
  • 网络Richmond
  1. 这对夫妻也许得卖掉现在的房子,分开的时间也许会更久,因为切尔西需频繁往返里士满市,经营婚礼及派对策划事业。

    The couple may have to sell their house and will likely spend more time apart , since Chelsea will return frequently to Richmond to run her wedding coordination and party planning business .

  2. 弗吉尼亚州里士满市的资产管理公司RiverFrontInvestmentGroup首席投资策略师史密斯(RodSmyth)说,这次上涨欺骗了所有人,是该出现回落的时候了。

    The rally ' just suckered in everybody , just in time for something to go wrong , ' said Rod Smyth , chief investment strategist at money manager RiverFront Investment Group , based in Richmond , Va.

  3. 后来我丈夫换了个工作,我们搬到了印第安纳州里士满市。

    And as my husband got a different job , we moved to Richmond Indiana .

  4. 周四,数百名韩裔美国人出现在州府里士满市,为投票活动助威。

    Hundreds of Korean Americans showed up on Thursday to cheer the vote in Richmond , the state capital .

  5. 史蒂夫和拉努·哈伯德在弗吉尼亚州里士满市生活了20多年。他们有一栋房子,还有三个孩子。

    For more than two decades , Steve and Ranu Hubbard built their lives in Richmond , Virginia , where they owned a house and raised three children .

  6. 1864年2月9日到10日之间,在弗州里士满市利比监狱内,100多名被囚的联邦士兵从关押他们的战俘设施中连夜逃离。

    Overnight between February 9 and 10 , 1864 , more than 100 imprisoned Union soldiers broke out of their prisoner of war building at Libby Prison in Richmond , Virginia .

  7. 哈伯德一家决定离开里士满市的10年后,普雷特洛·莫林和他的妻子切尔西正准备离开这座城市,尽管他们的情况不同于哈伯德一家。

    Nearly a decade after the Hubbards made their decision to leave Richmond , Pretlow Moring and his wife Chelsea are preparing to move from the city , although under different circumstances .

  8. 弗吉尼亚州里士满市的理财规划师丽莎•哈彻曾就此写过文章,表示自己亲眼见过收入高达六位数的家庭和低收入家庭同样存在经济暴力现象。

    Lisa Hatcher , a financial planner in Richmond , VA who has written on the subject , says she sees it among six-figure earners as well as people who earn substantially less .