
  • 网络gas giant
  1. 继木星这颗气态巨行星之后,火星将在东部夏令时间周三凌晨1点11分左右出现。人们看到的火星将是一个略带红色的圆点。

    Mars will follow the gas giant 's solo debut , appearing as a reddish dot at approximately 1:11 a.m. E.S.T. Wednesday .

  2. 莫比德利表示,可能存在的第九大行星,也许是一个气态巨行星的核心,自太阳系初期就开始形成;

    Dr. Morbidelli said a possible ninth planet could be the core of a gas giant that started forming during the infancy of the solar system ;

  3. 问题是,迄今观测到的大部分外部行星气态巨行星,太靠近他们的起源恒星,不可能在那里诞生。

    The problem is that most of the exoplanets detected to date , being gas giants , are too close to their stars to have been born there .

  4. 很少有人会去研究那些超大型的岩石行星的动力学,因为它们很难形成:任何这么大的东西在形成过程中都足以吸引大量的氢和氦,从而变成一颗气态巨行星。

    The dynamics of really huge rocky planets aren 't often analyzed , since there 's no obvious way that they could form ; anything that large will have enough gravity to gather hydrogen and helium during planet formation and become a gas giant .

  5. 太阳系有9颗星球有足够浓密的大气:地球——显而易见——还有火星、金星、四大气态巨行星、土星的卫星泰坦,还有太阳。现在让我们仔细分析下在这些星球上分别会发生什么。

    There are nine solar system bodies with atmospheres thick enough to matter : Earth-obviously-Mars , Venus , the four gas giants , Saturn 's moon Titan , and the Sun . Let 's take a closer look at what would happen to a plane on each one .

  6. 石质行星会在靠近起源恒星的区域形成,而气态的巨行星在外围形成。

    Rocky planets would form nearest the parent star , with gas giants farther out .