
  • 网络Triton
  1. 天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。

    Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size , mass , and density .

  2. 冥王星与海卫一几乎同样大小,同样密度。

    The planet Pluto and the moon Triton have almost the same size and density .

  3. 从照片看,海卫一是一颗粉红色与白色相间的美丽的冰球。

    Pictures of Triton show a beautiful pink and white ball of ice .

  4. 包括木星的卫星:木卫四和木卫三、海王星的海卫一,甚至是冥王星。

    including Jupiter 's moons Callisto and Ganymede , Neptune 's Triton , and even Pluto .

  5. 就海卫一来说,夏季的太阳使表面上薄薄的一层冻结的一氧化碳升华为气体。

    In Triton 's case , the summer sun sublimates a filmy surface layer of frozen carbon monoxide into gas .

  6. 海卫一似乎有过一段历史,就像八月带回家的冰淇淋:冻结、融化、再冻结。

    Triton seemed to have a history like ice cream carried home in August : frozen , melted , then frozen again .

  7. 如果你现在正站在海卫一的南半球,你将会欣赏到该卫星上的仲夏景色。

    If you were standing in the southern hemisphere of Triton right now , you 'd be enjoying the peak of summer .

  8. 同时,多亏了欧洲南方天文台的这个录像片,你可以到海卫一上进行一次模拟之旅。

    In the meantime , you can make a virtual visit to Triton , thanks to this video from the European Southern Observatory .

  9. 按照拥有的水量排序,从少到多依次是:土卫二,土卫四,地球,木卫二,冥王星,海卫一,木卫四,土卫六和木卫三。

    In order of how much water they have , from the least to the most , they are : Enceladus , Dione , Earth , Europa , Pluto , Triton , Callisto , Titan , and Ganymede .