
HFA-134a driven salbutamol sulfate metered-dose inhaler : formulation screening and respiratory tract absorption in rats
Isobutane driven salbutamol sulfate metered dose inhaler : formulation selection and respiratory tract absorption in guinea pigs
The gas can be absorbed in respiratory . The World Health Organization has been identified the gas as suspicious carcinogens and teratogenic substances . FA is the first fall of indoor air hazards .
The absorption of MMH through lungs could be characterized as an apparent zero-order process similar to that of the infused MMH . grade .
The resolution of lower respiratory tract infection in the hypophosphatemia group is slower than that in control group ( without hypophosphatemia ), and the mortality is higher ( P < 0.05 ) .
The percentage of atmospheric fluoride ( including that of gaseous and particulate forms ) absorbed by respiratory tract was 60.9 % ( with a 95 % confidence region of 57.5-69.3 % ) . It was negatively correlated to frequency of breath .
Avian reovirus ( ARV ) is an important cause of disease in poultry . In particular , reovirus-induced arthritis , chronic respiratory diseases , and malabsorption syndrome cause considerable economic losses .