
  • 网络Rijeka;HNK Rijeka;Fiume
  1. 拟修建的巴卡尔桥为432m跨径的拱桥,位于里耶卡到塞尼的高速公路上,横跨巴卡尔海峡。该桥几乎完全由强度达到200MPa的活性粉末混凝土预制构件拼装组成。

    The Bakar Bridge to be built on expressway from Rijeka to Senj and over the Bakar Straits is a 432-m span arch bridge composed of almost all precast and assembled reactive powder concrete elements with concrete strength up to 200 MPa .

  2. 里耶卡港的改造和现代化建设使该港口的通行能力增加了一倍,并使克罗地亚有可能成为一个更有吸引力的贸易通道。

    The restructuring and modernization of Rijeka Port doubled port traffic and positioned Croatia as a more attractive trading route .

  3. 希尔同时也是克罗地亚里耶卡大学经济系公共管理项目的兼职教授。

    He is affiliated with the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rijeka in Croatia through its Public Administration Program .