祠堂群传统建筑装饰不仅传承了中国传统装饰工艺,也丰富了传统装饰内容,并且为继承中华文化与宣扬当地民俗艺术文化做出了贡献。

    The Huishan Ancestral Hall Group of traditional architectural decoration not only inherited Chinese traditional decorative art , enriched the content of the decorations , but also contributed to pass down Chinese culture and local folk art .