
  • 网络hulunbeier;Hulunbuir;hulunbuir city
  1. 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市饮茶型氟中毒调查与分析

    Analysis of fluorosis associated with drinking brick tea in Hulunbuir city , Inner Mongolia

  2. 目的了解呼伦贝尔市牧区饮茶型氟中毒病区分布、病情程度、氟骨症X线特征等流行病学特点。

    Objective To investigate the distribution of brick tea induced fluorosis , epidemiological and radiological characteristics of fluorosis in Hulunbuir city .

  3. 呼伦贝尔市可持续发展战略探讨

    Discussion of strategy of sustainable development in HU LUN BEIR City

  4. 呼伦贝尔市2008年大骨节病重病区病情监测报告

    Surveillance Report of Kaschin-Beck 's disease serious territory of 2008 in Hulun Buir

  5. 呼伦贝尔市道路运输管理信息系统的建设与应用

    Construction and application of information system for road transportation management in Hulun Buir City

  6. 呼伦贝尔市高耗氧量饮用水对人体的潜在危害及预防

    Potential Hazards of Drinking Water with High oxygen consumption on Human Body and Its Prevention

  7. 海拉尔是呼伦贝尔市的政治、经济和文化中心,有“草原明珠”之称。

    Hailar is the political , economic and cultural center , the " Prairie Pearl " was .

  8. 呼伦贝尔市1956~2002年肾综合症出血热疫情分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Situation on Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome of Hulun Beier City in 1956 to 2002

  9. 2007~2008年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区学校呼吸道传染病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis on respiratory infectious disease in schools in Hailar District , Hulun Buir City , Inner Mongolia , 2007-2008

  10. 大骨节病发病危险因数的病例对照研究呼伦贝尔市2008年大骨节病重病区病情监测报告

    Logistic regression of the case-control investigation of Kashin-Beck disease Surveillance Report of Kaschin-Beck 's disease serious territory of 2008 in Hulun Buir

  11. 然而,阿尔泰机场的航班时间表并没有受到影响,而内蒙古呼伦贝尔市暂停的巴士服务也已经开始恢复运行。

    However , flight schedules in the Altay Airport remain unaffected , while suspended bus services in Hulunbuir city of Inner Mongolia have began resuming operation .

  12. 中加农业合作项目在呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗的两个苏木四个嘎查搞试点一年多了。

    The China-Canada agriculture development program has been piloted at two sumus and four gachas of Chenbarhu banner , Hulunber city , for over a year .

  13. 呼伦贝尔市甜菜生产上存在的主要问题是单产不高、总产不稳,究其原因是不能一次抓全苗。

    The main problem of sugarbeet production in Hulunbeir city is lower root yield and unstable total yield , because there is no full stand of seedlings .

  14. 鉴于此种原因,对呼伦贝尔市的光、热、水等气候资源分布状况进行详细的分析是当前必须研究的重要课题。

    In view of this kind of reason , Hulun Buir city light , heat , water and climate resource distribution for detailed analysis is current the main task that must study .

  15. 帮助建立五彩合唱团的吴红杰说,在当地政府和企业的资助下,乐队的青少年已经转移到了位于呼伦贝尔市的海拉尔。

    Wu , who helped set up the group , said that with funding from local governments and companies , teenaged members of the band have moved to Hailar , seat of Hulun Buir City .

  16. 呼伦贝尔市也于2007年在初中毕业生学业考试中实现了思想品德课的开卷考试,彻底改变了延续多年的闭卷考试形式,这是一次历史性的改革。

    The Hulunbuir city has also realized the thought personal character class open-book examination in 2007 in the junior middle school graduate studies test , completely changed has continued many year closed-book examination form , this was a historical reform .

  17. 最后对全文进行简要的总结,指出不足之处并予以展望,从而为呼伦贝尔市的开发建设提供决策依据,也为环境保护管理部门实施有效的环境管理提供科学依据。

    The key is to point out shortage and outlook , therefore to provide basis for decision-making to the Development and Construction of Hulunbuir city , providing the scientific basis for the implementation of effective environmental management to related city departments as well .

  18. 呼伦贝尔市处于内蒙古自治区的东北部地区,属于西北干旱区向东北湿润区和华北旱作农业区的过渡地带,对于保障我国的生态安全和可持续发展具有重要的意义。

    Hulun Buir is located in northeast part of Inner-Mongolia , which is transitional zone from arid areas in northwest change to the humid area in northeast and dryland farming areas in north China . It is significance meaningful to protect ecological security and sustainable development of China .