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呼伦贝尔草原 [hū lún bèi ěr cǎo yuán]
  • [Hulun Buir Grassland] 一名巴尔嗄高原。在内蒙古东北部、大兴安岺西边、内蒙古高原的东北的高地,东高西低。由呼伦湖、贝尔湖在该地区,故名。草原广阔,便于发展畜牧业,湖泊盛产鱼类

  1. 草原生态价值观&保护呼伦贝尔草原生态环境的必由之路

    The grassland ecology values & the way to preserve the Hulunbuir grassland ecological environment

  2. 呼伦贝尔草原黄羊春季采食生境的选择

    Spring Foraging Habitat Selection by Mongolian Gazelle in Hulun-Beir Grassland

  3. 呼伦贝尔草原对全球变暖的响应

    Change of Grass Growth in the Hulun Buir Steppe in Response to Global Warming

  4. 在呼伦贝尔草原群落植物生活型功能群组成中,多年生丛生禾草、多年生根茎禾草和多年生杂类草是群落地上生物量的主体。

    Perennial bunch grasses , perennial rhizomatous grasses and forbs are main components of plant life form functional groups .

  5. 本文采用数量化分析方法,对呼伦贝尔草原黄羊春季采食生境选择进行了研究。

    Spring foraging habitat selection by Mongolian Gazelle ( Procapra gutturosa ) in Hulun-Beir grassland was studied with cluster analysis .

  6. 呼伦贝尔草原生态旅游资源总量大、类型多样、等级优良,能为人类提供娱乐、美学、文化、教育等多方面价值。

    Diversity of the grassland ecotourism resources with superior grade can offer value from entertainment , esthetics , cultural , education and other for mankind .

  7. 呼伦贝尔草原由于长期利用不合理、部分地段受鼢鼠危害严重和无节制的开发,造成草场出现了大面积退化、沙化。

    Because of the long time unreasonable utilization of Hu Lun Bei Er Grassland , some parts of it had been seriously damaged by moles while the uncontrolled development caused large areas of degeneration and desertification .

  8. 呼伦贝尔典型草原自然降雨和冰雪的融化对土壤水分的影响深度为0~90cm,在该范围内的土壤水分明显受降雨的影响。90cm以下土壤在年内变化幅度较小,含水量在3%~5%之间。

    Secondly , the precipitation and the thaw of ice and snow affect the soil water that from 0 cm soil layer to 90 cm soil layer , and under 90 cm soil layer , the soil water change range smaller during a year .

  9. 呼伦贝尔沙质草原正面临新一轮沙漠化的严重威胁。

    HulunBuir Grassland is endangered by a new phase of sandy desertification .

  10. 呼伦贝尔沙质草原槽形风蚀坑表面气流特征

    Air flow dynamics of the blowout trough in the Hulun Buir sandy grassland

  11. 呼伦贝尔沙质草原风蚀坑形态发育模式分析

    Morphology and Developmental Mode of Blowouts in Hulun Buir Sandy Grassland , China

  12. 王吉安在呼伦贝尔大草原度过了六年的童年时光。

    Wang spent six years of his early childhood living on the Hulun Buir Prairie .

  13. 初秋蜜月旅行,与爱人在科尔沁草原和呼伦贝尔大草原上策马驰骋,是一种相伴到天边的极致浪漫;

    It is a kind of extreme romance to ride on the prairie grasslands during the early autumn honeymoon .

  14. 呼伦贝尔草甸草原羊草群落不同退化程度土壤理化指标

    Studies on the physical and chemical indicators of soil under different degree of degradation in Leymus chinensis community of Hulunbuir meadow steppe

  15. 来自内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔大草原的五彩儿童合唱团之所以流行可以从它的表演计划表明显的看出来。

    The popularity of the Wucai Children 's Chorus , a troupe from the vast Hulun Buir Prairie in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , is easy to see from its performance schedule .

  16. 呼伦贝尔半干旱草原区化探方法技术研究

    On the Technical Method for Conducting Geochemical Survey in Hulun Buir Grassland Semiarid

  17. 呼伦贝尔森林-草原区水土流失动态变化洞庭湖区滩地杨树人工林土壤呼吸动态分析

    Dynamic analysis on soil respiration of Populus plantation on beach land in Dongting Lake

  18. 呼伦贝尔森林-草原交错区属于中大尺度的生态交错带,是我国著名的大兴安岭林区与呼伦贝尔大草原唇齿相依的区域,是我国北方重要的生态屏障。

    The forest-steppe ecotone with alkalized grassland in Hulunbeir , which borders the Great Xing an forest region , is one of the most significant ecological barriers in North China .