
lǐ áng
  • Lyons;Leon;Olympique Lyonnais;LYS
  1. 他们设法与英国驻里昂领事馆取得了联系。

    They managed to make contact with the British consulate in Lyons .

  2. 事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。

    Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons .

  3. 被称作bouchon的里昂小餐馆是里昂饮食的缩影。

    Lyonnais cooking is epitomized by the so-called ' bouchons ' .

  4. 瓦朗斯是里昂南面一座寂静的小镇。

    Valence is a sleepy little town just south of Lyon .

  5. 在法国,克劳斯·巴比是臭名昭著的“里昂屠夫”。

    Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon .

  6. 我需要在黄昏前到达里昂。

    I need to get to Lyon by nightfall

  7. 里昂是从英国驱车前往阿尔卑斯山的门户。

    Lyons is the gateway to the Alps for motorists driving out from Britain .

  8. 奈杰尔说目前他很乐意留在里昂。

    Nigel says for the moment he is very happy to stay put in Lyon .

  9. 哪两条河在里昂相汇合?

    Which two rivers join at lyon ?

  10. 里昂证券的经济学家预测,台湾GDP今年将下滑11%。

    CLSA economists forecast a 11 per cent decline in Taiwan 's GDP this year .

  11. 是蒂姆·罗金斯(TimRiggins),迪里昂黑豹队里的后卫(来自电影FridayNightLights——译注)。

    Tim Riggins , the fullback for the Dillon Panthers .

  12. 但仅实现国际化还不够,法国里昂商学院(EMLyon)院长贝尔纳?贝勒唐特(BernardBelletante)表示。

    But being international is not enough , says Bernard Belletante , director-general of EMLyon .

  13. 里昂证券(亚洲)(CLSA)的CharlesYonts表示,这种行业整合就是去年光伏面板价格企稳的一个原因。

    This consolidation is partly why panel prices stabilized last year , says CLSA 's Charles Yonts .

  14. 本文作者是里昂证券(CLSA)亚太市场部驻上海中国宏观策略师

    Andy Rothman is the Shanghai-based China macro strategist for CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets

  15. 里昂证券(CLSA)指出,去年搜索广告收入翻了一番。

    Search advertising revenues doubled last year , says CLSA .

  16. 里昂证券(CLSA)分析师艾维•席尔瓦:我们的热情有所减退。

    Avi silver , CLSA : curbing our enthusiasm .

  17. 我坐过法国的巴黎里昂间告诉火车,坐过德国的ICE火车,所以很想知道他们和“新干线”相比较会如何。

    I had been travelling on TGV trains in France and on ICE trains in Germany , so I was eager to find out how these would compare to the Shinkansen .

  18. 现年23岁、来自法国里昂的莎拉•菲奇(SarahFekih)在给《纽约时报》的评论中写道。

    wondered Sarah Fekih , 23 , from Lyon , France , in a comment she wrote to The New York Times .

  19. 里昂证券估计,尽管2011年到2012年间中国3G用户将近翻了一番,在这个13亿人的国度中,3G用户人数仍然只有2.33亿。

    CLSA estimates that while 3G use nearly doubled between 2011 and 2012 , it still stands at only 233m users in a nation of 1.3bn .

  20. 现在卡里昂与其同事正使用影像学技术即功能性核磁成像(功能性MRI)来对儿童大脑在完成情绪性和认知性任务时是否出现不同和怎样出现不同进行可视化研究。

    Carrion and his colleagues are now using an imaging technique known as functional MRI to visualize whether and how the children 's brains differ when performing emotional and cognitive tasks .

  21. 今年,又有两所法国学校进入五强:它们分别是地方高校格勒诺布尔管理学院和里昂管理学院(emlyon)。

    Two more French schools moved into the top five this year : local rivals , Grenoble and EM Lyon .

  22. 当我年轻时,我阅读了里昂·尤瑞斯(LeonUris)所撰写的小说《出埃及记》。

    As a young man , I read a novel : " Exodus " by Leon Uris .

  23. 券商里昂证券(CLSA)的数据显示,只有三分之一的中国家庭有宽带连接。

    Only a third of Chinese households have broadband connections , say brokerage CLSA data .

  24. 约翰•阿格里昂比(JohnAglionby)和詹姆斯•肖特(JamesShotter)补充报道

    Additional reporting by John Aglionby and James Shotter

  25. 据里昂证券(clsa)介绍,其中11家是上市实体,因此普通股民也会蒙受损失。

    According to the CLSA brokerage , 11 are listed entities so ordinary shareholders suffer too .

  26. 诺亚•里昂(NoahLyon)为CommedesGarçons从属品牌SHIRT的衬衣与毛衣设计的插图同样赏心悦目。

    Also excellent were the shirts and sweaters with illustrations by Noah Lyon at Comme 's subsidiary label SHIRT .

  27. 券商里昂证券(clsa)分析师ckcheng表示,智能手机制造商目前的营运利润率一般可达15%至20%。

    Smartphone makers now typically achieve 15 to 20 per cent operating profit margins , according to CK Cheng , an analyst at brokerage CLSA .

  28. 据券商里昂证券(CLSA)估算,中国的煤矿事故死亡人数占全球总数的70%。

    China accounts for 70 per cent of global coal mining deaths , according to CLSA , the brokerage .

  29. 据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)统计,香港目前65%的私人住宅市场控制在三家房地产公司手中。

    Currently , just three companies control 65 % of the private residential market , according to brokerage CLSA .

  30. 它活力十足的氛围催生了“黑键”(BlackKeys)、“里昂国王”(KingsofLeon)、“杰夫兄弟”(JefftheBrotherhood)与“腹泻星球”(DiarrheaPlanet)等乐队,他们都不时在城市里演出。

    The city 's vibrant scene is home to the Black Keys , Kings of Leon , Jeff the Brotherhood and Diarrhea Planet , who all play in town occasionally .