
hū xī zhōnɡ shū
  • respiratory center;breath-control center
  1. 临床观察和动物实验结果显示,慢阻肺伴CO2潴留时,尼可刹米仍可兴奋呼吸中枢、提高通气量。

    The lung functions after treatment showed various degrees of improvement . Nikethamide still had the effect of stimulation of respiratory center and enhancement of ventilation even though chronic pulmonary obstruction with CO_2 retention was present .

  2. 茶碱除有支气管扩张作用外,还可刺激呼吸中枢、降低肺动脉阻力,这对于合并有肺心病的COPD患者有益。

    In addition to the role of bronchodilator , theophylline can also stimulate the respiratory center , lower pulmonary artery resistance , which combined have the COPD patients with pulmonary heart disease useful .

  3. 呼吸中枢兴奋性低下或呼吸肌严重疲劳时,需改用辅助/控制(A/C)模式。

    But A / C mode are necessary when patients had lower respiratory centre excitability or severe respiratory muscle fatigue .

  4. NPPV时,呼吸中枢驱动随PS水平的升高而减少。

    Respiratory drive decreased with increasing PS levels during NPPV . 5 .

  5. 5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT或seroto-nin)作为一种重要的神经递质,可通过其受体调节呼吸中枢的节律性变化。

    5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) or serotonin , as an important neurotransmitter , modulates respiratory frequency in the PBC via its receptors .

  6. TASK-1在SD大鼠呼吸中枢的表达及其与睡眠呼吸暂停现象之间的关系

    Expression of TASK-1 Channel in Respiratory Centre of SD Rat and Its Relationship with the Occurrence of Sleep Apnea

  7. 提示OSAS患者睡前的呼吸中枢驱动性高于单纯鼾症患者,其呼吸形式为浅快呼吸;

    It is concluded that , before sleep , OSAS patients exhibit a higher respiratory drive and a shallow and frequent breathing pattern as compared with simple snoring patients .

  8. TASK-1在大鼠脑干呼吸中枢的表达研究

    Studies on TASK-1 Expression in the Respiratory Related Nucleus of Brainstem

  9. 目的:探讨老年哮喘患者呼吸中枢驱动力(P0.1)的变化以及其对不同浓度CO2(4%8%CO2)刺激时呼吸中枢驱动的变化和反应。

    Objective : To study the change of respiratory center drive ( P 0.1 ) and the response to stimulation of CO 2 ( 4 % 8 % CO 2 ) .

  10. 结果提示,股动脉注射Sch诱发的肌梭传入可通过延髓呼吸中枢参与对运动性通气增强反应的调节。

    The results suggested that the muscle spindle afferents induced by intraarterial injection of Sch regulate the increased ventilatory response to exercise by the way of respiratory center in the medulla .

  11. 结果表明:梭曼对呼吸中枢作用最强、沙林次之、VX最弱且更似乙酰甲胆碱。

    The results indicated that the inhibitory effect of Soman on the medullary respiratory centre was much stronger than that of Sarin , while VX was the weakest of three inhibitors .

  12. 洛贝林(Lobeline),是一种哌啶类生物碱,能选择性地兴奋颈动脉体化学感受器,反射地兴奋呼吸中枢,大剂量也能直接兴奋呼吸中枢。

    Lobeline is a kind of piperidine alkaloid which can selectively active carotid chemoreceptor , reflectively actives respiratory center , and directly actives respiratory center with large dose .

  13. 方法选取确诊的COPD患者56例进行6min步行试验(6MWT)并测定血气分析、肺功能、气道阻力、顺应性、呼吸中枢驱动和乳酸等指标。

    Methods Six minute walk test ( 6MWT ), blood gas analysis , lung function , air way resistance , compliance , respiration center drive and lactic acid were detected in 65 patients who were diagnosed COPD .

  14. 结论睡眠时,正常人呼吸中枢对上气道阻力增加可产生较有效的代偿,呼吸驱动穴P0.1雪维持在清醒时水平鸦在NREM睡眠期,呼吸中枢的化学敏感性降低不明显;

    Conclusions Sleep has significant influence on respiratory regulation in normal people . The respiratory drive ( P0.1 ) in both NREM and REM sleep stages could maintain the awake level due to an effective compensation to the increase of upper airway resistance .

  15. 呼气阻力负荷对呼吸中枢驱动的影响

    Effects of Expiratory Load on Central Respiratory Drive in Normal Subjects

  16. 呼吸中枢发育的基因调控研究进展

    Progress in Research of Genes Controlling Development of Respiratory Centers

  17. 休克状态时血管运动中枢及呼吸中枢的机能状态

    The reactivity of vaso-motor and respiratory centers during shock and shock-like conditions

  18. 呼吸中枢M受体亚型与细胞内钙

    Intracellular free calcium and muscarinic receptor subtypes of respiratory center

  19. 尿毒症患者呼吸中枢兴奋性及吸气肌力的测定

    Measurement of Central Respiratory Drive and Inspiratory Muscles Strength in Patients with Uremia

  20. 延髓呼吸中枢损伤后神经营养因子基因表达特点的免疫组化研究

    Study on neurotrophic factors genes expression by immunohistochemical staining after bulbar respiratory center injury

  21. 酚对离体鱼头呼吸中枢的影响

    The effect of phenol on the respiratory center of the isolated fish 's head

  22. 樟柳碱对呼吸中枢的影响

    Effects of anisodine on respiratory center

  23. 术后出现脑积水6例,1例死于呼吸中枢损伤。

    Patients suffered from the postoperative hydrocephalus . One patient died of the medulla oblongata injury .

  24. 目的了解皮肌炎患者呼吸中枢肺的功能变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes of central respiratory drive and inspiratory muscle function in patients with dermatomyositis .

  25. 通常,大脑的呼吸中枢探测到氧气水平的下降时,会加深婴儿的呼吸。

    Normally the brain 's respiration center will detect the plummeting when levels and make baby breathe deeper .

  26. 肥胖通气低下综合征患者呼吸中枢反应性的改变与二氧化碳潴留的相关作用

    The role of breathing control disorder in the development of carbon dioxide retention in patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome

  27. 要知道,如果子弹再低一些,就会击中呼吸中枢并立马丧命。

    You know , if it 's any lower , it hits your respiratory center and you die immediately .

  28. 琥珀酸的中枢抑制作用患儿注射安定过快会立即发生呼吸中枢抑制致呼吸骤停。

    To quicken injection of Diazepam immediately leads to inhibition of respiration center which results in sudden stop in breathing .

  29. 其作用机理是枸橼酸钠刺激了颈动脉窦区感受器,通过迷走神经传入呼吸中枢引起的。

    Its functional mechanism is that Na-citrate has stimulated the carotid sinus through the vagus nerve to the respiratory centre .

  30. 呼吸中枢和其他皮层中枢同样表现为小量时兴奋,大量或中毒量抑制。

    The respiratory and other subcortical centers likewise show stimulation after low doses and depression with higher or toxic doses .