
  • 网络Huygens;Huygens probe;Cassini-Huygens
  1. 惠更斯号一面在橘色的霾雾中飘移,探测器上的「气相层析质谱分析仪」(GCMS)将一面分析其大气组成。

    As Huygens floats through the orange haze , the probe 's Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer ( GCMS ) will analyze the composition of the atmosphere .

  2. 当卡西尼·惠更斯号宇宙飞船从1997年开始接触土星,

    When the Cassini Huygens spacecraft took off in 1997 for a closing encounter with Saturn ,

  3. 装满燃料的卡西尼?惠更斯号重达5500公斤,高约6.8公尺。

    Fully fueled , Cassini-Huygens weighed about 5,500 kilograms and stood 6.8 meters tall .

  4. 但是惠更斯号反弹了出来,滑到地面,摇摆一会之后便停了下来。

    But Huygens bounced out and slid across the surface before coming to rest with a wobble .

  5. 今年12月25日,卡西尼号将释放惠更斯号探测器,让它航向土卫六,历时三周。

    On December 25 Cassini will release the Huygens probe , which will coast toward Titan for three weeks .

  6. 以探测器摇摆的速度可以看出惠更斯号碰到的岩石不到一英尺长。

    And the speed of the probe 's wobble suggests that Huygens bumped against a rock less than an inch across .

  7. 2005年,欧洲的惠更斯号探测器在土星的卫星泰坦上登陆,让人们看到前所未见的土星表面的景象。但着陆后几秒内发生了什么却不清楚。

    In 2005 the European Huygens probe landed on Saturn 's moon Titan and provided an unprecedented look at the surface . But what happened in the first seconds after touchdown wasn 't clear .