
  • 网络Navy;aquamarine;Blue;navy blue;sea blue
海蓝色 [hǎi lán sè]
  • (1) [sea blue]∶中度的蓝绿色,比釉绿蓝些深些,比不来梅蓝又双绿些深些

  • (2) [marine blue]∶一种比一般玉米花色或龙胆蓝色蓝而且暗,比美国国旗蓝色蓝而且带点淡紫的红蓝色

  • (3) [aquamarine]∶淡蓝到淡绿蓝色

  1. 传统的职业色彩包括红色(有闯劲的),海蓝色(可信赖的),灰色(保守的),黑色(别致的)。

    Traditional career colors include red ( aggressive ), navy ( trustworthy ), gray ( conservative ) and black ( chic ) .

  2. 蓝鲸是种浅色的鲸鱼,透过蓝色海水的滤光作用,它浅淡的皮肤就会变成蓝绿色或海蓝色。

    Balaenoptera musculus is a pale whale , and when seen through the blue filter of the ocean , its pallor goes turquoise or aquamarine .

  3. 英国是一个岛国,四面环海,因此,海蓝色,是崇拜和崇高的颜色。

    Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea , so the color of the sea-blue is worshipped and it becomes the noble color .

  4. 他的同伴很快反应了过来,但没有马上回话,而是转过身来看了看他,那深邃的海蓝色双眼中流露出的痛苦神情,将他主人的睿智隐藏了起来。

    His companion recovered quickly , however , turning to study him with those disarming storm-blue eyes that showed the warrior 's emotions plainly but hid the sharp mind within .

  5. 伴随蓝色眼妆的时尚风潮而来的,是一种怀旧的感觉,但是也有人争论说更具现代气息的钴蓝色、蓝宝石色和海蓝色才是值得青睐的。

    The vogue for blue eye make-up brings with it a sense of nostalgia but a coming of age contends that more contemporary hues of cobalt , sapphire and aquamarine are worthy of your devotion and it doesn 't stop there .

  6. 当晚的着装要求是要么带猥琐性质的伴娘装,要么带诋毁性质的伴郎装。但是塔克自己却不顾这个要求,当晚她身穿着一条漂亮的海蓝色吊带连衣裙,脚穿一双著名的卢博婷四英寸跟的红色漆皮单鞋。

    The dress code was " slutty bridesmaid or slurring groomsman , " but Tucker had ignored her own injunction , and was dressed in a flattering strapless dress the color of sea foam and red patent-leather Louboutin pumps with four-inch heels .

  7. 它为姑娘们带来了苦苦追寻的浪漫气息和不容拒绝的可爱外表。今年,时尚品牌推荐的流行色有珊瑚色、海蓝色、经典红、黄色、甜美粉色,黑白格以及黑蓝底小圆点的图案。

    They are meant to create the romantic and irresistible cute looks that many girls long for . The colors suggested by the fashion brands this year include coral , oceanic blue , classic red , yellow , sweet pink , as well as patterned options like checks in black and white , or dots in black and blue .